Property | Description | Default |
RoutePrefix | Route prefix for accessing the RapiDoc | "rapidoc" |
SpecUrl | Url of the OpenAPI spec to view | string.empty |
HeadingText | Heading text on top-left corner | "RapiDoc" |
SortTags | Allowed: true | false To list tags in alphabetic order, otherwise tags will be ordered based on how it is specified under the tags section in the spec. |
false |
SortEndpointsBy | Allowed: path | method | summary Sort endpoints within each tag by path, method or summary | Example |
path |
GotoPath | Initial location on the document (identified by method and path) where you want to go after the spec is loaded. for example if you want to scrollTo GET /user/login you should provide the location as new PathInfo(SubmitMethod.Get,"/user/login") |
null |
FillRequestFieldsWithExample | Allowed: true | false Request fields will be filled with example value (if provided in spec) |
true |
Property | Description | Default |
Theme | Is the base theme, which is used for calculating colors for various UI components. 'theme', 'bg-color' and 'text-color' are the base attributes for generating a custom theme | Dark |
BgColor | Color for main background | Dark Theme #333 Light Theme #fff |
TextColor | Color for text | Dark Theme #bbb Light Theme #444 |
HeaderColor | Color for the header's background | #444444 |
PrimaryColor | Color on various controls such as buttons, tabs | #FF791A |
LoadFonts | RapiDoc will attempt to load fonts from CDN, if this is not intended, then set this to false. | true |
RegularFont | Font name(s) to be used for regular text | "Open Sans", Avenir, "Segoe UI", Arial, sans-serif |
MonoFont | Font name(s) to be used for mono-spaced text | Monaco, 'Andale Mono', 'Roboto Mono', 'Consolas' monospace |
FontSize | Sets the relative font sizes for the entire document | default |
Property | Description | Default |
UsePathInNavBar | Set true to show API paths in the navigation bar instead of summary/description | Example | false |
NavBgColor | Navigation bar's background color Example | |
NavBgImage | URL of navigation bar's background Example | string.empty |
NavBgImageSize | Navigation bar's background image size (same as css background-size property) | Auto |
NavBgImageRepeat | Navigation bar's background image repeat (same as css background-repeat property) | NoRepeat |
NavTextColor | Navigation bar's Text color | no color |
NavHoverBgColor | Background color of the navigation item on mouse-over | no color |
NavHoverTextColor | Text color of the navigation item on mouse-over | no color |
NavAccentColor | Current selected item indicator | no color |
NavItemSpacing | Controls navigation item spacing Example | Default |
Property | Description | Default |
Layout | Layout helps in placement of request/response sections. In column layout, request and response sections are placed one below the other, In row layout they are placed side by side. This attribute is applicable only when the device width is more than 768px and the render-style is 'View'. | Row |
RenderStyle | Determines display of api-docs. Currently there are three modes supported View friendly for quick exploring (expand/collapse the section of your interest) Read suitable for reading (like a continuous web-page) Focused similar to read but focuses on a single endpoint at a time (good for large specs) Read more suitable for reading View more friendly for quick exploring |
View |
OnNavTagClick | Applies only to focused render-style. It determinses the behavior of clicking on a Tag in navigation bar. It can either expand-collapse the tag or take you to the tag's description page. | ExpandCollapse |
SchemaStyle | Two different ways to display object-schemas in the responses and request bodies | Tree |
SchemaExpandLevel | Schemas are expanded by default, use this attribute to control how many levels in the schema should be expanded | 999 |
SchemaDescriptionExpanded | Constraint and descriptions information of fields in the schema are collapsed to show only the first line. Set it to true if you want them to fully expanded | false |
SchemaHideReadOnly | Read-only fileds in request schemas is always hidden but are shown in response. If you do not want to hide read-only fields or hide them based on action you can configure this setting to 'never' or any combination of post | put | patch to indicate where to hide Schemas in response section is not affected by this setting. |
Always |
SchemaHideWriteOnly | Constraint and descriptions information of fields in the schema are collapsed to show only the first line. Set it to true if you want them to fully expanded | Always |
DefaultSchemaTab | The schemas are displayed in two tabs - Model and Example. This option allows you to pick the default tab that you would like to be active | Model |
ResponseAreaHeight | Valid css height value such as 400px, 50%, 60vh etc - Use this value to control the height of response textarea | "300px" |
Property | Description | Default |
ShowInfo | Show/Hide the documents info section Info section contains information about the spec, such as the title and description of the spec, the version, terms of services etc.In certain situation you may not need to show this section.For instance you are embedding this element inside a another help document. Chances are, the help doc may already have this info, in that case you may want to hide this section. |
true |
InfoDescriptionHeadingsInNavbar | Include headers from info -> description section to the Navigation bar (applies to read mode only) Will get the headers from the markdown in info - description (h1 and h2) into the menu on the left (in read mode) along with links to them. This option allows users to add navigation bar items using Markdown |
false |
ShowComponents | Show/Hide the components section both in document and menu (available only in focused render-style) Will show the components section along with schemas, responses, examples, requestBodies, headers, securitySchemes, links and callbacks Also will be shown in the menu on the left (in read mode) |
false |
ShowHeader | Show/Hide the header. If you do not want your user to open any other api spec, other than the current one, then set this attribute to false |
true |
AllowAuthentication | Authentication feature, allows the user to select one of the authentication mechanism thats available in the spec. It can be http-basic, http-bearer or api-key. If you do not want your users to go through the authentication process, instead want them to use a pre-generated api-key then you may hide authentication section by setting this attribute to false and provide the api-key details using various api-key-???? attributes | true |
AllowSpecUrlLoad | If set to 'false', user will not be able to load any spec url from the UI | false |
AllowSpecFileLoad | If set to 'false', user will not be able to load any spec file from the local drive. This attribute is applicable only when the device width is more than 768px, else this feature is not available | false |
AllowSearch | Provides quick filtering of API | true |
AllowAdvancedSearch | Provides advanced search functionality, to search through API-paths, API-description, API-parameters and API-Responses | true |
AllowTry | The 'TRY' feature allows you to make REST calls to the API server. To disable this feature, set it to false. | true |
AllowServerSelection | If set to 'false', user will not be able to see or select API server (Server List will be hidden, however users will be able to see the server url near the 'TRY' button, to know in advance where the TRY will send the request). The URL specified in the server-url attribute will be used if set, else the first server in the API specification file will be used. | true |
AllowSchemaDescriptionExpandToggle | Allow or hide the ability to expand/collapse field descriptions in the schema | true |
Property | Description | Default |
ServerUrl | OpenAPI spec has a provision for providing the server url. The UI will list all the server URLs provided in the spec. The user can then select one URL to which he or she intends to send API calls while trying out the apis. However, if you want to provide an API server of your own which is not listed in the spec, you can use this property to provide one. It is helpful in the cases where the same spec is shared between multiple environment say Dev and Test and each have their own API server. | string.empty |
DefaultApiServer | If you have multiple api-server listed in the spec, use this attribute to select the default API server, where all the API calls will goto. This can be changed later from the UI | string.empty |
ApiKeyName | Name of the API key that will be send while trying out the APIs | string.empty |
ApiKeyLocation | Determines how you want to send the api-key | not set |
ApiKeyValue | Value of the API key that will be send while trying out the APIs. This can also be provided/overwritten from UI | string.empty |
FetchCredentials | Enables passing credentials/cookies in cross domain calls, as defined in the Fetch standard, in CORS requests that are sent by the browser | not set |
Property | Description | Default |
Logo | Replaces the default logo of the header with the URL specified | string.empty |
LogoWidth | Specifies the logo width of the custom logo, does not apply to the default logo | 36 |
LogoHeight | Specifies the logo height of the custom logo, does not apply to the default logo | 36 |
LogoPadding | Specifies the logo padding of the custom logo, does not apply to the default logo | 0 |
NavLogo | Adds a navigation logo on top of the side navigation bar with the URL provided, only available in read-mode | string.empty |
NavLogoWidth | Specifies the navigation logo width of the custom logo, only available in read-mode | 36 |
NavLogoHeight | Specifies the navigation logo height of the custom logo, only available in read-mode | 36 |
NavLogoPadding | Specifies the navigation logo padding of the custom logo, only available in read-mode | 0 |
Auth | Contents appear at authentication section which is under the overview > servers slot. You can link to this section using #auth | string.empty |