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File metadata and controls

196 lines (163 loc) · 10.4 KB

ya package

The ya package packaging command enables you to create various types of packages described in special JSON files and publish them in different fixed configurations.


The general command format is as follows:



  • [OPTION] are additional flags or keys that modify the behavior of the selected subcommand.
  • [PACKAGE DESCRIPTION FILE NAME(S)] are the names of package description files in JSON format (package.json).

How it works

To build a package, run the command specifying the path to the JSON description and the required format. The package will be built in the current directory. If the packaging format is neither specified in the arguments nor described in the package description file, a tar archive is created.

ya package devtools/project/package/hello_world.json

Execution result

tar -tvzf ./some-package-hello-world.85c7e374108166bfc1b2a47ca888830965a07708.tar.gz
drwxrwxr-x 0/0 0 2021-03-11 06:58 some_package_dir/
-rwxrwxr-x 0/0 19488 2021-03-11 06:58 some_package_dir/hello_world

We get an archive with an executable file inside the some_package_dir directory.

Archive description:

    "meta": {
        "name": "some-package-hello-world",
        "maintainer": "Programmers <mail>",
        "description": "hello world test package",
        "version": "{revision}"
    "build": {
        "targets": [
    "data": [
            "source": {
                "type": "BUILD_OUTPUT",
                "path": "devtools/project/hello_world/hello_world"
            "destination": {
                "path": "/some_package_dir/"

This description defines:

  • Package name:some-package-hello-world.
  • Package version: the current repository revision determined automatically.
  • Package contents: the devtools/project/hello_world program to be built for the package will be placed in some_package_dir.

By default, ya package creates a package in the current directory. Use the -O/--package-output options to change the directory to which ya package saves the created packages.

package.json contents

ya package is an add-on on top of the build system and follows the same principles as ya make. It provides a tight and reproducible target build with the minimum required set of command-line parameters.

package.json contains information about the:

  • Build configuration: target programs, build flags, platforms, and more.
  • Dependencies from the repository and resources.
  • Ways artifacts are structured within the package, access rights, file and directory names.
  • Metadata related to the package and its build.
  • Packaging parameters directly related to the package being described.

In most cases, running the ya package <package-path> command in the context of the given repository revision should be enough to build the package of a particular version.

The description format uses special sections with parameters:

  • meta: A metainformation section with the package name, version, description, and other fields.
  • include: A section with the list of paths to other packages whose contents need to be added.
  • build: A section with directives to build the contents of the package using the ya make command.
  • data: A section with elements that move or copy files to the desired paths (source and destination).
  • params: A section for specifying packaging parameters that can be overridden by the command line when running ya package.
  • userdata: A section for arbitrary user data. It's not used or checked by ya package.
  • postprocess: A section describing actions to be completed after ya package has finished performing its main functions.

Supported package formats

The following formats selected with the command-line key are available for packaging:

  • --tar: A tar archive (default).
  • --debian: A deb package.
  • --rpm: An rpm package.
  • --docker: A docker image.
  • --wheel: A Python wheel package.
  • --aar: A native aar package for Android.
  • --npm: An npm package for Node.js.

By default, all programs specified in package.json are built in release mode.

For example, a Docker image can be built with the following command:

ya package <package.json> --docker

To do this, add a Dockerfile that will be used for subsequent docker build and docker-push calls to the json description of the package. The file itself doesn't have to be located next to the json description, but must have /Dockerfile in destination:

    "source": {
        "type": "RELATIVE",
        "path": "Dockerfile"
    "destination": {
        "path": "/Dockerfile"

Before the docker build command is invoked, the package is built, and its contents are prepared in its working directory. When forming commands in a DockerFile (COPY and others), you can expect to have files and the structure of directories described in the json description.

Packaging options

The ya package command supports multiple options. You can find out more about them by running ya package --help.

  • --no-cleanup: Skip clearing temporary directories, used for debugging.
  • --change-log=CHANGE_LOG: Changelog description or a path to the existing changelog file.
  • --publish-to=PUBLISH_TO: Publish the package to the applicable package repository.
  • --strip: Clear (strip) binary files of debugging information (only debugging symbols: strip -g).
  • --full-strip: Fully clear (strip) binary files.
  • --no-compression: Skip compressing a tar archive (only for the --tar parameter).
  • --create-dbg: Creates an additional package with debugging information (works only if --strip or --full-strip are used).
  • --key=KEY: A key to sign the package.
  • --wheel-repo-access-key=WHEEL_ACCESS_KEY_PATH: A path to the wheel repository access key.
  • --wheel-repo-secret-key=WHEEL_SECRET_KEY_PATH: A path to the wheel repository secret key.
  • --docker-registry=DOCKER_REGISTRY: Docker registry.
  • --docker-repository=DOCKER_REPOSITORY: Specify a private repository.
  • --docker-save-image: Save a Docker image to an archive.
  • --docker-push: Save a Docker image to the registry.
  • --docker-network=DOCKER_BUILD_NETWORK: The --network parameter for the docker build command.
  • --raw-package: Used with --tar to get the contents of the package without packaging.
  • --raw-package-path=RAW_PACKAGE_PATH: User path for the --raw-package parameter.
  • --codec=CODEC: Name of the uc compression codec.
  • --codecs-list: Show available compression codecs using --uc.
  • --ignore-fail-tests: Create a package regardless of whether the tests failed or not.
  • --new: Use the new JSON format for ya package.
  • --old: Use the old JSON format for ya package.
  • --not-sign-debian: Skip signing a debian package.
  • --custom-version=CUSTOM_VERSION: Specifies the package version.
  • --debian-distribution=DEBIAN_DISTRIBUTION: Debian distribution (the default is unstable).
  • --arch-all: Use "Architecture: all" in debian.
  • --force-dupload: Enable dupload --force.
  • -z=DEBIAN_COMPRESSION_LEVEL, --debian-compression=DEBIAN_COMPRESSION_LEVEL: deb file compression level (none, low, medium, high).
  • -Z=DEBIAN_COMPRESSION_TYPE, --debian-compression-type=DEBIAN_COMPRESSION_TYPE: Compression type used when creating a deb file (allowed types: gzip, xz, bzip2, lzma, none).
  • --data-root=CUSTOM_DATA_ROOT: A path to the user data directory; the default is <source root>/../data.
  • --dupload-max-attempts=DUPLOAD_MAX_ATTEMPTS: Number of attempts to run dupload in case of failure (the default is 1).
  • --dupload-no-mail: Enable dupload with --no-mail.
  • --overwrite-read-only-files: Overwrite files with read-only permissions in the package.
  • --ensure-package-published: Ensure that the package is available in the repository.

Additional parameters

Basic build options

  • -d: Building in debugging mode.
  • -r: Building in release mode (default).
  • --sanitize=SANITIZE: Sanitizer type (address, memory, thread, undefined, leak).
  • --sanitizer-flag=SANITIZER_FLAGS: Additional flags for the sanitizer.
  • --lto: Building using Link Time Optimization (LTO).
  • --thinlto: Building using ThinLTO.
  • --musl: Building using the musl-libc library.
  • --afl: Use AFL instead of libFuzzer.

The majority of ya make build system options are supported.

Running tests

  • -A, --run-all-tests: Run all tests when building targets from the build section.
  • -t, --run-tests: Run only quick tests when building targets from the build section.
  • --ignore-fail-tests: Ignore test failures when building packages (otherwise the package building process will be aborted).
  • --add-peerdirs-tests=PEERDIRS_TEST_TYPE: Types of peerdirs tests (none, gen, all) (the default is none).

Publishing and uploading packaging results

You can immediately publish the resulting package to the package repository:

  • --publish-to=<repo_url>: Publish the package to the applicable package repository.
  • --ensure-package-published: Check package availability after publishing.
  • --upload-resource-type: Type of the resource to be uploaded.
  • --artifactory: Publish the package to the artifactory (a storage system for binary versions of components and products).

To upload the package to the Artifactory, you need to create and configure the settings.xml file. This file stores the settings used by the Maven Deploy Plugin. You can use this file to declare all the necessary options that would otherwise have to be passed directly to Maven.

settings.xml also supports taking the package version from your package.json.

To locally upload data to the Artifactory, run the ya package command with the additional --artifactory and --publish-to options. Pass the path to settings.xml to the --publish-to option. It can be either absolute or relative from the root of your project.

To pass the password, use the --artifactory-password-path option and specify the path to the file with the password.

ya package --artifactory --publish-to /path/settings.xml --artifactory-password-path /path/password/file