This plugin is a tool to pipe your selection into the Python code written by emres (Emre Sevinç), which is based on Deniz Yüret's turkish-mode emres/turkish-mode.
It contains two functions, one to deasciify a selection, and the other to asciify it.
You can create key mappings for it like this in your .vimrc file:
vmap <Space>tr :<c-u>call Turkish_Deasciify()<CR>
vmap <Space>rt :<c-u>call Turkish_Asciify()<CR>
Note that you need to install emres/turkish-deasciifier to use this plugin. Running this command would be a easy way to do so:
cd ~/ && mkdir -p Library && cd Library && git clone
If you don't specify a path for the executable file, the plugin will assume that it is included in the environment. However, if that is not the case (if you installed emres/turkish-deasciifier with the command above, it is not), you can specify a path for it in your .vimrc file:
let g:turkish_deasciifier_path = '~/Library/turkish-deasciifier/turkish-deasciify'
You can install it the way you install any other plugin with Vundle or Pathogen.