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🐋 casa7014 AppStore

🚀 Installation

  1. Add casa7014 AppStore to CasaOS:

    • Open the CasaOS dashboard in your web browser.

    • Navigate to the App Store section and click on Add Source.

    • Enter the following URL:
    • Click Add to save the source.

  2. Refresh the App Store:

    • After adding the source, refresh the App Store to load the newly added applications.
  3. Explore and Install Applications:

    • Browse through the casa7014 applications in the App Store.
    • Click on any application to view details and install it with a single click.

📝 List of Applications

Icon Application Description
Aria2 Advanced download manager supporting direct downloads and BitTorrent.
Aria2 Pro Advanced download manager supporting direct downloads and BitTorrent.
Portainer (Business Edition) Simple Docker container management tool with a user-friendly interface.
Linkstack Modern tool to organize and manage links efficiently.
MotionEye Beta Video surveillance system with an intuitive interface for managing cameras.
FritzBox WLAN Password Rotator Automatically rotates the FritzBox Wi-Fi password to enhance network security.

💡 Suggestions or Feedback?

If you have any suggestions or feedback to improve casa7014, feel free to reach out or open an issue in the repository.

✅ Notes:

  • Ensure you are using CasaOS v0.4.4 or higher for custom AppStore sources.
  • For any issues with installation or compatibility, please check the official CasaOS documentation.