Angular Library to play youtube bakground video.
- Angular 16.x
- Chrome
- Edge
- Firefox
This component is a11y friendly. It respect reduced motion option from browser setting and include toggle button to play/pause the video.
You can see a live demo here.
npm install --save @ngx-yanis/ngx-youtube
Then import module in your project:
import { NgxYoutubeModule } from '@ngx-yanis/ngx-youtube';
imports: [
export class AppModule { }
<ngx-youtube-player [youtubeId]="'Bc_RrCNWTyo'" (readyChange)="onReadyChange($event)">
<img class="cover" [ngClass]="{hide: isReady}" src="" alt="">
export class NgxYoutubeDemoComponent {
isRead = false;
onReadyChange($event: boolean) {
this.isRead = $event;
<ngx-youtube-player [youtubeId]="youtubeId">
You can know when play is play or pause by binding following output.
<ngx-youtube-player (playingChange)="onPlayingChange($event)">
Because load youtube iframe can take time, you have a Mechanism to display overlay when play is not ready yet. First you can use following output to know if player is ready.
<ngx-youtube-player (readyChange)="onReadyChange($event)">
And use cover
class to mark element to interpolate as cover.
<img class="cover" [ngClass]="{hide: isReady}" src="" alt="">
This library is powered by Nx. Source are available on Github.