diff --git a/examples/pole/common.go b/examples/pole/common.go
deleted file mode 100644
index e5a3602..0000000
--- a/examples/pole/common.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-// Package pole provides definition of the pole balancing experiments is classic Reinforced Learning task proposed by
-// Richard Sutton and Charles Anderson.
-// In this experiment we will try to teach RF model of balancing pole placed on the moving cart.
-package pole
-// ActionType The type of action to be applied to environment
-type ActionType byte
-// The supported action types
-const (
-	// ContinuousAction The continuous action type meaning continuous values to be applied to environment
-	ContinuousAction ActionType = iota
-	// DiscreteAction The discrete action assumes that there are only discrete values of action (e.g. 0, 1)
-	DiscreteAction
diff --git a/examples/pole2/cart2pole.go b/examples/pole2/cart2pole.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bf3d80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/pole2/cart2pole.go
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+package pole2
+import (
+	"context"
+	"fmt"
+	"github.com/yaricom/goNEAT/v4/experiment"
+	"github.com/yaricom/goNEAT/v4/experiment/utils"
+	"github.com/yaricom/goNEAT/v4/neat"
+	"github.com/yaricom/goNEAT/v4/neat/genetics"
+type cartDoublePoleGenerationEvaluator struct {
+	// The output path to store execution results
+	OutputPath string
+	// The flag to indicate whether to apply Markov evaluation variant
+	Markov bool
+	// The flag to indicate whether to use continuous activation or discrete
+	ActionType ActionType
+// NewCartDoublePoleGenerationEvaluator is the generations evaluator for double-pole balancing experiment: both Markov and non-Markov versions
+func NewCartDoublePoleGenerationEvaluator(outDir string, markov bool, actionType ActionType) experiment.GenerationEvaluator {
+	return &cartDoublePoleGenerationEvaluator{
+		OutputPath: outDir,
+		Markov:     markov,
+		ActionType: actionType,
+	}
+// GenerationEvaluate Perform evaluation of one epoch on double pole balancing
+func (e *cartDoublePoleGenerationEvaluator) GenerationEvaluate(ctx context.Context, pop *genetics.Population, epoch *experiment.Generation) error {
+	options, ok := neat.FromContext(ctx)
+	if !ok {
+		return neat.ErrNEATOptionsNotFound
+	}
+	cartPole := NewCartPole(e.Markov)
+	cartPole.nonMarkovLong = false
+	cartPole.generalizationTest = false
+	// Evaluate each organism on a test
+	for _, org := range pop.Organisms {
+		winner, err := OrganismEvaluate(org, cartPole, e.ActionType)
+		if err != nil {
+			return err
+		}
+		if winner && (epoch.Champion == nil || org.Fitness > epoch.Champion.Fitness) {
+			// This will be winner in Markov case
+			epoch.Solved = true
+			epoch.WinnerNodes = len(org.Genotype.Nodes)
+			epoch.WinnerGenes = org.Genotype.Extrons()
+			epoch.WinnerEvals = options.PopSize*epoch.Id + org.Genotype.Id
+			epoch.Champion = org
+			org.IsWinner = true
+		}
+	}
+	// Check for winner in Non-Markov case
+	if !e.Markov {
+		epoch.Solved = false
+		// evaluate generalization tests
+		if champion, err := EvaluateOrganismGeneralization(pop.Species, cartPole, e.ActionType); err != nil {
+			return err
+		} else if champion.IsWinner {
+			epoch.Solved = true
+			epoch.WinnerNodes = len(champion.Genotype.Nodes)
+			epoch.WinnerGenes = champion.Genotype.Extrons()
+			epoch.WinnerEvals = options.PopSize*epoch.Id + champion.Genotype.Id
+			epoch.Champion = champion
+		}
+	}
+	// Fill statistics about current epoch
+	epoch.FillPopulationStatistics(pop)
+	// Only print to file every print_every generation
+	if epoch.Solved || epoch.Id%options.PrintEvery == 0 {
+		if _, err := utils.WritePopulationPlain(e.OutputPath, pop, epoch); err != nil {
+			neat.ErrorLog(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to dump population, reason: %s\n", err))
+			return err
+		}
+	}
+	if epoch.Solved {
+		// print winner organism's statistics
+		org := epoch.Champion
+		utils.PrintActivationDepth(org, true)
+		genomeFile := "pole2_winner_genome"
+		// Prints the winner organism to file!
+		if orgPath, err := utils.WriteGenomePlain(genomeFile, e.OutputPath, org, epoch); err != nil {
+			neat.ErrorLog(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to dump winner organism's genome, reason: %s\n", err))
+		} else {
+			neat.InfoLog(fmt.Sprintf("Generation #%d winner's genome dumped to: %s\n", epoch.Id, orgPath))
+		}
+		// Prints the winner organism's phenotype to the Cytoscape JSON file!
+		if orgPath, err := utils.WriteGenomeCytoscapeJSON(genomeFile, e.OutputPath, org, epoch); err != nil {
+			neat.ErrorLog(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to dump winner organism's phenome Cytoscape JSON graph, reason: %s\n", err))
+		} else {
+			neat.InfoLog(fmt.Sprintf("Generation #%d winner's phenome Cytoscape JSON graph dumped to: %s\n",
+				epoch.Id, orgPath))
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
diff --git a/examples/pole2/cart2pole_parallel.go b/examples/pole2/cart2pole_parallel.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bbf316
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/pole2/cart2pole_parallel.go
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+package pole2
+import (
+	"context"
+	"fmt"
+	"github.com/yaricom/goNEAT/v4/experiment"
+	"github.com/yaricom/goNEAT/v4/experiment/utils"
+	"github.com/yaricom/goNEAT/v4/neat"
+	"github.com/yaricom/goNEAT/v4/neat/genetics"
+	"sync"
+type cartDoublePoleParallelGenerationEvaluator struct {
+	cartDoublePoleGenerationEvaluator
+type parallelEvaluationResult struct {
+	genomeId int
+	fitness  float64
+	error    float64
+	winner   bool
+	err      error
+// NewCartDoublePoleParallelGenerationEvaluator is the generations evaluator for double-pole balancing experiment: both Markov and non-Markov versions
+func NewCartDoublePoleParallelGenerationEvaluator(outDir string, markov bool, actionType ActionType) experiment.GenerationEvaluator {
+	return &cartDoublePoleParallelGenerationEvaluator{
+		cartDoublePoleGenerationEvaluator{
+			OutputPath: outDir,
+			Markov:     markov,
+			ActionType: actionType,
+		},
+	}
+func (e *cartDoublePoleParallelGenerationEvaluator) GenerationEvaluate(ctx context.Context, pop *genetics.Population, epoch *experiment.Generation) error {
+	options, ok := neat.FromContext(ctx)
+	if !ok {
+		return neat.ErrNEATOptionsNotFound
+	}
+	organismMapping := make(map[int]*genetics.Organism)
+	popSize := len(pop.Organisms)
+	resChan := make(chan parallelEvaluationResult, popSize)
+	// The wait group to wait for all GO routines
+	var wg sync.WaitGroup
+	// Evaluate each organism in generation
+	for _, org := range pop.Organisms {
+		if _, ok = organismMapping[org.Genotype.Id]; ok {
+			return fmt.Errorf("organism with %d already exists in mapping", org.Genotype.Id)
+		}
+		organismMapping[org.Genotype.Id] = org
+		wg.Add(1)
+		// run in separate GO thread
+		go func(organism *genetics.Organism, actionType ActionType, resChan chan<- parallelEvaluationResult, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
+			defer wg.Done()
+			// create simulator and evaluate
+			cartPole := NewCartPole(e.Markov)
+			cartPole.nonMarkovLong = false
+			cartPole.generalizationTest = false
+			winner, err := OrganismEvaluate(organism, cartPole, actionType)
+			if err != nil {
+				resChan <- parallelEvaluationResult{err: err}
+				return
+			}
+			// create result
+			result := parallelEvaluationResult{
+				genomeId: organism.Genotype.Id,
+				fitness:  organism.Fitness,
+				error:    organism.Error,
+				winner:   winner,
+			}
+			resChan <- result
+		}(org, e.ActionType, resChan, &wg)
+	}
+	// wait for evaluation results
+	wg.Wait()
+	close(resChan)
+	for result := range resChan {
+		if result.err != nil {
+			return result.err
+		}
+		// find and update original organism
+		org, ok := organismMapping[result.genomeId]
+		if ok {
+			org.Fitness = result.fitness
+			org.Error = result.error
+		} else {
+			return fmt.Errorf("organism not found in mapping for id: %d", result.genomeId)
+		}
+		if result.winner && (epoch.Champion == nil || org.Fitness > epoch.Champion.Fitness) {
+			// This will be winner in Markov case
+			epoch.Solved = true
+			epoch.WinnerNodes = len(org.Genotype.Nodes)
+			epoch.WinnerGenes = org.Genotype.Extrons()
+			epoch.WinnerEvals = options.PopSize*epoch.Id + org.Genotype.Id
+			epoch.Champion = org
+			org.IsWinner = true
+		}
+	}
+	// Fill statistics about current epoch
+	epoch.FillPopulationStatistics(pop)
+	if epoch.Solved {
+		// print winner organism's statistics
+		org := epoch.Champion
+		utils.PrintActivationDepth(org, true)
+		genomeFile := "pole2_parallel_winner_genome"
+		// Prints the winner organism to file!
+		if orgPath, err := utils.WriteGenomePlain(genomeFile, e.OutputPath, org, epoch); err != nil {
+			neat.ErrorLog(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to dump winner organism's genome, reason: %s\n", err))
+		} else {
+			neat.InfoLog(fmt.Sprintf("Generation #%d winner's genome dumped to: %s\n", epoch.Id, orgPath))
+		}
+		// Prints the winner organism's phenotype to the Cytoscape JSON file!
+		if orgPath, err := utils.WriteGenomeCytoscapeJSON(genomeFile, e.OutputPath, org, epoch); err != nil {
+			neat.ErrorLog(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to dump winner organism's phenome Cytoscape JSON graph, reason: %s\n", err))
+		} else {
+			neat.InfoLog(fmt.Sprintf("Generation #%d winner's phenome Cytoscape JSON graph dumped to: %s\n",
+				epoch.Id, orgPath))
+		}
+	}
+	return nil
diff --git a/examples/pole/cart2pole_test.go b/examples/pole2/cart2pole_test.go
similarity index 99%
rename from examples/pole/cart2pole_test.go
rename to examples/pole2/cart2pole_test.go
index 0752992..595d042 100644
--- a/examples/pole/cart2pole_test.go
+++ b/examples/pole2/cart2pole_test.go
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-package pole
+package pole2
 import (
diff --git a/examples/pole/cart2pole.go b/examples/pole2/common.go
similarity index 54%
rename from examples/pole/cart2pole.go
rename to examples/pole2/common.go
index 1457423..3bb5217 100644
--- a/examples/pole/cart2pole.go
+++ b/examples/pole2/common.go
@@ -1,15 +1,13 @@
-package pole
+// Package pole2 provides definition of the two pole balancing experiment.
+// In this experiment we will try to teach RF model of balancing of two poles placed on the moving cart.
+package pole2
 import (
-	"context"
-	"github.com/yaricom/goNEAT/v4/experiment"
-	"github.com/yaricom/goNEAT/v4/experiment/utils"
-	"sort"
 const thirtySixDegrees = 36 * math.Pi / 180.0
@@ -23,24 +21,16 @@ const nonMarkovLongMaxSteps = 100000
 // The maximal number of time steps for Non-Markov generalization run
 const nonMarkovGeneralizationMaxSteps = 1000
-type cartDoublePoleGenerationEvaluator struct {
-	// The output path to store execution results
-	OutputPath string
-	// The flag to indicate whether to apply Markov evaluation variant
-	Markov bool
+// ActionType The type of action to be applied to environment
+type ActionType byte
-	// The flag to indicate whether to use continuous activation or discrete
-	ActionType ActionType
-// NewCartDoublePoleGenerationEvaluator is the generations evaluator for double-pole balancing experiment: both Markov and non-Markov versions
-func NewCartDoublePoleGenerationEvaluator(outDir string, markov bool, actionType ActionType) experiment.GenerationEvaluator {
-	return &cartDoublePoleGenerationEvaluator{
-		OutputPath: outDir,
-		Markov:     markov,
-		ActionType: actionType,
-	}
+// The supported action types
+const (
+	// ContinuousAction The continuous action type meaning continuous values to be applied to environment
+	ContinuousAction ActionType = iota
+	// DiscreteAction The discrete action assumes that there are only discrete values of action (e.g. 0, 1)
+	DiscreteAction
 // CartPole The structure to describe cart pole emulation
 type CartPole struct {
@@ -66,248 +56,8 @@ type CartPole struct {
 	poleVelocitySum float64
-// GenerationEvaluate Perform evaluation of one epoch on double pole balancing
-func (e *cartDoublePoleGenerationEvaluator) GenerationEvaluate(ctx context.Context, pop *genetics.Population, epoch *experiment.Generation) error {
-	options, ok := neat.FromContext(ctx)
-	if !ok {
-		return neat.ErrNEATOptionsNotFound
-	}
-	cartPole := newCartPole(e.Markov)
-	cartPole.nonMarkovLong = false
-	cartPole.generalizationTest = false
-	// Evaluate each organism on a test
-	for _, org := range pop.Organisms {
-		winner, err := e.orgEvaluate(org, cartPole)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		if winner && (epoch.Champion == nil || org.Fitness > epoch.Champion.Fitness) {
-			// This will be winner in Markov case
-			epoch.Solved = true
-			epoch.WinnerNodes = len(org.Genotype.Nodes)
-			epoch.WinnerGenes = org.Genotype.Extrons()
-			epoch.WinnerEvals = options.PopSize*epoch.Id + org.Genotype.Id
-			epoch.Champion = org
-			org.IsWinner = true
-		}
-	}
-	// Check for winner in Non-Markov case
-	if !e.Markov {
-		// The best individual (i.e. the one with the highest fitness value) of every generation is tested for
-		// its ability to balance the system for a longer time period. If a potential solution passes this test
-		// by keeping the system balanced for 100’000 time steps, the so called generalization score(GS) of this
-		// particular individual is calculated. This score measures the potential of a controller to balance the
-		// system starting from different initial conditions. It's calculated with a series of experiments, running
-		// over 1000 time steps, starting from 625 different initial conditions.
-		// The initial conditions are chosen by assigning each value of the set Ω = [0.05 0.25 0.5 0.75 0.95] to
-		// each of the states x, ∆x/∆t, θ1 and ∆θ1/∆t, scaled to the range of the variables.The short pole angle θ2
-		// and its angular velocity ∆θ2/∆t are set to zero. The GS is then defined as the number of successful runs
-		// from the 625 initial conditions and an individual is defined as a solution if it reaches a generalization
-		// score of 200 or more.
-		// Sort the species by max organism fitness in descending order - the highest fitness first
-		sortedSpecies := make([]*genetics.Species, len(pop.Species))
-		copy(sortedSpecies, pop.Species)
-		sort.Sort(sort.Reverse(genetics.ByOrganismFitness(sortedSpecies)))
-		// First update what is checked and unchecked
-		var currSpecies *genetics.Species
-		for _, currSpecies = range sortedSpecies {
-			max, _ := currSpecies.ComputeMaxAndAvgFitness()
-			if max > currSpecies.MaxFitnessEver {
-				currSpecies.IsChecked = false
-			}
-		}
-		// Now find first (most fit) species that is unchecked
-		currSpecies = nil
-		for _, currSpecies = range sortedSpecies {
-			if !currSpecies.IsChecked {
-				break
-			}
-		}
-		if currSpecies == nil {
-			currSpecies = sortedSpecies[0]
-		}
-		// Remember it was checked
-		currSpecies.IsChecked = true
-		// the organism champion
-		champion := currSpecies.FindChampion()
-		championFitness := champion.Fitness
-		championPhenotype, err := champion.Phenotype()
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		// Now check to make sure the champion can do 100'000 evaluations
-		cartPole.nonMarkovLong = true
-		cartPole.generalizationTest = false
-		longRunPassed, err := e.orgEvaluate(champion, cartPole)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		if longRunPassed {
-			// the champion passed non-Markov long test, start generalization
-			cartPole.nonMarkovLong = false
-			cartPole.generalizationTest = true
-			// Given that the champion passed long run test, now run it on generalization tests running
-			// over 1'000 time steps, starting from 625 different initial conditions
-			stateVals := [5]float64{0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95}
-			generalizationScore := 0
-			for s0c := 0; s0c < 5; s0c++ {
-				for s1c := 0; s1c < 5; s1c++ {
-					for s2c := 0; s2c < 5; s2c++ {
-						for s3c := 0; s3c < 5; s3c++ {
-							cartPole.state[0] = stateVals[s0c]*4.32 - 2.16
-							cartPole.state[1] = stateVals[s1c]*2.70 - 1.35
-							cartPole.state[2] = stateVals[s2c]*0.12566304 - 0.06283152 // 0.06283152 = 3.6 degrees
-							cartPole.state[3] = stateVals[s3c]*0.30019504 - 0.15009752 // 0.15009752 = 8.6 degrees
-							// The short pole angle and its angular velocity are set to zero.
-							cartPole.state[4] = 0.0
-							cartPole.state[5] = 0.0
-							// The champion needs to be flushed here because it may have
-							// leftover activation from its last test run that could affect
-							// its recurrent memory
-							if _, err = championPhenotype.Flush(); err != nil {
-								return err
-							}
-							if generalized, err := e.orgEvaluate(champion, cartPole); generalized {
-								generalizationScore++
-								if neat.LogLevel == neat.LogLevelDebug {
-									neat.DebugLog(
-										fmt.Sprintf("x: %f, xv: %f, t1: %f, t2: %f, angle: %f\n",
-											cartPole.state[0], cartPole.state[1],
-											cartPole.state[2], cartPole.state[4], thirtySixDegrees))
-								}
-							} else if err != nil {
-								return err
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if generalizationScore >= 200 {
-				// The generalization test winner
-				neat.InfoLog(
-					fmt.Sprintf("The non-Markov champion found! (Generalization Score = %d)",
-						generalizationScore))
-				champion.Fitness = float64(generalizationScore)
-				champion.IsWinner = true
-				epoch.Solved = true
-				epoch.WinnerNodes = len(champion.Genotype.Nodes)
-				epoch.WinnerGenes = champion.Genotype.Extrons()
-				epoch.WinnerEvals = options.PopSize*epoch.Id + champion.Genotype.Id
-				epoch.Champion = champion
-			} else {
-				neat.InfoLog("The non-Markov champion unable to generalize")
-				champion.Fitness = championFitness // Restore the champ's fitness
-				champion.IsWinner = false
-			}
-		} else {
-			neat.InfoLog("The non-Markov champion missed the 100'000 run test")
-			champion.Fitness = championFitness // Restore the champ's fitness
-			champion.IsWinner = false
-		}
-	}
-	// Fill statistics about current epoch
-	epoch.FillPopulationStatistics(pop)
-	// Only print to file every print_every generation
-	if epoch.Solved || epoch.Id%options.PrintEvery == 0 {
-		if _, err := utils.WritePopulationPlain(e.OutputPath, pop, epoch); err != nil {
-			neat.ErrorLog(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to dump population, reason: %s\n", err))
-			return err
-		}
-	}
-	if epoch.Solved {
-		// print winner organism's statistics
-		org := epoch.Champion
-		utils.PrintActivationDepth(org, true)
-		genomeFile := "pole2_winner_genome"
-		// Prints the winner organism to file!
-		if orgPath, err := utils.WriteGenomePlain(genomeFile, e.OutputPath, org, epoch); err != nil {
-			neat.ErrorLog(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to dump winner organism's genome, reason: %s\n", err))
-		} else {
-			neat.InfoLog(fmt.Sprintf("Generation #%d winner's genome dumped to: %s\n", epoch.Id, orgPath))
-		}
-		// Prints the winner organism's phenotype to the Cytoscape JSON file!
-		if orgPath, err := utils.WriteGenomeCytoscapeJSON(genomeFile, e.OutputPath, org, epoch); err != nil {
-			neat.ErrorLog(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to dump winner organism's phenome Cytoscape JSON graph, reason: %s\n", err))
-		} else {
-			neat.InfoLog(fmt.Sprintf("Generation #%d winner's phenome Cytoscape JSON graph dumped to: %s\n",
-				epoch.Id, orgPath))
-		}
-	}
-	return nil
-// orgEvaluate method evaluates fitness of the organism for cart double pole-balancing task
-func (e *cartDoublePoleGenerationEvaluator) orgEvaluate(organism *genetics.Organism, cartPole *CartPole) (winner bool, err error) {
-	// Try to balance a pole now
-	phenotype, err := organism.Phenotype()
-	if err != nil {
-		return false, err
-	}
-	organism.Fitness, err = cartPole.evalNet(phenotype, e.ActionType)
-	if err != nil {
-		return false, err
-	}
-	if neat.LogLevel == neat.LogLevelDebug {
-		neat.DebugLog(fmt.Sprintf("Organism #%3d\tfitness: %f", organism.Genotype.Id, organism.Fitness))
-	}
-	// DEBUG CHECK if organism is damaged
-	if !(cartPole.nonMarkovLong && cartPole.generalizationTest) && organism.CheckChampionChildDamaged() {
-		neat.WarnLog(fmt.Sprintf("ORGANISM DEGRADED:\n%s", organism.Genotype))
-	}
-	// Decide if it's a winner, in Markov Case
-	if cartPole.isMarkov {
-		if organism.Fitness >= markovMaxSteps {
-			winner = true
-			organism.Fitness = 1.0
-			organism.Error = 0.0
-		} else {
-			// we use linear scale
-			organism.Error = (markovMaxSteps - organism.Fitness) / markovMaxSteps
-			organism.Fitness = 1.0 - organism.Error
-		}
-	} else if cartPole.nonMarkovLong {
-		// if doing the long test non-markov
-		if organism.Fitness >= nonMarkovLongMaxSteps {
-			winner = true
-		}
-	} else if cartPole.generalizationTest {
-		if organism.Fitness >= nonMarkovGeneralizationMaxSteps {
-			winner = true
-		}
-	} else {
-		winner = false
-	}
-	return winner, err
-// If markov is false, then velocity information will be withheld from the network population (non-Markov)
-func newCartPole(markov bool) *CartPole {
+// NewCartPole If markov is false, then velocity information will be withheld from the network population (non-Markov)
+func NewCartPole(markov bool) *CartPole {
 	return &CartPole{
 		isMarkov: markov,
@@ -578,3 +328,50 @@ func (p *CartPole) resetState() {
 	p.balancedTimeSteps = 0 // Always count # of balanced time steps
+// OrganismEvaluate method evaluates fitness of the organism for cart double pole-balancing task
+func OrganismEvaluate(organism *genetics.Organism, cartPole *CartPole, actionType ActionType) (winner bool, err error) {
+	// Try to balance a pole now
+	phenotype, err := organism.Phenotype()
+	if err != nil {
+		return false, err
+	}
+	organism.Fitness, err = cartPole.evalNet(phenotype, actionType)
+	if err != nil {
+		return false, err
+	}
+	if neat.LogLevel == neat.LogLevelDebug {
+		neat.DebugLog(fmt.Sprintf("Organism #%3d\tfitness: %f", organism.Genotype.Id, organism.Fitness))
+	}
+	// DEBUG CHECK if organism is damaged
+	if !(cartPole.nonMarkovLong && cartPole.generalizationTest) && organism.CheckChampionChildDamaged() {
+		neat.WarnLog(fmt.Sprintf("ORGANISM DEGRADED:\n%s", organism.Genotype))
+	}
+	// Decide if it's a winner, in Markov Case
+	if cartPole.isMarkov {
+		if organism.Fitness >= markovMaxSteps {
+			winner = true
+			organism.Fitness = 1.0
+			organism.Error = 0.0
+		} else {
+			// we use linear scale
+			organism.Error = (markovMaxSteps - organism.Fitness) / markovMaxSteps
+			organism.Fitness = 1.0 - organism.Error
+		}
+	} else if cartPole.nonMarkovLong {
+		// if doing the long test non-markov
+		if organism.Fitness >= nonMarkovLongMaxSteps {
+			winner = true
+		}
+	} else if cartPole.generalizationTest {
+		if organism.Fitness >= nonMarkovGeneralizationMaxSteps {
+			winner = true
+		}
+	} else {
+		winner = false
+	}
+	return winner, err
diff --git a/examples/pole2/generalization.go b/examples/pole2/generalization.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..907df03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/pole2/generalization.go
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+package pole2
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"github.com/yaricom/goNEAT/v4/neat"
+	"github.com/yaricom/goNEAT/v4/neat/genetics"
+	"sort"
+// EvaluateOrganismGeneralization
+// The best individual (i.e. the one with the highest fitness value) of every generation is tested for
+// its ability to balance the system for a longer time period. If a potential solution passes this test
+// by keeping the system balanced for 100’000 time steps, the so-called generalization score(GS) of this
+// particular individual is calculated. This score measures the potential of a controller to balance the
+// system starting from different initial conditions. It's calculated with a series of experiments, running
+// over 1000 time steps, starting from 625 different initial conditions.
+// The initial conditions are chosen by assigning each value of the set Ω = [0.05 0.25 0.5 0.75 0.95] to
+// each of the states x, ∆x/∆t, θ1 and ∆θ1/∆t, scaled to the range of the variables.The short pole angle θ2
+// and its angular velocity ∆θ2/∆t are set to zero. The GS is then defined as the number of successful runs
+// from the 625 initial conditions and an individual is defined as a solution if it reaches a generalization
+// score of 200 or more.
+func EvaluateOrganismGeneralization(species []*genetics.Species, cartPole *CartPole, actionType ActionType) (*genetics.Organism, error) {
+	// Sort the species by max organism fitness in descending order - the highest fitness first
+	sortedSpecies := make([]*genetics.Species, len(species))
+	copy(sortedSpecies, species)
+	sort.Sort(sort.Reverse(genetics.ByOrganismFitness(sortedSpecies)))
+	// First update what is checked and unchecked
+	var currSpecies *genetics.Species
+	for _, currSpecies = range sortedSpecies {
+		maxFitness, _ := currSpecies.ComputeMaxAndAvgFitness()
+		if maxFitness > currSpecies.MaxFitnessEver {
+			currSpecies.IsChecked = false
+		} else {
+			currSpecies.IsChecked = true
+		}
+	}
+	// Now find first (most fit) species that is unchecked
+	currSpecies = nil
+	for _, currSpecies = range sortedSpecies {
+		if !currSpecies.IsChecked {
+			break
+		}
+	}
+	if currSpecies == nil {
+		currSpecies = sortedSpecies[0]
+	}
+	// Remember it was checked
+	currSpecies.IsChecked = true
+	// the organism champion
+	champion := currSpecies.FindChampion()
+	championFitness := champion.Fitness
+	championPhenotype, err := champion.Phenotype()
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	// Now check to make sure the champion can do 100'000 evaluations
+	cartPole.nonMarkovLong = true
+	cartPole.generalizationTest = false
+	longRunPassed, err := OrganismEvaluate(champion, cartPole, actionType)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	if longRunPassed {
+		// the champion passed non-Markov long test, start generalization
+		cartPole.nonMarkovLong = false
+		cartPole.generalizationTest = true
+		// Given that the champion passed long run test, now run it on generalization tests running
+		// over 1'000 time steps, starting from 625 different initial conditions
+		stateVals := [5]float64{0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95}
+		generalizationScore := 0
+		for s0c := 0; s0c < 5; s0c++ {
+			for s1c := 0; s1c < 5; s1c++ {
+				for s2c := 0; s2c < 5; s2c++ {
+					for s3c := 0; s3c < 5; s3c++ {
+						cartPole.state[0] = stateVals[s0c]*4.32 - 2.16
+						cartPole.state[1] = stateVals[s1c]*2.70 - 1.35
+						cartPole.state[2] = stateVals[s2c]*0.12566304 - 0.06283152 // 0.06283152 = 3.6 degrees
+						cartPole.state[3] = stateVals[s3c]*0.30019504 - 0.15009752 // 0.15009752 = 8.6 degrees
+						// The short pole angle and its angular velocity are set to zero.
+						cartPole.state[4] = 0.0
+						cartPole.state[5] = 0.0
+						// The champion needs to be flushed here because it may have
+						// leftover activation from its last test run that could affect
+						// its recurrent memory
+						if _, err = championPhenotype.Flush(); err != nil {
+							return nil, err
+						}
+						if generalized, err := OrganismEvaluate(champion, cartPole, actionType); generalized {
+							generalizationScore++
+							if neat.LogLevel == neat.LogLevelDebug {
+								neat.DebugLog(
+									fmt.Sprintf("x: %f, xv: %f, t1: %f, t2: %f, angle: %f\n",
+										cartPole.state[0], cartPole.state[1],
+										cartPole.state[2], cartPole.state[4], thirtySixDegrees))
+							}
+						} else if err != nil {
+							return nil, err
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if generalizationScore >= 200 {
+			// The generalization test winner
+			neat.InfoLog(
+				fmt.Sprintf("The non-Markov champion found! (Generalization Score = %d)",
+					generalizationScore))
+			champion.Fitness = float64(generalizationScore)
+			champion.IsWinner = true
+		} else {
+			neat.InfoLog("The non-Markov champion unable to generalize")
+			champion.Fitness = championFitness // Restore the champ's fitness
+			champion.IsWinner = false
+		}
+	} else {
+		neat.InfoLog("The non-Markov champion missed the 100'000 run test")
+		champion.Fitness = championFitness // Restore the champ's fitness
+		champion.IsWinner = false
+	}
+	return champion, nil
diff --git a/executor.go b/executor.go
index 20f0603..cf342d3 100644
--- a/executor.go
+++ b/executor.go
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import (
+	"github.com/yaricom/goNEAT/v4/examples/pole2"
@@ -98,9 +99,12 @@ func main() {
 		generationEvaluator = pole.NewCartPoleGenerationEvaluator(outDir, true, 500000)
 	case "cart_2pole_markov":
 		expt.MaxFitnessScore = 1.0 // as given by fitness function definition
-		generationEvaluator = pole.NewCartDoublePoleGenerationEvaluator(outDir, true, pole.ContinuousAction)
+		generationEvaluator = pole2.NewCartDoublePoleGenerationEvaluator(outDir, true, pole2.ContinuousAction)
 	case "cart_2pole_non-markov":
-		generationEvaluator = pole.NewCartDoublePoleGenerationEvaluator(outDir, false, pole.ContinuousAction)
+		generationEvaluator = pole2.NewCartDoublePoleGenerationEvaluator(outDir, false, pole2.ContinuousAction)
+	case "cart_2pole_markov_parallel":
+		expt.MaxFitnessScore = 1.0 // as given by fitness function definition
+		generationEvaluator = pole2.NewCartDoublePoleParallelGenerationEvaluator(outDir, true, pole2.ContinuousAction)
 		log.Fatalf("Unsupported experiment: %s", *experimentName)
diff --git a/neat/genetics/species.go b/neat/genetics/species.go
index 310d93c..308994b 100644
--- a/neat/genetics/species.go
+++ b/neat/genetics/species.go
@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ func (s *Species) reproduce(ctx context.Context, generation int, pop *Population
 			if rand.Float64() > opts.MateOnlyProb ||
 				dad.Genotype.Id == mom.Genotype.Id ||
 				dad.Genotype.compatibility(mom.Genotype, opts) == 0.0 {
-				neat.DebugLog("SPECIES: ------> Mutatte baby genome:")
+				neat.DebugLog("SPECIES: ------> Mutate baby genome:")
 				// Do the mutation depending on probabilities of  various mutations
 				if rand.Float64() < opts.MutateAddNodeProb {
@@ -542,9 +542,9 @@ func createFirstSpecies(pop *Population, baby *Organism) {
 func (s *Species) String() string {
-	max, avg := s.ComputeMaxAndAvgFitness()
+	maxFitness, avgFitness := s.ComputeMaxAndAvgFitness()
 	str := fmt.Sprintf("Species #%d, age=%d, avg_fitness=%.3f, max_fitness=%.3f, max_fitness_ever=%.3f, expected_offspring=%d, age_of_last_improvement=%d\n",
-		s.Id, s.Age, avg, max, s.MaxFitnessEver, s.ExpectedOffspring, s.AgeOfLastImprovement)
+		s.Id, s.Age, avgFitness, maxFitness, s.MaxFitnessEver, s.ExpectedOffspring, s.AgeOfLastImprovement)
 	str += fmt.Sprintf("Has %d Organisms:\n", len(s.Organisms))
 	for _, o := range s.Organisms {
 		str += fmt.Sprintf("\t%s\n", o)