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Esp-lisp is mostly try to be scheme-ish, at least for functions defined. It is, however, limited and small, not trying to contain all functions.
- t nil null? atom? symbol?
- cons car cdr set-car! set-cdr! cons?
- list assoc length member map mapcar
- de define set! quote lambda progn func?
- length string? concat split char (strings)
- < = eq equal (compare)
- if case cond and or not
- / % number? integer?
- read princ prin1 print terpri printf pp (read and write)
- eval evallist apply
- gc test syms fundef funenv funame (internal)
- clock ticks time (system)
- in out interrupt (digital pin IO)
- web wget (web stuf)
- at stop (event timers)
- integer
- string (immutable, some scheme allows them to be modified)
- cons (mutable)
- prim
- symbol
- func (i.e. a closure/user defined function)
- thunk/immediate (temporary internal closures)
- help = give some help: list some symbols, and commands
- trace on / trace off = turns eval tracing on or off
- gc on / gc off = turn gc tracing on or off
- bye / quit / exit / ^D = leave esp-lisp
This lisp have two(/three) types of ways to define a function, this one is defining a variable and giving it a function value...
lisp> (define plus (lambda (a b) (+ a b)))
lisp> plus
lisp> (plus 3 4)
lisp> (define a (+ 3 4))
lisp> a
To change a value:
lisp> a
lisp> (set! a 99)
lisp> a
You can alternative write the shorter variants:
lisp> (define (plus a b) (+ a b))
lisp> (de plus (a b) (+ a b))
Now you can also pretty-print the function, if you forget what it does:
lisp> (pp fibo)
(de fibo (n)
(if (< n 2)
(+ (fibo (- n 1)) (fibo (- n 2)))))
lisp> (define a 9)
lisp> (define topa (lambda () a))
lisp> (topa)
lisp> (set! a 111)
lisp> a
lisp> (topa)
lisp> ((lambda (a) (+ a (topa))) 777)
lisp> (define mkints (lambda (b) (lambda ()(set! b (+ b 1))))))
lisp> (define next-int (mkints 5))
lisp> (next-int)
lisp> (next-int)
lisp> (define a 3)
lisp> (eval (quote a) (cons (cons (quote a) 5)))
lisp> (env)
((a . 3) (fibo . #func[]) (nil) ...
The names of these string functions are "non-standard" (not scheme). I prefer the shorter names (<=6 chars), instead of string-append, string-concatenate, integer->char char->integer... There will be a scheme compat file you can load with "long name aliases".
lisp> (length "foo")
lisp> (concat "foo" "bar")
lisp> (split "1a2a3a4a5" "a")
("1" "2" "3" "4" "5")
lisp> (split "1a2a3a4a5" "a" 3)
("1" "2" "3")
Please note there is no "char" type, just use integer, and use the multi-way char function for conversions. UTF-8? Haha, come again? For now, just plain stupid "C".
lisp> (list (char "A") (char 66) (char "CA"))
(65 "B" 67)
lisp> (define a '(foo (bar 42) "fie" fum))
(foo (bar 42) "fie" fum)
lisp> (princ a)
(foo (bar 42) fie fum)(foo (bar 42) "fie" fum) - one print and one return value!
lisp> (prin1 a)
(foo (bar 42) "fie" fum)(foo (bar 42) "fie" fum)
lisp> (print a)
(foo (bar 42) "fie" fum) (foo (bar 42) "fie" fum)
lisp> (terpri)
lisp> (pp a)
(foo (bar 42) "fie" fum)
lisp> (printf "Foo%5sFie%03d%5sFish" "Bar" 42 "Fum")
Ticks increase in idle state each time the idle function is called. Also, calling the ticks function increase it. Thus, the difference will at be one. It's monotonically increasing, but not regularly.
lisp> (ticks)
lisp> (- (ticks) (ticks))
Clock returns time since process start in ms.
lisp> (clock)
Time the difference in clock time ms for producing the result. Result it (clock-time . result).
lisp> (time (fibo 22))
(135 . 28657)
lisp> (time (fibo 22))
(136 . 28657)
To get a web page:
lisp> (define whandler (lambda (a b c) (princ a) (if b (princ b)) (if c (princ c))))
lisp> (wget "yesco.org" "http://yesco.org/index.html" whandler)
To serve web pages:
lisp> (define w (lambda (what method path) (if what nil "string to return"))))
lisp> (web 8080 w)
Read value from GPIO-0
lisp> (in 0)
Write value to GPIO-5
lisp> (out 5 1)
lisp> (out 5 0)
To read data, like from a button, from input pins reliably, the following interrupt based functions are supported.
Please note that PIN 0 on the NodeMCU is the button on the right from the USB port. This makes testing quite easy!
// (interrupt PIN 0) : disable
// (interrupt PIN 1) : EDGE_POS
// (interrupt PIN 2) : EDGE_NEG
// (interrupt PIN 3) : EDGE_ANY
// (interrupt PIN 4) : LOW
// (interrupt PIN 5) : HIGH
Note: TODO: this has 200 ms, "ignore" if happen within 200ms, maybe add as parameter?
If any interrupt is enabled it'll call intXX where XX=pin if the symbol exists. This is called from the IDLE loop, no clicks counts will be lost, clicks is the new clicks since last invokation/clear. It will only be invoked once if any was missed, and only the last time in ms is retained.
Call int00 function each time the default button is released:
(interrupt 0 1)
(define (int00 pin clicks count ms)
(printf " [button %d new clicks=%d total=%d last at %d ms] " pin clicks count ms))
If esp-lisp is running a long program and is busy, the clicks will be updated alongside with count ms is set at each click. When the your program returns back to the idle loop/prompt. It will be called with clicks being the amount of clicks since last time it was callled.
// (interrupt PIN) : get count
// (interrupt PIN -1) : get +count if new, or -count if no new
// (interrupt PIN -2) : get +count if new, or 0 otherwise
// (interrupt PIN -3) : get ms of last click
For example, using the default button: lisp> (interrupt 0 1) 0 lisp> (interrupt 0) 0 === press button once === lisp> (interrupt 0) 1 === press button three times === lisp> (interrupt 0) 4 lisp> (interrupt 0 -1) 4 lisp> (interrupt 0 -1) -4 === press button once === lisp> (interrupt 0 -1) 5 lisp> (interrupt 0 -1) -5 === press button three times ==== lisp> (interrupt 0 -1) 8 lisp> (intterupt 0 -2) 8 lisp> (interrupt 0 -2) 0 === press button one time ==== lisp> (interrupt 0 -2) 1 lisp> (interrupt 0 -2) 0 === press button three times ==== lisp> (interrupt 0 -2) 3 lisp> (interrupt 0 -2) 0 lisp> (interrupt 0 -3) 57300 lisp> (clock) 58500
The idle function has been augmented with a simple background task manager, it'll run a task 1000 ms in the future.
lisp> (at 1000 (lambda () (princ "ONE TIME")))
(4711 1000 . #func)
lisp> and while we areONE TIME typing
A task can be made repeating by using a negative number, it is then rescheduled after being run, in this case, at 1000 ms in the future, repeadetly, until explicitly cancelled.
lisp> (at -1000 (lambda () (princ ".")))
(61000 -1000 . #func)
lisp> (at -3000 (lambda () (princ "THREE")))
(63000 -3000 . #func)
lisp> (define never (at 1000 (lambda () (princ "NEVER"))))
(72000 1000 . #func)
lisp> (stop never)