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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

Last releases: [1.8.0] - 2019-04-08 and [1.7.0] - 2018-04-24.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog.






[1.8.0] - 2019-04-08

Drop compatibility with Coq 8.6 (OCaml plugin removed). MathComp 1.8.0 is compatible with Coq 8.7, 8.8 and 8.9.


  • Companion matrix of a polynomial companionmx p and the theorems: companionmxK, map_mx_companion and companion_map_poly

  • homoW_in, inj_homo_in, mono_inj_in, anti_mono_in, total_homo_mono_in, homoW, inj_homo, monoj, anti_mono, total_homo_mono

  • sorted_lt_nth, ltn_index, sorted_le_nth, leq_index.

  • [arg minr_( i < n | P ) F] and [arg maxr_( i < n | P ) F] with all their variants, following the same convention as for nat

  • contra_neqN, contra_neqF, contra_neqT, contra_neq_eq, contra_eq_neq

  • take_subseq, drop_subseq

  • big_imset_cond,big_map_id, big_image_cond big_image, big_image_cond_id and big_image_id

  • foldrE, foldlE, foldl_idx and sumnE to turn "seq statements" into "bigop statements"

  • all_iff with notation [<-> P0; P1; ..; Pn] to talk about circular implication P0 -> P1 -> ... -> Pn -> P0. Related theorems are all_iffLR and all_iffP

  • support for casts in map comprehension notations, e.g., [seq E : T | s <- s].

  • a predicate all2, a parallel double seq version of all.

  • some perm_eq lemmas: perm_cat[lr], perm_eq_nilP, perm_eq_consP, perm_eq_flatten.

  • a function permutations that computes a duplicate-free list of all permutations of a given sequence s over an eqType, along whit its theory.


  • Theory of lersif and intervals:

    • Many lersif related lemmas are ported from ssrnum
    • Changed: prev_of_itv, itv_decompose, and itv_rewrite
    • New theory of intersections of intervals
  • Generalized extremum_spec and its theory, added extremum and extremumP, generalizing arg_min for an arbitrary eqType with an order relation on it (rather than nat). Redefined arg_min and arg_max with it.

  • Reshuffled theorems inside files and packages:

    • countalg goes from the field to the algebra package
    • finalg inherits from countalg
    • closed_field contains the construction of algebraic closure for countable fields that used to be in the file countalg.
  • Maximal implicits applied to reflection, injectivity and cancellation lemmas so that they are easier to pass to combinator lemmas such as sameP, inj_eq or canLR.

  • Added reindex_inj s shorthand for reindexing a bigop with a permutation s.

  • Added lemma eqmxMunitP: two matrices with the same shape represent the same subspace iff they differ only by a change of basis.

  • Corrected implicits and documentation of MatrixGenField.

  • Rewritten proof of quantifier elimination for closed field in a monadic style.

  • Specialized bool_irrelevance so that the statement reflects the name.

  • Changed the shape of the type of FieldMixin to allow one-line in-proof definition of bespoke fieldType structure.

  • Refactored and extended Arguments directives to provide more comprehensive signature information.

  • Generalized the notation [seq E | i <- s, j <- t] to the case where t may depend on i. The notation is now primitive and expressed using flatten and map (see documentation of seq). allpairs now expands to this notation when fully applied.

    • Added allpairs_dep and made it self-expanding as well.
    • Generalized some lemmas in a backward compatible way.
    • Some strictly more general lemmas now have suffix _dep.
    • Replaced allpairs_comp with its converse map_allpairs.
    • Added allpairs extensionality lemmas for the following cases: non-localised (eq_allpairs), dependent localised (eq_in_allpairs_dep) and non-dependent localised (eq_in_allpairs); as per eq_in_map, the latter two are equivalences.
  • Generalized {ffun A -> R} to handle dependent functions, and to be structurally positive so it can be used in recursive inductive type definitions.

    Minor backward incompatibilities: fgraph f is no longer a field accessor, and no longer equal to val f as {ffun A -> R} is no longer a subType; some instances of finfun, ffunE, ffunK may not unify with a generic non-dependent function type A -> ?R due to a bug in Coq version 8.9 or below.

  • Renamed double seq induction lemma from seq2_ind to seq_ind2, and weakened its induction hypothesis.

  • Replaced the nosimpl in rev with a Arguments simpl never directive.

  • Many corrections in implicits declarations.

  • fixed missing joins in ssralg, ssrnum, finalg and countalg


Renamings also involve the _in suffix counterpart when applicable

  • mono_inj -> incr_inj
  • nmono_inj -> decr_inj
  • leq_mono_inj -> incnr_inj
  • leq_nmono_inj -> decnr_inj
  • homo_inj_ltn_lt -> incnr_inj
  • nhomo_inj_ltn_lt -> decnr_inj
  • homo_inj_in_lt -> inj_homo_ltr_in
  • nhomo_inj_in_lt -> inj_nhomo_ltr_in
  • ltn_ltrW_homo -> ltnrW_homo
  • ltn_ltrW_nhomo -> ltnrW_nhomo
  • leq_lerW_mono -> lenrW_mono
  • leq_lerW_nmono -> lenrW_nmono
  • homo_leq_mono -> lenr_mono
  • nhomo_leq_mono -> lenr_nmono
  • homo_inj_lt -> inj_homo_ltr
  • nhomo_inj_lt -> inj_nhomo_ltr
  • homo_inj_ltn_lt -> inj_homo_ltnr
  • nhomo_inj_ltn_lt -> inj_nhomo_ltnr
  • homo_mono -> ler_mono
  • nhomo_mono -> ler_nmono
  • big_setIDdep -> big_setIDcond
  • sum_nat_dep_const -> sum_nat_cond_const


  • Removed trailing _ : Type field from packed classes. This performance optimization is not strictly necessary with modern Coq versions.

  • Removed duplicated definitions of tag, tagged and Tagged from eqtype.v. They are already in ssrfun.v.

  • Miscellaneous improvements to proof scripts and file organisation.

[1.7.0] - 2018-04-24

Compatibility with Coq 8.8 and lost compatibility with Coq <= 8.5. This release is compatible with Coq 8.6, 8.7 and 8.8.

  • Integration in Coq startng from version 8.7 of:

    • OCaml plugin (plugin for 8.6 still in the archive for backward compatibility)
    • ssreflect.v, ssrbool.v, ssrfun.v and ssrtest/
  • Cleaning up the github repository: the math-comp repository is now dedicated to the released material (as in the present release). For instance, directories real-closed/ and odd-order/ now have their own repository.


  • Library refactoring: algC and ssrnum. Library ssrnum.v provides an interface numClosedFieldType, which abstracts the theory of algebraic numbers. In particular, Re, Im, 'i, conjC, n.-root and sqrtC, previously defined in library algC.v, are now part of this generic interface. In case of ambiguity, a cast to type algC, of complex algebraic numbers, can be used to disambiguate via typing constraints. Some theory was thus made more generic, and the corresponding lemmas, previously defined in library algC.v (e.g. conjCK) now feature an extra, non maximal implicit, parameter of type numClosedFieldType. This could break some proofs. Every theorem from ssrnum that used to be in algC changed statement.

  • ltngtP, contra_eq, contra_neq, odd_opp, nth_iota


  • iter_in, finv_in, inv_f_in, finv_inj_in, fconnect_sym_in, iter_order_in, iter_finv_in, cycle_orbit_in, fpath_finv_in, fpath_finv_f_in, fpath_f_finv_in
  • big_allpairs
  • uniqP, uniqPn
  • dec_factor_theorem, mul_bin_down, mul_bin_left
  • abstract_context (in ssreflect.v, now merged in Coq proper)


  • Lemma dvdn_fact was moved from library prime.v to library div.v
  • `mul_Sm_binm -> mul_bin_diag
  • divn1 -> divz1 (in intdiv)
  • rootC -> nthroot
  • algRe -> Re
  • algIm -> Im
  • algCi -> imaginaryC
  • reshape_index_leq -> reshape_leq

[1.6.0] - 2015-11-24 (ssreflect + mathcomp)

Major reorganization of the archive.

  • Files split into sub-directories: ssreflect/, algebra/, fingroup/, solvable/, field/ and character/. In this way the user can decide to compile only the subset of the Mathematical Components library that is relevant to her. Note that this introduces a possible incompatibility for users of the previous version. A replacement scheme is suggested in the installation notes.

  • The archive is now open and based on git. Public mirror at:

  • Sources of the reference manual of the Ssreflect tactic language are also open and available at: Pull requests improving the documentation are welcome.


  • conjC_closed -> cfConjC_closed
  • class_transr -> class_eqP
  • cfclass_transl -> cfclass_transr
  • nontrivial_ideal -> proper_ideal
  • zchar_orthonormalP -> vchar_orthonormalP


  • seq_sub
  • orbit_in_transl, orbit_sym, orbit_trans, orbit_transl, orbit_transr, cfAut_char, cfConjC_char, invg_lcosets, lcoset_transl, lcoset_transr, rcoset_transl, rcoset_transr, mem2_last, bind_unless, unless_contra, all_and2, all_and3, all_and4, all_and5, ltr0_neq0, ltr_prod, Zisometry_of_iso


  • adhoc_seq_sub_choiceMixin, adhoc_seq_sub_[choice|fin]Type
  • orbit_in_eqP, cards_draws, cfAut_lin_char, cfConjC_lin_char, extend_cfConjC_subset, isometry_of_free, cfAutK, cfAutVK, lcoset_eqP, rcoset_eqP, class_eqP, gFsub_trans, gFnorms, gFchar_trans, gFnormal_trans, gFnorm_trans, mem2_seq1, dvdn_fact, prime_above, subKr, subrI, subIr, subr0_eq, divrI, divIr, divKr, divfI, divIf, divKf, impliesP, impliesPn, unlessL, unlessR, unless_sym, unlessP (coercion), classicW, ltr_prod_nat
  • Notation \unless C, P

[1.5.0] - 2014-03-12 (ssreflect + mathcomp)

Split the archive in SSReflect and MathComp

  • With this release "ssreflect" has been split into two packages. The Ssreflect one contains the proof language (plugin for Coq) and a small set of core theory libraries about boolean, natural numbers, sequences, decidable equality and finite types. The Mathematical Components one contains advanced theory files covering a wider spectrum of mathematics.

  • With respect to version 1.4 the proof language got a few new features related to forward reasoning and some bug fixes. The Mathematical Components library features 16 new theory files and in particular: some field and Galois theory, advanced character theory and a construction of algebraic numbers.

[1.4.0] - 2012-09-05 (ssreflect)

  • With this release the plugin code received many bug fixes and the existing libraries relevant updates. This release also includes some new libraries on the following topics: rational numbers, divisibility of integers, F-algebras, finite dimensional field extensions and Euclidean division for polynomials over a ring.

  • The release includes a major code refactoring of the plugin for Coq 8.4. In particular a documented ML API to access the pattern matching facilities of Ssreflect from third party plugins has been introduced.

[1.3.0] - 2011-03-14 (ssreflect)

  • The tactic language has been extended with several new features, inspired by the five years of intensive use in our project. However we have kept the core of the language unchanged; the new library compiles with Ssreflect 1.2. Users of a Coq 8.2 toplevel statically linked with Ssreflect 1.2 need to comment the Declare ML Module "ssreflect" line in ssreflect.v to properly compile the 1.3 library. We will continue supporting new releases of Coq in due course.

  • The new library adds general linear algebra (matrix rank, subspaces) and all of the advanced finite group that was developed in the course of completing the Local Analysis part of the Odd Order Theorem, starting from the Sylow and Hall theorems and including full structure theorems for abelian, extremal and extraspecial groups, and general (modular) linear representation theory.

[1.2.0] - 2009-08-14 (ssreflect)

No change log

[1.1.0] - 2008-03-18 (ssreflect)

First public release