RL experiments using lightweight minecraft environment
This is the latest development repository of CraftGround environment.
- You need to install JDK >= 21
- Run the following command to install the package.
If you want to install latest dev version:
pip install craftground
pip install git+https://github.com/yhs0602/CraftGround.git@dev
- Take a look at the the demo repository!
- Here is a simple example that uses this environment.
from craftground import craftground from craftground.wrappers.action import ActionWrapper, Action from craftground.wrappers.fast_reset import FastResetWrapper from craftground.wrappers.time_limit import TimeLimitWrapper from craftground.wrappers.vision import VisionWrapper from stable_baselines3 import A2C from stable_baselines3.common.monitor import Monitor from stable_baselines3.common.vec_env import VecVideoRecorder, DummyVecEnv from wandb.integration.sb3 import WandbCallback import wandb from avoid_damage import AvoidDamageWrapper def main(): run = wandb.init( # set the wandb project where this run will be logged project="craftground-sb3", entity="jourhyang123", # track hyperparameters and run metadata group="escape-husk", sync_tensorboard=True, # auto-upload sb3's tensorboard metrics monitor_gym=True, # auto-upload the videos of agents playing the game save_code=True, # optional save_code=True, # optional ) env = craftground.make( # env_path="../minecraft_env", port=8023, initialInventoryCommands=[], initialPosition=None, # nullable initialMobsCommands=[ "minecraft:husk ~ ~ ~5 {HandItems:[{Count:1,id:iron_shovel},{}]}", # player looks at south (positive Z) when spawn ], imageSizeX=114, imageSizeY=64, visibleSizeX=114, visibleSizeY=64, seed=12345, # nullable allowMobSpawn=False, alwaysDay=True, alwaysNight=False, initialWeather="clear", # nullable isHardCore=False, isWorldFlat=True, # superflat world obs_keys=["sound_subtitles"], initialExtraCommands=[], isHudHidden=False, render_action=True, render_distance=2, simulation_distance=5, ) env = FastResetWrapper( TimeLimitWrapper( ActionWrapper( AvoidDamageWrapper(VisionWrapper(env, x_dim=114, y_dim=64)), enabled_actions=[Action.FORWARD, Action.BACKWARD], ), max_timesteps=400, ) ) env = Monitor(env) env = DummyVecEnv([lambda: env]) env = VecVideoRecorder( env, f"videos/{run.id}", record_video_trigger=lambda x: x % 2000 == 0, video_length=200, ) model = A2C( "MlpPolicy", env, verbose=1, device="mps", tensorboard_log=f"runs/{run.id}" ) model.learn( total_timesteps=10000, callback=WandbCallback( gradient_save_freq=100, model_save_path=f"models/{run.id}", verbose=2, ), ) model.save("a2c_craftground") run.finish() # vec_env = model.get_env() # obs = vec_env.reset() # for i in range(1000): # action, _state = model.predict(obs, deterministic=True) # obs, reward, done, info = vec_env.step(action) # # vec_env.render("human") # # VecEnv resets automatically # # if done: # # obs = vec_env.reset() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Utilizing protocol buffers, we've constructed a reinforcement learning environment specifically tailored for Minecraft. Below are detailed specifications of the environment's architecture:
Field | Type | Description |
x, y, z | int32 | Coordinates of the block. |
block_state | string | State of the block, e.g., minecraft:andesite_stairs[facing=east,half=bottom,shape=straight,waterlogged=false] . |
Field | Type | Description |
initialInventoryCommands | repeated string | Commands to setup initial inventory. |
initialPosition | repeated int32 | Player's starting coordinates. |
initialMobsCommands | repeated string | Commands for spawning mobs. |
imageSizeX, imageSizeY | int32 | Image dimensions of the environment. |
seed | int64 | World generation seed. |
allowMobSpawn | bool | Controls mob spawning. |
alwaysNight, alwaysDay | bool | Control for time of day. |
initialWeather | string | Initial weather setting. |
isWorldFlat | bool | Flat world toggle. |
visibleSizeX, visibleSizeY | int32 | Player's visible dimensions. |
initialExtraCommands | repeated string | Extra commands for initialization. |
killedStatKeys, minedStatKeys, miscStatKeys | repeated string | Player's statistic keys. |
initialBlockStates | repeated BlockState | Initial world block states. |
surroundingEntityDistances | repeated int32 | Entity distances from player. |
hudHidden | bool | Toggle for HUD visibility. |
render_distance, simulation_distance | int32 | Block and entity render/simulation distances. |
Field | Type | Description |
raw_id | int32 | Unique item identifier. |
translation_key | string | Item's display name translation key. |
count | int32 | Amount in the item stack. |
durability, max_durability | int32 | Durability information of item. |
Field | Type | Description |
x, y, z | int32 | Block coordinates. |
translation_key | string | Block's display name translation key. |
Field | Type | Description |
unique_name | string | Unique name of the entity. |
translation_key | string | Entity's translation key. |
x, y, z | double | Entity coordinates. |
yaw, pitch | double | Yaw and Pitch of the entity. |
health | double | Health of the entity. |
Field | Type | Description |
image | bytes | Image data of the environment. |
x, y, z | double | Player's coordinates in the world. |
yaw, pitch | double | Player's orientation (yaw & pitch). |
health | double | Player's health level. |
food_level | double | Player's food level. |
saturation_level | double | Player's saturation level. |
is_dead | bool | Flag indicating if the player is dead. |
inventory | repeated ItemStack | List of items in player's inventory. |
raycast_result | HitResult | Raycasting result to identify targeted blocks or entities. |
sound_subtitles | repeated SoundEntry | List of recent sounds with subtitles. |
status_effects | repeated StatusEffect | List of active status effects on the player. |
killed_statistics | map<string, int32> | Player's kill statistics with entity names as keys. |
mined_statistics | map<string, int32> | Player's block mining statistics with block types as keys. |
misc_statistics | map<string, int32> | Miscellaneous statistics. |
visible_entities | repeated EntityInfo | List of entities currently visible to the player. |
surrounding_entities | map<int32, EntitiesWithinDistance> | Map of entities around the player with distances as keys. |
bobber_thrown | bool | Flag indicating if a fishing bobber is currently thrown. |
world_time | int64 | Current world time. |
last_death_message | string | Last death reason. |
Field | Type | Description |
action | repeated int32 | Available player actions. |
commands | repeated string | Any minecraft commands. |
Wrapper Name | Description |
action | Defines discrete action spaces and operations for the agent. |
sound | Provides sound-based feedback or actions for the agent. |
vision | Incorporates visual feedback or vision-based actions for the agent. |
f"setblock 1 2 3 minecraft:cake"
- Edit .proto
- protoc
- Edit python files
brew install ktlint clang-format google-java-format
wget https://apt.llvm.org/llvm.sh
sudo ./llvm.sh 19
sudo apt install clang-format-19
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/clang-format-19 /usr/bin/clang-format
find . \( -iname '*.h' -o -iname '*.cpp' -o -iname '*.mm' \) | xargs clang-format -i
ktlint '!src/craftground/MinecraftEnv/src/main/java/com/kyhsgeekcode/minecraftenv/proto/**'
find . -name '*.java' -print0 | xargs -0 -P 4 google-java-format -i
cd src/
protoc proto/action_space.proto --python_out=craftground
protoc proto/initial_environment.proto --python_out=craftground
protoc proto/observation_space.proto --python_out=craftground
protoc proto/action_space.proto --java_out=craftground/MinecraftEnv/src/main/java/ --kotlin_out=craftground/MinecraftEnv/src/main/java/
protoc proto/initial_environment.proto --java_out=craftground/MinecraftEnv/src/main/java/ --kotlin_out=craftground/MinecraftEnv/src/main/java/
protoc proto/observation_space.proto --java_out=craftground/MinecraftEnv/src/main/java/ --kotlin_out=craftground/MinecraftEnv/src/main/java/
google.protobuf.runtime_version.VersionError: Detected incompatible Protobuf Gencode/Runtime versions when loading proto/initial_environment.proto: gencode 5.29.1 runtime 5.27.3. Runtime version cannot be older than the linked gencode version. See Protobuf version guarantees at https://protobuf.dev/support/cross-version-runtime-guarantee.
pip install --upgrade protobuf
conda create --name craftground python=3.11
conda activate craftground
conda install gymnasium Pillow numpy protobuf typing_extensions psutil pytorch ninja build cmake
conda install -c conda-forge openjdk=21 libgl-devel
conda install glew
python -m build
cmake --build .