tree-sitter-kotlin Public
Forked from fwcd/tree-sitter-kotlinKotlin grammar for Tree-sitter
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 9, 2024 -
tree-sitter-scala Public
Forked from tree-sitter/tree-sitter-scalaScala grammar for tree-sitter
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 12, 2024 -
http-extensions Public
Forked from httpwg/http-extensionsHTTP Extensions in progress
500lines Public
Forked from aosabook/500lines500 Lines or Less
JavaScript Other UpdatedDec 29, 2020 -
proxygen Public
Forked from facebook/proxygenA collection of C++ HTTP libraries including an easy to use HTTP server.
C++ Other UpdatedSep 23, 2019 -
qvis Public
Forked from quiclog/qvisQUIC and HTTP/3 visualization tools
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedSep 22, 2019 -
paralleluniverse_modern_java Public
Some code snippets from Parallel Universe's opinionated modern java guide (http://blog.paralleluniverse.co/2014/05/01/modern-java/?utm_source=hackernewsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=code)
Java UpdatedAug 10, 2014 -
C_struct_dot_generator Public
Scan a dir of C code, find structs, and generate a dot file to be used by Graphviz to draw a graph to represent relations among them.
keepassx Public
Forked from keepassx/keepassxKeePassX is a cross platform port of the windows application “Keepass Password Safe”.
C++ Other UpdatedJan 20, 2014 -
libLT Public
Forked from day7th/libLTa free fountain code library
C GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedOct 16, 2013 -
rlncd Public
Forked from hundeboll/rlncdRandom Linear Network Coding with batman-adv
C++ UpdatedAug 20, 2013 -
Murco Public
A network coding framework in multi-radio networks, implemented in ns-3
pouring-rain Public
Forked from mgronhol/pouring-rainDistributed data transfer with LT codes
Python Other UpdatedJul 2, 2012 -
Raptor-Codes Public
Forked from jessykate/Raptor-Codesraptor codes are dead sexy rateless erasure codes that can achieve linear time encoding/decoding
Python UpdatedDec 21, 2011