In the demonstration you will find out how to use user define functions, stored procedure and triggers.
- Prepare Cosmos DB Collection Apollo for demo. Operator – partition Name
- Import Apollo files If you did not import it yet.
- Create Stored Proc from sp.js file – sp calculate all artifacts from Apollo missions for specific partition
- Create UDF from udf.js file – udf will find string matching to the regexp patter.
- Create Trigger from trigger.js file. It should be Pre Insert/Update trigger - trigger will reject documents which is not providing exact JSON schema.
- Open Cosmos DB
- Open SP, UDF and trigger you create previously, demonstrate and explain what they do.
- Run following query to demonstrate UDF and find the launch pad 39A/B:
SELECT,m['Start of mission']['Launch site']
FROM Missions m
WHERE udf.Match(m['Start of mission']['Launch site'],'39[AB]')
- Run stored proc to demonstrate result (/Operator – partition name
- No option to demonstrate trigger from the interface.
You can use DemoConsole.sln and run project TriggerDemo from previous demo to demonstrate the trigger