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Blackhole.js Analytics This library is child of two projects:

The main objective of this library is the visualization of data that change over time. Suitable for the visualization of such data as:

Depends of D3js


## Quick Examples

For fast look Example I

We have data (generated by script):

    "key": 119,
    "category": "nemo,",
    "parent": {
      "name": "cumque5",
      "key": 5
    "date": "2014-01-29T15:39:45.340Z"
    "key": 96,
    "category": "nemo,",
    "parent": {
      "name": "cumque5",
      "key": 5
    "date": "2014-01-29T19:56:18.885Z"
    "key": 125,
    "category": "nemo,",
    "parent": {
      "name": "cumque5",
      "key": 5
    "date": "2014-01-30T01:00:53.648Z"
    "key": 51,
    "category": "nemo,",
    "parent": {
      "name": "eveniet1",
      "key": 1
    "date": "2014-01-30T06:46:51.531Z"
    "key": 237,
    "category": "nemo,",
    "parent": {
      "name": "cumque5",
      "key": 5
    "date": "2014-01-30T12:25:14.810Z"

And code:

<div id="canvas"></div>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
var data = { = new Date(;
        return d;
    , stepDate = 864e5
    , d3bh = d3.blackHole("#canvas")

d3bh.setting.drawTrack = true;

d3bh.on('calcRightBound', function(l) {
        return +l + stepDate;
## Documentation

For creation instance of the blackHole object, need call method of the d3js object

var bh = d3.blackHole('#canvas');


node — or a selector, or a dom node, or a d3 node (default: document.body)
returning the blackHole object

Next describe the properties and methods of the blackHole object.

  • bh.setting.version — the version of library
  • bh.setting.setting — object with fields of settings


All fields can change dynamic.

For try how to work setting look this example II
also try this dataset

  • Items

    • bh.setting.alpha — uses for calculation cluster (default: 0.025)
    • bh.setting.childLife — number of ticks of life a child node (default: 255)
    • bh.setting.parentLife — number of ticks of life a parent node, after the death of all children (default: 255)
    • bh.setting.rateOpacity — rate of decrease of opacity (default: .5)
    • bh.setting.rateFlash — rate of decrease of flash effect (default: 2.5)
    • bh.setting.padding — padding of parent (default: 25)
  • Behavior

    • bh.setting.skipEmptyDate — skips empty dates (default: true).

      if after filtering data, an array is empty then it steps on next date.

    • bh.setting.realtime — indicates that need work in mode realtime (default: false).

      more info realtime mode
      This parameters must be initialized before starting visualization.

    • bh.setting.asyncParsing — parsing data in async mode (default: false).

      If param is true, then will work method .on('parsing')
      This parameters must be initialized before starting visualization.

    • bh.setting.speed — sets milliseconds for setInterval of method filtering data (default: 1000)

      This parameters must be initialized before starting visualization.
      After need use speed method

    • bh.setting.increaseChildWhenCreated — increase children nodes when they are created (default: false)

    • bh.setting.increaseChild — should children nodes increase size (default: true)

    • bh.setting.createNearParent — create children nodes near they parents (default: false)

  • Drawing

    • bh.setting.blendingLighter — if true, then sets the property compositeOperation of canvas in the 'lighter' value (default: true)
    • bh.setting.drawEdge — drawing edges (default: false)
    • bh.setting.drawChild — drawing children nodes (default: true)
    • bh.setting.drawChildLabel — drawing labels of children nodes (default: false)
    • bh.setting.drawParent — drawing parents nodes (default: true)
    • bh.setting.drawParentLabel — drawing labels of parents nodes (default: true)
    • bh.setting.drawPaddingCircle — drawing padding circles of parents nodes (default: false)
    • bh.setting.drawHalo — drawing the halo effect of children nodes (default: true)
    • bh.setting.drawTrack — drawing track of children nodes (default: false)
    • bh.setting.drawAsPlasma — drawing children nodes uses plasma effect (default: true)
    • bh.setting.drawParentImg — drawing images of parents nodes (default: true)
    • bh.setting.hasLabelMaxWidth — if true, then uses the maxWidth argument into the fillText method, in other words, text zooming based on the max width of canvas. (default: true)
  • Colors

    • bh.setting.colorless — a color for bleaching (default: rgb(128, 128, 128))

    • bh.setting.colorlessFlash — a color for bleaching when using the flash effect (default: rgb(211, 211, 211))

    • bh.setting.parentColors — colors of parents nodes (default: d3.scale.category20b())

      it is a d3.scale.ordinal object, can initialised as d3.scale.ordinal.domain(['pie', 'roll', ...]).range(['red', 'blue', ...])
      more about d3 category

    • bh.setting.categoryColors — colors of children nodes categories (default: d3.scale.category20())

  • Zoom and drag

    • bh.setting.zoomAndDrag — enable zooming and dragging canvas (default: true)
    • bh.setting.zoom — a function d3.zoom (default: generate when start visualization)
    • bh.setting.scaleExtent — scale extent for d3.zoom (default: [.1, 8])

    Following settings must be initialized before starting, after need using methods with the same names


Most of the methods returning blackHole object in order to use chain.

  • bh.start(inData [, width[, height[, reInitData[, callback]]]])

    running the dynamic visualization, also using for restart the visualization.

    inData {Array} — an array of source data
    width {Number} — width of canvas that will be created (default: parentNode.width)
    height {Number} — height of canvas that will be created (default: parentNode.height)
    reInitData {Boolean} — reinitializing source data
    callback {Function} — callback method. Mainly used if use start method when visualizing is ran

    return blackHole object

  • bh.stop()

    Stop a running visualization
    After using this method resume will not work, need use start
    return blackHole object

  • bh.pause()

    Pause a running visualization
    return blackHole object

  • bh.resume()

    Resume a paused visualization
    return blackHole object

  • bh.append(array)

    Append source data into visualization collection with using parsing. array {Array} — array of new source data
    This method is effective if realtime is true, but can used anytime
    more info realtime mode

    return backHole object

  • bh.IsRun()

    Returning the true if a visualization is paused or running

  • bh.IsPaused()

    Returning the true if a visualization is paused

  • bh.selectNode([node])

    Gets or sets a selected node.
    nodenode object
    If called without arguments then returns the selected node,
    else sets the selected node and returns blackHole object.

    If set the selected node, then colors of nodes will be colorless,
    if a category of a node is not equals a category of the selected node.

  • bh.selectCategory([category])

    Gets or sets a selected category
    categorycategory object
    If called without arguments then returns the selected category,
    else sets the selected node and returns blackHole object.

    If set the selected category, then colors of nodes will be colorless,
    if a category of a node is not equals the selected category.

  • bh.frozenCategory([category])

    Gets or sets a frozen category
    categorycategory object
    If called without arguments then returns the frozen category,
    else sets the frozen node and returns blackHole object.

    If set the frozen category, then nodes will be hidden,
    if a category of a node is not equals the frozen category.

  • bh.parents([arg])

    Gets or sets d3_Map object of parents nodes
    arg — must be or hash object, or d3_Map object where a key is a key field of a parent node

    If called without arguments then returns the d3_Map object of patents nodes
    else sets patents nodes and returns blackHole object.

  • bh.children([arg])

    Gets or sets d3_Map object of children nodes
    arg — must be or hash object, or d3_Map object where a key is a key field of a child node

    If called without arguments then returns the d3_Map object of children nodes
    else sets children nodes and returns blackHole object.

  • bh.categories([arg])

    Gets or sets d3_Map object of categories
    arg — must be or hash object, or d3_Map object where a key is a key field of a category

    If called without arguments then returns the d3_Map object of categories
    else sets categories and returns blackHole object.

  • bh.sort([func])

    Gets or sets a sort function for source data
    func {Function}function(a, b) {}, a and b are two source nodes value (default function)

    If called without arguments then returns a sort function
    else sets a sort function and returns blackHole object.

  • bh.filter([func])

    Gets or sets a filter function for source data
    func {Function}function(l, r) {}, l and r are the left and the right bounds of filtering (default function)

    If called without arguments then returns a filter function
    else sets a filter function and returns blackHole object.

  • bh.speed([milliseconds])

    Gets or sets a speed of visualization on milliseconds
    milliseconds {Number}
    If called without arguments then returns current speed
    else sets a speed and returns blackHole object.

  • bh.size([array])

    Gets and sets a size for canvas
    array {Array} — [w, h] the new size of canvas
    This method used for resizing canvas

    If called without arguments then returns current size
    else sets a size and returns blackHole object.

  • [, value[, priority]])

    Wrapper for but apply only the main canvas node.

  • bh.scale([scale])

    Gets and sets a scale for d3.zoom
    scale {Number}

    If called without arguments then returns current scale
    else sets a scale and returns blackHole object.

  • bh.translate([array])

    Gets and sets a translate for d3.zoom
    array {Array} — [x, y] the coordinate of point for translate

    If called without arguments then returns current translate
    else sets a translate and returns blackHole object.

  • bh.getCanvas()

    Returns the main canvas or null, if the visualization is not running.

Complex example using maps

Realtime Mode

bh.setting.realtime bh.append(array)

Node object

Parent node

Child node

Category object

## For developers

If you want to modify blackHole.js, click the "Fork" button in the top-right corner of this page, and then clone your fork from the command line by replacing username with your GitHub username:

git clone git://

On the other hand, if you want to extend blackHole with new features, fix bugs, or run tests, you should fork the blackHole repository, and install Node.js (version 0.10.x or higher). From the root directory of this repository, you can then install blackHole's dependencies:

npm install

For make:

make full


Library for dinamyc visaulization such as code_swarm. Sandbox:







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