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1333 lines (888 loc) · 35.6 KB


ISSUE: why does bounds stuff take so long?

DISCO full full GHC+LH build = 120s vs Z3 ... 7s (!)

$ stack build --dependencies-only
$ time stack build


Executed in 166.60 secs fish external usr time 156.04 secs 66.80 millis 155.98 secs sys time 7.46 secs 9.35 millis 7.45 secs

#1150 -- FUNCTION ucsd-progsys#1149 -- ??? ucsd-progsys#1120

--fullcheck --checkderived --noclasscheck

<<<<<<< HEAD


#1150 -- FUNCTION ucsd-progsys#1149 -- ??? ucsd-progsys#1120

Don't encode non-encodable ADTs (by default)



Fix: SpecDependencyGraph

  1. Implement Bare.SpecDep
  2. Use slice to pre-filter the BareSpec prior to resolution
-- | This module has datatypes and code for building a Specification Dependency Graph 
--   whose vertices are 'names' that need to be resolve, and edges are 'dependencies'.

module SpecDep (slice) where

-- | A datatype for the different kinds of names we have to resolve
data Label
  = Sign  -- ^ identifier signature
  | Func  -- ^ measure or reflect
  | DCon  -- ^ data constructor
  | TCon  -- ^ type constructor

-- | A datatype for nodes which are pairs of names and labels
data Node = MkNode
  { nodeName  :: LocSymbol
  , nodeLabel :: Label

type Graph = Map Node [Node]

-- | A way to combine graphs of multiple modules

instance Semigroup Graph where

instance Monoid Graph where

-- | A function to build the dependencies for each module

specDepGraph :: BareSpec -> Graph
specDepGraph = _TODO

mkDepGraph :: [BareSpec] -> Graph
mkDepGraph specs = mconcat [specDepGraph sp | sp <- specs]

-- | 'reachable roots g' returns the list of Node transitively reachable from roots
reachable :: [Node] -> Graph -> [Node]
reachable roots g = _TODO

-- | Top-level "slicing" function
slice :: (ModName, BareSpec) -> [(ModName, BareSpec)] -> [(ModName, BareSpec)]
slice (tgt, tgtSpec) specs = _TODO


The use of Prelude.error gives a crazy performance hit apparently even without cut-vars being generated, this is because of some bizarro GHC transforms, that thwart eliminate. This is because GHC now threads callstack through such computations, which make a top-level signature no longer top-level.

             Prelude.error -> dummyError (no call-stack)

LambdaEval.hs 11 -> 4 -> 4 Map0.hs 27 -> 13 -> 13 Map2.hs ""
Map.hs "" Base 103 -> 76.18 -> 68

Not clear Does all that PatSelfBind stuff help at all with these benchmarks?

  • NO.

  • Or do we need to really use a different error?

  • If not, REMOVE IT.

  • ES:fix Target

  • ES:bring back bench

  • NV: Termination requires Haskell signature in tests/pos/Term.hs

  • NV: bound syntax tests/todo/dropWhile.hs

  • NV: bound icfp/pos/FindRec.hs

  • NV: HACK IO TyCon lookup, it appears as a data con (in Lookup)


Prune Unsorted Refs

The below gives a nice SORT error

import Data.Set

data RBTree a = Leaf | Node

{-@ measure isB :: RBTree a -> (Set a)
    isB (Leaf) = 1
    isB (Node) = (Set_empty 0)

rjhala@borscht ~/r/s/liquidhaskell (prune-unsorted-error)> stack exec -- liquid tests/todo/prune.hs

/Users/rjhala/research/stack/liquidhaskell/tests/todo/prune.hs:7:13-15: Error: Bad Type Specification measure isB :: (RBTree a b) -> (Set a) Type constructor Prune.RBTree expects a maximum 1 arguments but was given 2 arguments

/Users/rjhala/research/stack/liquidhaskell/tests/todo/prune.hs:14:13: Error: Bad Measure Specification measure isB The sort (Set_Set @(42)) is not numeric because Cannot unify (Set_Set @(42)) with int in expression: 1 because Cannot cast 1 of sort int to incompatible sort func(1, [(Set_Set @(0))])

now put another SORT CHECK for measures:

  • Input type should be "isGeneric"

    isGeneric T if

    • T is a TyConApp c []

    where t1 .. tn are DISTINCT type variables.

If the above SORT CHECK fails for any measure print an ERROR message saying:

please rerun with --prune-unsorted

(:) :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]

sum :: [Int] -> Int
sum []     = 0
sum (x:xs) = x + sum xs

sum :: Tree Int a -> Int
sum Leaf         = 0
sum Node k _ l r = k + sum l + sum r

Check Covariance

See It is safe is 100 is changed to 0. WHY?


Restore LAZYVARS in Data/Text.hs, Data/Text/Unsafe.hs

Automatically refine inductors

Proposed by Valentine: in dependent languages (Coq) inductors (like our loop for natural numbers) automatically get types abstracted over properties. Traversal should create such functions. Maybe we can automatically refine them.


  • benchmarks: Data.Bytestring ? readsPrec ? big constants issue : _word64 34534523452134213524525 due to (deriving Typeable)

    • see others below
  • hmatrix

  • error messages (see issues on github)


                    time(O|N|C)    TOTAL(O|N)   solve (O|N)      refines       iterfreq
Map.hs          :    54/50/32/10    21/15/8.7      14/8/4.3    9100/4900/2700    16/28/7
ListSort.hs     :   */7.5/5.5/2    */2.5/1.8     */1.5/1.0      */1100/600       */9/7
GhcListSort.hs  :    23/22/17/5    7.3/7.8/5   4.5/5.0/2.7    3700/4400/1900   10/23/6
LambdaEval.hs   :    36/32/25/12    17/12/10     11.7/6.0/5    8500/3100/2400   12/5/5
Base.hs         :        26mi/2m


[OK] Data.KMeans [OK] GHC.List (../benchmarks/ghc-7.4.1/List.lhs) [OK] bytestring [OK] text

[??-PP] Data.Map (supersedes set) - ordering [OK] - size - key-set-properties - key-dependence - balance (NO)

Other Benchmarks

-> FingerTrees (containers / Data.Seq) -> Union-Find (PLDI09 port if necessary?) -> BDD (PLDI09 port if necessary?)

[NO] Data.Set (Map redux) > ordering > size > set-properties > balance (NO)

[NO] Data.IntSet > tricky bit-level operations/invariants

Paper #2

-> Haskell + DB / Yesod / Snap -> NDM/catch benchmarks (with refinements)

Known Bugs

-> tests/todo/fft.hs

-> binsearch crashes because you have chains like:

    x1 = 2
    x2 = x1
    x3 = x2
    z  = x3 / 2

so I guess you need some constprop inside the constraint simplification.

  • tests/pos/data-mono0.hs partial pattern match desugars into exception syntax with unhandled casts. Throws an error in fixpoint. At least throw error in Constraint Gen? (\ _ -> (Control.Exception.Base.irrefutPatError @ () "pos/data-mono0.hs:8:9-23|(Test.Cons x _)") cast (UnsafeCo () GHC.Types.Int :: () ~ GHC.Types.Int)) GHC.Prim.realWorld#;

Xmonad Case Study

Theorems (from Wouter Swierstra's Coq Development)

- Invariant: NoDuplicates

- prop_empty_I      : new  : ? -> {v | invariant(v)}
- prop_view_I       : view : ? -> {v | invariant(v)}
- prop_greedyView_I : view : ? -> {v | invariant(v)}
- prop_focusUp_I
- prop_focusMaster_I
- prop_focusDown_I
- prop_focus_I
- prop_insertUp_I
- prop_delete_I
- prop_swap_master_I
- prop_swap_left_I  
- prop_swap_right_I
- prop_shift_I
- prop_shift_win_I

[prop_FOO_I] check that various functions outputs satisfy "invariant"

FOO :: ??? -> {v: StackSet | invariant(v)}

> Theorem prop_swap_master_I (s : StackSet.stackSet i l a sd) :
> Theorem prop_view_I (l a sd : Set) (n : nat) (s : StackSet.stackSet nat l a sd) :
> Theorem prop_greedyView_I (l a sd : Set) (n : nat) (s : StackSet.stackSet nat l a sd) :
> Theorem prop_focusUp_I (l a sd : Set) (n : nat) (s : StackSet.stackSet nat l a sd) :
> Theorem prop_focusDown_I (l a sd : Set) (n : nat) (s : StackSet.stackSet nat l a sd) :
> Theorem prop_focusMaster_I (l a sd : Set) (n : nat) (s : StackSet.stackSet nat l a sd) :
> Theorem prop_empty_I (m : l) (wids : {wids : list i | wids <> nil})
> Theorem prop_empty (m : l) (wids : {wids : list i | wids <> nil})
> Theorem prop_differentiate (xs : list a) :

[prop_FOO_local] check that various functions preserve a [hidden_spaces] MEASURE

FOO :: x: StackSet -> {v: StackSet | hidden_spaces(v) = hidden_spaces(x) }

> Theorem prop_focus_down_local (s : stackSet i l a sd) :
> Theorem prop_focus_up_local (s : stackSet i l a sd) :
> Theorem prop_focus_master_local (s : stackSet i l a sd) :
> Theorem prop_delete_local (s : stackSet i l a sd) (eq_dec : forall x y, {x = y} + {x <> y}) :
> Theorem prop_swap_master_local (s : stackSet i l a sd) :
> Theorem prop_swap_left_local (s : stackSet i l a sd) :
> Theorem prop_swap_right_local (s : stackSet i l a sd) :
> Theorem prop_shift_master_local (s : stackSet i l a sd) :
> Theorem prop_insert_local (x : stackSet i l a sd) (eq_dec : forall x y, {x = y} + {x <> y}) :

BAD: these check that: forall x: foo (bar x) == x

> Theorem prop_focus_right (s : StackSet.stackSet i l a sd) :
> Theorem prop_focus_left (s : StackSet.stackSet i l a sd) :

[prop_swap_*_focus] check that various functions preserve a [peek] MEASURE > Theorem prop_swap_master_focus (x : StackSet.stackSet i l a sd) : > Theorem prop_swap_left_focus (x : StackSet.stackSet i l a sd) : > Theorem prop_swap_right_focus (x : StackSet.stackSet i l a sd) :

BAD? forall x. swapMaster (swapMaster x) == x > Theorem prop_swap_master_idempotent (x : StackSet.stackSet i l a sd) :

BAD? forall x. view i (view i x) == (view i x) > Theorem prop_focusMaster_idem (x : StackSet.stackSet i l a sd) :

NO. Prove: view :: i -> x -> {v: focus(v) = i}
                :: i -> x -> {v: focus(x) = i => x = v }

To prove foo_IDEMPOTENT, find a property P such that:

            foo :: x:t -> {v:t | P(v)}
            foo :: x:t -> {v:t | P(x) => v = x }

SETS: > Theorem prop_screens (s : stackSet i l a sd) :

TRIV/HARD: (function definition) > [TRIV] Theorem prop_screens_work (x : stackSet i l a sd) : > Theorem prop_mapWorkspaceId (x : stackSet i l a sd) : > Theorem prop_mapLayoutId (s : stackSet i l a sd) : > Theorem prop_mapLayoutInverse (s : stackSet i nat a sd) : > Theorem prop_mapWorkspaceInverse (s : stackSet nat l a sd) :

Theorem prop_lookup_current (x : stackSet i l a sd) : Theorem prop_lookup_visible (x : stackSet i l a sd) :

Random Links

Benchmark Tags

  • LIQUIDFAIL : impossible to do verify the spec here
  • LIQUIDTODO : possible with some further hacking

McBride's Stack Machine youtube mcbride icfp 2012 monday keynote agda-curious

data Instr = Push Val | Add
type Val   = Int

measure needs                :: [Instr] -> Int
needs (Add    : is)          = min (2, 1 + needs(is))
needs (Push v : is)          = 0

run                          :: is:[Instr] -> {v:[Val] | len(v) >= needs(is)} -> [Val]
run (Add:is)      (x1:x2:vs) = run is (x1 + x2 : vs)
run (Push v : is) vs         = run is (v : vs)

PROJECT: Termination for Combinator-based Parsers

btw, did you guys see this:

the poster probably feels silly, but I have, on several occasions, hit this issue with parsec. Wonder whether our termination checker could be used... hmm...

Sure! You just have to give

type GenParser tok st = Parsec [tok] st

a size, I guess (len [tok]). The hard part will be to prove it when the size is actually decreasing...

Hmm... Surely we need to track somehow the "effect" of executing a single parsing action.

For example,

chars :: Char -> Parser [Char]
chars c = do z  <- char c
             zs <- chars c
             return (z:zs)

What is the machinery by which the "recursive call" is run on a "smaller" GenParser? Does it help if we remove the do block?

chars :: Char -> Parser [Char]
chars c = char c  >>= \z  ->   
          chars c >>= \zs ->
          return (z:zs)

I guess the question becomes, how/where do we specify (let alone verify) that the function char c consumes one character, hence causing the chars to run on a smaller input?

Phew, after banging my head against this all day, this is what I came up with.

You need a measure

measure eats :: Parser a -> Nat

which describes (a lower bound) on the number of tokens consumed by the action Parser a.

Now, you give

return :: a -> {v: Parser a | (eats v) = 0}

and most importantly,

(>>=) :: forall <Q :: Parser b -> Prop> x: Parser a -> f:{v: a -> Parser b | (rec v) => (eats x) > 0} -> exists z:Parser b . {v:Parser b | (eats v) = (eats z) + (eats x)}

(Of course you have to give appropriate signatures for the parsec combinators -- perhaps one can even PROVE the eats measure. However, note that

type Parser a = [Char] -> (a, [Char])

roughly speaking, and here eats is actually the DIFFERENCE of the lengths of the input and output [Char] ... so I'm not sure how exactly we would reason about the IMPLEMENTATION of eats but certainly we should be able to USE it in clients of parsec.

Note that you need a refinement ON the function type, the idea being that:

  1. the BODY of a recursive function is checked in the termination-strengthened environment that constrains the function to satisfy the predicate rec

  2. whenever you use >>= on a recursive function, the PRECEDING action must have consumed some tokens.

  3. the number of tokens consumed by the combined action equals the sum of the two actions (all the business about exists z and Q is to allow us to depend on the output value of f (c.f. tests/pos/cont1.hs)

PROJECT: HTT style ST/IO reasoning with Abstract Refinements

  • Create a test case: tests/todo/Eff*.hs

  • Introduce a new sort of refinement Ref (with alias RTProp)

    • Types.hs: Add to Ref -- in addition to RMono [---> RPropP] and RPoly [---> RProp]
    • Types.hs: Add a World t for SL formulas...
  • Allow PVar to have the sort HProp

    • CHANGE ptype :: PVKind t where data PVKind t = PVProp t | PVHProp
    • Can we reuse RAllP to encode HProp-quantification? (YES)
    • Update RTyCon to store HProp vars
  • Update consgen

    • Can we reuse type-application sites for HProp-instantiation? (Yes)
    • Constraint.hs :1642: = errorstar "TODO:EFFECTS:freshPredRef"
    • PredType.hs : go _ (_, RHProp _ _) = errorstar "TODO:EFFECTS:replacePreds"
  • Write cons-solve

    • eliminate/solve HProp constraints prior to subtype splitting.
  • Index IO or State by HProp

    • Parse.hs: Update data parser to allow TyCon to be indexed by abstract HProp
    • Bare.hs :482 : addSymSortRef _ (RHProp _ _) = errorstar "TODO:EFFECTS:addSymSortRef"


  • What is isBind,pushConsBind in Constraint.hs?
  1. Suitable signatures for monadic operators


a. Following RProp we should have

  • RHProp := x1:t1,...,xn:tn -> World

b. Where World is a spatial conjunction of

  • WPreds : (h v1 ... vn), h2, ...
  • Wbinds : x1 := T1, x2 := T2, ...

c. Such that each World has at most one WPred (that is not rigid i.e. can be solved for.)

Problem: rejigger inference to account for parameters in heap variables.

RPoly (---> RProp)

Per Niki:

RProp := x1:t1,...,xn:tn -> RType

with the 'predicate' application implicitly buried as a ur_pred inside the RType

For example, we represent



RApp [] a (RPoly [(h:a)] {v:a

}) true

which is the RTycon for lists [] applied to:

  • Tyvar a

  • RPoly with:

    • params h:a
    • body {v:a<p> | true} which is really, RVar a {ur_reft = true, ur_pred = (Predicate 'p' with params 'h')}
  • Outer refinement true

Heap Propositions HProp

CP := l :-> T * CP  -- Concrete Heap
    | emp

HP := CP       
    | CP * H        -- Heap Variable

That is, an HProp is of the form:

H * l1 |-> T1 * ... * ln |-> Tn


l1 |-> T1 * ... * ln |-> Tn

I am disallowing multiple variables because it causes problems...

Abstractly Refined ST/IO

data IO a <Pre :: HProp, Post :: a -> HProp>

Refined Monadic Operators

return :: forall a, <H :: HProp>.
            a -> IO <H, \_ -> H> a

(>>=)  :: forall a, b, <P :: HProp, Q :: a -> HProp, R :: b -> HProp>.
            IO<P, Q> a -> (x:a -> IO<Q x, R> b) -> IO<P, R> b

Q1. How does LH reason about HProp?

Via subtyping as always, so:

     forall i. Γ |- Ti <: Ti'
Γ |- *_i li :-> Ti <: *_i li -> Ti'

For this, we need to put in explicit HProp instantiations, just like tyvar (α) and predvar (π) instinstatntiations. This is doable with a pre-pass that generates and solves HProp constraints as follows:

  1. At each instantiation, make up fresh variables h
  2. Treat bound heap-variables as constants
  3. Instantiation yields a set of constraints over h
  4. Solve constraints via algorithm below.

Q2. Can you name values inside HProp?

Nope. There's no reason for this, but its tedious to have to make up new heap binders and what not. Clutters stuff. This is slightly problematic. For example, how do you write a function of the form:

incr :: p:IORef Int -> IO Int

which increments the value stored at the reference? Solution is slightly clunky: rather than the implicit heap binder, add an explicit pure parameter:

incr :: p:IORef Int -> i:Int -> IO {v:Int| v = i} <p |-> {v = i}, p |-> {v = i + 1}>

Q3. How to relate Post-condition to the Pre-conditions?

Note that the Post-condition is a unary predicate -- i.e. does not refer to the input world. How then do we relate the input and output heaps? As above: name the values of the input heap that you care about, and then relate Post to Pre via the name.

Q4. How to read values off the heap?

Given that we don't have heap binders, this might seem like a problem? Not really. Just write signatures like:

read :: IORef a -> IO a

aha, but there's a problem: the a is too coarse or flow-insensitive: it holds a supertype of all the values written at the location, as opposed to the current value. No matter, abstract refinements to the rescue:

read :: forall <I :: a -> Prop>.
          p:IORef a -> IO <p |-> a<I>, p |-> a<I>> a<I>

Q5. How do you do subtyping on heaps/frame rule?

Wait, how do I write compositional signatures that only talk about a particular part of the state but allow me to say other parts are unmodified etc? Don't you need heap subtyping? No: we can make the frame rule explicit by abstracting over heaps:

read :: forall <I :: a -> Prop, H :: HProp>.
          p:IORef a -> IO <p |-> a<I> * H, p |-> a<I> * H> a<I>

Q6. How to solve heap constraints?

Heap constraints are of the form:

  • (C0) ch1 = ch2 -- constants
  • (C1) H1 * ch1 = ch2 -- 1-variable
  • (C2) H1 * ch1 = H2 * ch2 -- 2-variable

Here, each ch is of the form:

l1 |-> τ1 * ... * ln -> τn * A1 * ... * An

where each Ai is a rigid or quantified heap var that is atomic, i.e. cannot be further solved for. For solving, we throw away all refinements, and just use the shape τ.

solve :: Sol -> [Constraint] -> Maybe Sol
solve σ []     
  = Just σ
solve σ (c:cs)
  = case c of
      C0 ch1 ch2 ->
        if ch1 `equals` ch2  then
          -- c is trivially SAT,
          solve σ cs
          -- c and hence all constraints are unsat

      C1 (H1 * ch1) ch2 ->
        if ch1 `subset` ch2 then
          let σ' = [H1 := c2 `minus` c1]
          solve (σ . σ') (σ' <$> cs)
          -- c and hence all constraints are unsat

      C2 (H1 * ch1) (H2 * ch2) ->
        let H = fresh heap variable
        let σ'  = [H1 := H * ch2, H2 := H * ch1]
        solve (σ . σ') (σ' <$> cs)

PROJECT: (OLD) HTT style ST/IO reasoning with Abstract Refinements

Can we use abstract refinements to do "stateful reasoning", e.g. about stuff in IO ? For example, to read files, this is the API:

open  :: FilePath -> IO Handle
read  :: Handle   -> IO String
write :: Handle   -> String -> IO ()
close :: Handle   -> IO ()

The catch is that:

  • read and write require the Handle to be in an "open" state,
  • which is the state of the Handle returned by open,
  • while close presumably puts the Handle in a "closed" state.

So, suppose we parameterize IO with two predicates a Pre and Post condition

data IO a <Pre :: World -> Prop> <Post :: a -> World -> World -> Prop>

where World is some abstract type denoting the global machine state. Now, it should be possible to give types like:

(>>=) :: IO a <P, Q> -> (x:a -> IO b<Q x, R>) -> IO b<P, R> return :: a -> IO a <P, P>

which basically state whats going on with connecting the conditions, and then, give types to the File API:

open :: FilePath -> IO Handle <_ -> True> <\h _ w -> (IsOpen h w)> read :: h:Handle -> IO String <\w -> (IsOpen h w)> <_ _ w -> (IsOpen h w)> close :: h:Handle -> IO () <\w -> (IsOpen h w)> <_ _ w -> not (IsOpen h w)>

Wonder if something like this would work?

Niki: My question is how do you make Q from a post-condition (Q :: a -> Word -> Word -> Prop) to a pre-condition. I guess you need to apply a value x :: a and a w :: Word to write (a -> IO b<Q x w, R>).

I think the problem is that the "correct" values x and w are not "in scope"

So assume

data IO a <P :: Word -> Prop, Q: a -> Word -> Word -> Prop>
  = IO (x:Word<P> -> (y:a, Word<Q y x>))

and you want to type

bind :: IO a <P,Q> -> (a -> IO b <Q x w, R>) -> IO b <P,R>
bind (IO m) k = IO $ \s -> case m s of
                             (a, s') -> unIO (k a) s'

You have

IO m :: IO a <P. Q> => m :: xx:Word <P> -> (y:a, Word <Q y xx>)

you can assume

s:: Word <P>


m s         :: (y:a, Word <Q y s>)
k a         :: IO b <Q x w, R>
uniIO (k a) :: z:Word <Q x w> -> (xx:b, Word <R xx z>)

and we want

(uniIO k a) s :: (xx:b , Word <R xx s>)

so basically we need

P  => Q x w

to be able to make the final application

Ranjit You are right. We need to convert the "post" of the first action into the "pre" of the second, which is a problem since the former takes three, parameters while the latter takes only one.

BUT, how about this (basically, all you need is an EXISTS).

-- | the type for return says that the output world satisfies -- whatever predicate the input world satisfied.

return :: a -> IO a <P, {_ _ w' -> (P w')}>

-- | the type for bind says that its action requires as input a world that satisfies -- Q (for SOME input world w0) and produces as output an R world. (>>=) :: IO a <P, Q> -> (x:a -> \exists w0:World. IO b<{\w -> (Q x w0 w)}, R>) -> IO b<P, {\xb w w' -> \exists xa:a w0:World.(R xb w0 w')}>

Basically, I am using exists in the same way as in the "compose"

to name the intermediate worlds and results (after all, this seems like a super fancy version of . ) -- may have not put them in the right place...

Btw, the existential is also how the HOARE rule for strongest postcondition works, if you recall:

{P} x := e {exists x'. P[x'/x] /\ x = e[x'/x]}

One of the hardest steps seem to type the monad function (>>=):

So, suppose we parameterize IO with two predicates a Pre and Post condition

data IO a <Pre :: World -> Prop> <Post :: a -> World -> World -> Prop>

where World is some abstract type denoting the global machine state. Now, it should be possible to give types like:

(>>=) :: IO a <P, Q> -> (a -> IO b<Q, R>) -> IO b<P, R> return :: a -> IO a <P, P>

My question is how do you make Q from a post-condition (Q :: a -> Word -> Word -> Prop) to a pre-condition. I guess you need to apply a value x :: a and a w :: Word to write (a -> IO b<Q x w, R>).

I think the problem is that the "correct" values x and w are not "in scope"

So assume data IO a <P :: Word -> Prop, Q: a -> Word -> Word -> Prop> = IO (x:Word

-> (y:a, Word))

and you want to type

bind :: IO a <P,Q> -> (a -> IO b <Q x w, R>) -> IO b <P,R> bind (IO m) k = IO $ \s -> case m s of (a, s') -> (unIO (k a)) s'

You have

IO m :: IO a <P. Q>
=> m :: xx:Word

-> (y:a, Word )

you can assume s:: Word

so m s :: (y:a, Word )

k a :: IO b <Q x w, R>

uniIO (k a) :: z:Word -> (xx:b, Word )

and we want (uniIO k a) s :: (xx:b , Word )

so basically we need P => Q x w to be able to make the final application

bind :: ST a <P,Q> -> (a -> ST b <Q x w, R>) -> ST b <P,R> bind (ST f1) k = ST $ \s0 -> let (x, s1) = f1 s0
ST f2 = k x (y, s2) = f2 s1 in (y, s2)

PROJECT: Using Dynamic + Refinements for Mixed Records

Haskell has a class (and related functions)

toDyn   :: (Typeable a) => a -> Dynamic
fromDyn :: (Typeable a) => Dynamic -> Maybe a

Q: How to encode heterogeneous maps like:

d1 = { "name"  : "Ranjit"
     , "age"   : 36
     , "alive" : True

and also:

d2 = { "name"    : "Jupiter"
     , "position": 5

so that you can write generic duck-typed functions like

showName :: Dict -> String

and write

showName d1
showName d2

or even

map showName [d1, d2]

Step 1: Encode dictionary as vanilla Haskell type

type Dict <Q :: String -> Dynamic -> Prop> = Map String Dynamic <Q>
empty :: Dict
put   :: (Dynamic a) => String -> a -> Dict -> Dict
get   :: (Dynamic a) => String -> Dict -> Dict

Step 2: Create dictionaries

d1 = put "name"   "RJ"
   $ put "age"    36
   $ put "alive"  True
   $ empty

d1 = put "name"   "Jupiter"
   $ put "pos"    5
   $ empty

Step 3: Lookup dictionaries

showName :: Dict -> String
showName d = get "name" d

-- TODO: how to support
showName :: Dict -> Dict
incrAge d = put "age" (n + 1) d
        n = get "age" d

-- TODO: how to support
concat :: Dict -> Dict -> Dict

Step 4: Can directly, without any casting nonsense, call

showName d1
showName d2

Need to reflect Haskell Type (or at least, TypeRep values) inside logic, so you can write measures like

measure TypeOf :: a -> Type

and use it to define refinements like

(TypeOf v = Int)

(TODO: too bad we don't have relational measures... or multi-param measures ... yet!)

which we can macro up thus.

predicate HasType V T = (TypeOf V = T)

predicate Fld K V N T = (K = N => (HasType V T))

Step 5: Refined Signatures for Dict API

put :: (Dynamic a) => key:String
                   -> {value:a | (Q key value)}
                   -> d:Dict <Q /\ {\k _ -> k /= key}>
                   -> Dict <Q /\ {\k v -> (Fld k v key a)}>

get :: (Dynamic a) => key:String
                   -> d:Dict <{\k v -> (Fld k v key a)}>
                   -> a

Step 6: Now, for example, we should be able to type our dictionaries as

{-@ d1 :: Dict<Q1> @-}


Q1 == \k v -> Fld k v "name"  String /\
              Fld k v "age"   Int    /\
              Fld k v "alive" Bool   


{-@ d2 :: Dict<Q2> @-}


Q2 == \k v -> Fld k v "name"  String /\
              Fld k v "pos"   Int    /\


  • add support for Type inside logic

    • needed for TypeOf measure, equality checks
    • requires doing type-substitutions inside refinements
  • add support for

    • update [isn't that just put?]
    • concat
  • add support traversals (cf. Ur)

    • Fold (over all fields, eg. to serialize into a String)
    • Map? (transform all fields to serialize) toDB?
    • Filter (takes a predicate that should only read valid columns of the record)

PROJECT: Equational Reasoning

e.g. Type class laws.

Many type-classes come with a set of laws that instances are expected to abide by, e.g.

fmap id  ==  id

fmap (f . g)  ==  fmap f . fmap g
mappend mempty x = x

mappend x mempty = x

mappend x (mappend y z) = mappend (mappend x y) z


1. Representing Proofs

data Proof  = Proof           -- void, pure refinement

type Pf P   = {v:Proof | P}

type Eq X Y = Pf (X == Y)

2. Combining Proofs

bound Imp P Q R = P => Q => R

eq, imp :: (Imp P Q R) => Pf P -> Pf Q -> Pf R

refl    :: x:a -> Eq a x x

3. Axiomatizing arithmetic

add :: x:Int -> y:Int -> {z:Int | z = x + y} -> Eq (x + y) z
add x y z = auto

Example 1: Arithmetic

Lets drill in: how to represent the following "equational" proof in LH?

     (1 + 2) + (3 + 4)       -- e0

     { 1 + 2 == 3}

  == 3 + (3 + 4)             -- e1

     { 3 + 4 == 7}

  == 3 + 7                   -- e2

     { 3 + 7 == 10}

  == 10                      -- e3

Now the above proof looks like this:

e0 :: Int
e0 = (1 + 2) + (3 + 4)

prop :: Eq e0 10
prop = (((refl e0  `imp` (add 1 2 3))   -- :: Eq e0 (3 + (3 + 4))

                   `imp` (add 3 4 7))   -- :: Eq e0 (3 + 7)

                   `imp` (add 3 7 10))  -- :: Eq e0 10  

Example 2: Lists

A more interesting example: Lets prove prop_app_nil:

prop_app_nil: forall xs. append xs [] = xs

The definition of

append []     ys = ys
append (x:xs) ys = x : append xs ys

yields the axioms

append_nil  :: ys:_ -> Eq (append [] ys) ys
append_cons :: x:_ -> xs:_ -> ys:_ -> Eq (append (x:xs) ys) (x : append xs ys)

Code on left, "equations" on right.

prop_app_nil    :: xs:[a] -> Eq (append xs []) xs

prop_app_nil []     = refl (append [] [])             
                                                   -- append [] []
                       `by` (append_nil [])        -- { append_nil [] }    
                                                   -- == []  

prop_app_nil (x:xs) = refl (append (x:xs) [])       
                                                   -- append (x:xs) []
                       `by` (append_cons x xs [])  -- { append_cons x xs [] }
                                                   -- == x : append xs []
                       `by` (prop_app_nil xs)      -- { IH: prop_app xs }
                                                   -- == x : xs

Example 4: Append Associates

prop_app_assoc :: xs:_ -> ys:_ -> zs:_ ->
                     Eq ((xs ++ ys) ++ zs) (xs ++ (ys ++ zs))

prop_app_assoc [] ys zs
  ([] ++ ys) ++ zs
  { append_nil _ }    
  == ys ++ zs
  { append_nil _ }
  == [] ++ (ys ++ zs)

prop_app_assoc (x:xs) ys zs
  ((x:xs) ++ ys) ++ zs
  { append_cons _ _ _ }    
  == (x : (xs ++ ys)) ++ zs
  { append_cons _ _ _ }
  == x : ((xs ++ ys) ++ zs)
  { prop_app_assoc _ _ _ }
  == x : (xs ++ (ys ++ zs))
  { append_cons _ _ _ }
  == (x : xs) ++ (ys ++ zs)

Example 4: Map Fusion

Lets go fancier:

forall xs. map (f . g) xs = (map f . map g) xs

Here's the classical (?) equational proof:

map (f . g) []   
   { map_nil (f . g) }
   == []
   { map_nil f }
   == map f []
   { map_nil g }
   == map f (map g [])
   { dot f g }
   == (map f . map g) []

map (f . g) (x:xs)  
   { map_cons (f . g) x xs }
   == (f . g) x : map (f . g) xs
   { map_dot f g xs }
   == (f . g) x : (map f . map g) xs
   { dot (map f) (map g) }
   == (f . g) x : map f (map g xs)
   { dot f g }
   == f (g x) : map f (map g xs)
   {map_cons f (g x) (map g xs) }
   == map f (g x : map g xs)
   {map_cons g x xs}
   == map f (map g (x : xs))
   { dot (map f) (map g) }
   ==  (map f . map g) (x : xs)

Formalize thus (with functions/axioms)

map f []     = []               -- map_nil
map f (x:xs) = f x  : map f xs  -- map_cons

(f . g) x    =  f (g x)         -- dot

Now, we formalize map-fusion as:

map_fusion :: f:_ -> g:_ -> xs:_ ->
              Eq (map (f . g) xs) (map f . map g) xs

map_fusion f g []     = map_dot_nil f g
map_fusion f g (x:xs) = map_dot_cons f g x xs

The hard work happens in the two "lemmas"

map_dot_nil :: f:_ -> g:_ ->
               Eq (map (f . g) []) ((map f . map g) [])
map_dot_nil f g
  = refl (map (f . g) [])   
                              -- map (f . g) []
     `by` (map_nil (f . g))
                              -- == []
     `by` (map_nil f)
                              -- == map f []
     `by` (map_nil g)
                              -- == map f (map g [])
     `by` (dot f g)
                              -- == (map f . map g) []


map_dot_cons :: f:_ -> g:_ -> x:_ -> xs:_ ->
               Eq (map (f . g) (x:xs)) ((map f . map g) (x:xs))
map_dot_cons f g x xs
  = refl (map (f . g) (x:xs))
                                          -- map (f . g) (x : xs)
      `by` (map_cons (f . g) x xs)
                                          -- == (f . g) x : map (f . g) xs
      `by` (map_dot f g xs)
                                          -- == (f . g) x : (map f . map g) xs
      `by` (dot (map f) (map g))
                                          -- == (f . g) x : map f (map g xs)
      `by` (dot f g)
                                          -- == f (g x) : map f (map g xs)
      `by` (map_cons f (g x) (map g xs))
                                          -- == map f (g x : map g xs)
      `by` (map_cons g x xs)
                                          -- == map f (map g (x : xs))
      `by` (dot (map f) (map g))
                                          -- ==  (map f . map g) (x : xs)

GHC 7.10

  • DONE singleton type classes represented by newtype

    • tried to work around by translating

      foo cast (co :: a -> b ~ Foo)


      D:Foo foo

      but it still breaks when we don't have an LH class decl

    • without LH class decl we never see D:Foo, so it doesn't go in CGEnv

    • SOLUTION: put ALL visible dict constructors in CGEnv

  • casts are used more often and we seem to lose information..

    • seems particularly problematic with ST
  • srcloc annotations

    • -g adds SourceNotes, but the html output is borked
    • in particular, infix operators aren't annotated correctly (at all?)
    • are we missing some SrcLocs??
      • clearly not, if you look at the output of

        ghc -g -ddump-ds -dppr-ticks <file.hs>

        somewhere along our pipeline the ticks are either being dropped, or the SrcSpans don't quite match the way they used to...

  • termination metrics are required in a few places where they were not previously

    • my guess is that ghc's behaviour for grouping functions in a Rec binder have changed