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Breakerbox is a dashboard and dynamic configuration tool for Tenacity.

Breakerbox Dashboard Breakerbox Configure

Running Breakerbox

Required: Breakerbox requires you to instrument your code with Tenacity which is a library to aid in resilient design of foreign dependencies.

Download a release or build it yourself with maven

Extract the archive and then run the following command

java -jar breakerbox-service-X.X.X.jar server breakerbox.yml

Then point your browser at http://localhost:8080. You should see a dashboard consisting of the local Breakerbox instance. By default it's backed by an in memory database, so any configuration changes you'll make won't be persisted anywhere until your configure it.

Configuring Breakerbox

Here's a very simple bare configuration of Breakerbox. Each section will be described in detail.

  initialDelay: 0s
  delay: 60s
breakerboxHostAndPort: localhost:8080 #default

  driverClass: org.h2.Driver
  url: jdbc:h2:mem:inMemory;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1
  user: breakerbox
  password: breakerboxpass
  maxSize: 10
  minSize: 2
  checkConnectionWhileIdle: true
  checkConnectionHealthWhenIdleFor: 1s

  connectionTimeout: 500ms
  timeout: 1000ms

defaultDashboard: production

instanceDiscoveryClass: com.yammer.breakerbox.turbine.YamlInstanceDiscovery #default

hystrixStreamSuffix: /tenacity/ #default

  - production
  - stage
  - staging

  urlSuffix: /tenacity/
        - localhost:8080
        - breakerbox

  serviceApiUrl: http://localhost:8080/v1/projects/1a5/services
    kind: 'service'
  accessKey: 3E0F7DB0A2B601981F1B
  secretKey: fWWKGNvmuWpSngyVYHXFMSnE5cDhZWKNkVmQS8zn

  - marathonApiUrl: http://localhost:8080
    marathonAppPort: 12345
    marathonAppNameSpace: /exampleNameSpace
    cluster: exampleCluster

    - type: http
      port: 8080
    - type: http
      port: 8081
    enabled: false
      - type: file
        currentLogFilename: /var/log/breakerbox/requests.log
        archivedLogFilenamePattern: /var/log/breakerbox/requests-%d.log
        archivedFileCount: 5

  level: INFO
    - type: file
      currentLogFilename: /var/log/breakerbox/breakerbox.log
      archivedLogFilenamePattern: /var/log/breakerbox/breakerbox-%d.log
      archivedFileCount: 5

Gzip Disabled

Javascript's EventSource doesn't support gzip encoded streams.

Persistence Storage

You can choose between using an in-memory database (h2), Postgresql, MySQL (potentially other RDBMSes) and Azure Table.

For Postgresql simply modify the database section to (assumes the database "breakerbox" is created):

  driverClass: org.postgresql.Driver
  url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost/breakerbox

For MySQL:

  driverClass: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
  url: jdbc:mysql://localhost/breakerbox

If you wish to use Azure Table remove the database section entirely and add

  accountName: your_test_account
  accountKey: security_key
  timeout: 2s
  retryInterval: 500ms
  retryAttempts: 1

If you specify both database and azure it will only leverage the database store.


By default users that save configuration's will save it under the name anonymous.

At the moment it only supports authenticating users via LDAP and HTTP Basic-Auth which is configurable by adding:

  uri: ldaps://
  cachePolicy: maximumSize = 10000, expireAfterAccess = 15m
  userFilter: ou=users,dc=company,dc=com
  userNameAttribute: cn
  connectTimeout: 500ms
  readTimeout: 500ms

If you need group membership filters you can see the additional documentation on dropwizard-auth-ldap

Dashboard Configuration

turbine: /path/to/instances.yml
urlSuffix: /tenacity/
    - localhost:8080
    - breakerbox
  • turbine is a path to where a yaml configuration file containing the instances configuration is located (this is editable at runtime allowing for dynamic rediscovery).
  • urlSuffix defaults to /tenacity/ you can alter this if you have this resource at a different location
  • clusters is the top level item for your clusters or dashboards you wish to have available. Underneath clusters you can specify dashboard names such as breakerbox or production in this example above. Underneath those you can specify either instances and clusters. clusters can reference other dashboards and will include their instances. This can reference cyclic dashboards and will add instances from both. instances lets you specify a single instance.

Instance Discovery Class

Specifies the Java canonical class name. It defaults to the YamlInstanceDiscovery implementation. You can also leverage the com.yammer.breakerbox.turbine.KubernetesInstanceDiscovery , com.yammer.breakerbox.turbine.RancherInstanceDiscovery , com.yammer.breakerbox.turbine.MarathonInstanceDiscoveryand classes.

To integrate with RancherInstanceDiscovery,

1. specify rancher services Api url, accessKey and secret key.
        serviceApiUrl: http://localhost:8080/v1/projects/1a5/services
        accessKey: 3E0F7DB0A2B601981F1B
        secretKey: fWWKGNvmuWpSngyVYHXFMSnE5cDhZWKNkVmQS8zn
2. add labels in rancher service containers:
     a. true
     b. 8080
     c. clusterName

3. Use hystrixStreamSuffix to provide custom path for hystrix metrics stream. It defaults to /tenacity/
4. RancherInstanceDiscovery will create dashboards per service-cluster with label and one aggregated production dashboard. Dashboards can be created, enabled, disabled by updating labels at runtime.

To integrate with MarathonInstanceDiscovery, 1. specify marathon services Api url, marathonAppPort(your application port), marathonAppNameSpace and clusterName. marathonDiscovery: - marathonApiUrl: http://localhost:8080 marathonAppPort: 12345 marathonAppNameSpace: /exampleNameSpace cluster: exampleCluster

2. MarathonInstanceDiscovery will create dashboards per unique cluster specified in the config.  MarathonDiscovery supports multiple marathon namespaces and cluster support.

Meta Clusters

These are clusters that should be in the dashboard dropdown but aren't necessarily configurable. This is used for dashboards that are made up of multiple clusters that are informational, but don't make much context in the sense of configuring one of them.

  - production
  - stage
  - staging

Adding Breakerbox to your Dropwizard+Tenacity Service

In any Tenacity service to have it poll Breakerbox for dynamic configurations add this to your service configuration.

  • urls: A comma-delimited list of breakerbox instances. The cluster you added in the is the identifier you want to supply here.
  • initialDelay: How long it should wait before the first poll.
  • delay: The interval at which to constantly check Breakerbox for configuration items. Here we specify every minute we'd like to check for new configurations.
  urls: http://breakerbox:8080/archaius/{the-cluster-you-setup-in-breakerbox}
  initialDelay: 0s
  delay: 60s

There is a configuration hierarchy priority and it's good to understand it especially when using dynamic configurations.

  1. Breakerbox
  2. Service configuration YAML
  3. Tenacity defaults

Additional Configuration

Here's a collection of things we have found very useful to make configurable.

  • hystrixMetricsStreamServletMaxConnections: The max number of connections any Dropwizard+Tenacity service will allow from Breakerbox.
  • turbineHostRetry: The interval at which to reconnect to a failed instance. 1s may be a bit fast as a default :)
  turbineHostRetry: 1s
  hystrixMetricsStreamServletMaxConnections: 5

The client Breakerbox uses to fetch latest property keys and configurations is configurable by

  connectionTimeout: 500ms
  timeout: 1000ms

Building Breakerbox

mvn clean package

The artifact will then be available under breakerbox-service/target.

Running Tests

mvn test

breakerbox-azure doesn't have a mock for Azure Table as it wouldn't be that useful, so it requires a valid Azure Table account to run the tests. If you do not supply a valid Azure Table account, these tests will be ignored.


Justin Plock created a Docker for Breakerbox

Behind a Proxy

The dashboard leverages Javascript's EventSource which doesn't support CORs. There is a configurable parameter breakerboxHostAndPort which defaults to localhost:8080. You can change this to allow for your proxy to direct traffic appropriately.