Yandex.Cloud Security Solution Library is a set of examples and recommendations collected in a public repository on GitHub. Its purpose is to help companies build a secure infrastructure in the cloud and meet the requirements of various regulators and standards. Yandex.Cloud team has selected the most common tasks that arise when building security in the cloud. They have tested and described relevant scenarios in detail.
Checklist for security in the Yandex.Cloud infrastructure
- 🕸 Network security
- Example of setting up Security Groups (dev/stage/prod): Terraform
- Example of installing a VM instance with a firewall (NGFW): Check Point
- Example of installing two VM instances with an NGFW Check Point: Active-Active
- Example of installing two NGFW Check Point VMs: Active-Passive
- An example of creating a site-to-site VPN connection to Yandex.Cloud: Terraform
- 🔑 Authentication and access control
- 🦠 Protection against malicious code
- 🐞 Vulnerability management
- 🔏 Data encryption and key and secret management
- 🔎 Collecting, monitoring, and analyzing audit logs
- Collecting, monitoring and analyzing audit logs in Yandex Managed Opensearch
- Collecting, monitoring and analyzing audit logs in Yandex Managed Service for Elasticsearch (ELK)
- Collecting, monitoring, and analyzing audit logs in an external SIEM ArcSight
- Collecting, monitoring, and analyzing audit logs in an external Splunk
- Collecting, monitoring, and analyzing audit logs in an external Wazuh
- Use cases and important security events in audit logs
- Trails-function-detector: Alerts and response to Information Security events in Audit Trails using Cloud Logging and Cloud Functions + Telegram
- Monitoring Audit Trails and events in Yandex Cloud Monitoring
- 👮 Secure configuration

- Kubernetes security
- Authentication and access control in Managed Kubernetes:
- Collecting, monitoring, and analyzing audit logs:
- Data encryption and key/secret management in Managed Kubernetes
- Secure configuration of Managed Kubernetes:
- CVE mitigations:
- Feature comparison table of k8s security solution
- Starboard integration with Yandex Cloud Container Registry to scan running images
- CI/CD Security
- Secure CI/CD on Managed GitLab:
- Speech about compliance and devsesop
- Terraform security
- Improvements, bugs, contribute: Please start using github issue/pr
- Questions, wishes, consultations: Write to us in telegram