1. How to train relevance model (given the base SIQ data):
Your train + validation + test file must be named qa_train.json and qa_val.json and qa_test.json, respectively
Run the following command to get the train + validation file into the RoBERTa format that the model reads:
python siq_to_roberta.py --dataset_path /work/yinghork/socialiq_data --output_dir /work/yinghork/socialiq_data
Run the following command with updated dataset paths and output directory:
python train_roberta_multiple_choice.py --dataset_path /work/yinghork/socialiq_data --dataset_name socialiq_permute_a2 --output_dir /work/yinghork/socialiq_data/matching_lr_1e-6_bs_3_unfreeze --learning_rate 1e-6 --batch_size 3
Use the best model’s weights in the next steps
2. How to get adversarial matchings given some initial matchings and relevance model:
Create folds from the Roberta dataset created in step 1:
python create_folds.py --num_folds 16 --dataset_path /work/yinghork/socialiq_data/socialiq_permute_train.json --output_dir /work/yinghork/socialiq_data/folds/train
python create_folds.py --num_folds 2 --dataset_path /work/yinghork/socialiq_data/socialiq_permute_valid.json --output_dir /work/yinghork/socialiq_data/folds/valid
For each of the train and validation data:
Run the relevance model sweep:
Edit relevance_grid.yml file given the "TODO"
Run: wandb sweep relevance_grid.yml
Run sbatch with the wandb agent command
Run the similarity model sweep:
Edit similarity_grid.yml file given the "TODO"
Run: wandb sweep similarity_grid.yml
Run sbatch with the wandb agent command
Run the dissimilarity model sweep:
Edit dissimilarity_grid.yml file given the "TODO"
Run: wandb sweep dissimilarity_grid.yml
Run sbatch with the wandb agent command
Run the matching sweep:
Edit multi_matching_grid.yml file
Run: wandb sweep multi_matching_grid.yml
Run sbatch with the wandb agent command
Combine the folds:
python combine_folds.py --num_folds 16 --lam 0.1,0.5,1.0,2.0 --lam2 0.1,0.5,1.0,2.0 --lam3 0.1,0.5,1.0,2.0 --dataset_path /work/yinghork/socialiq_data/matchings/train --output_dir /work/yinghork/socialiq_data/matchings/train
3. How to retrain relevance model on new matchings:
For each of the train and validation data:
Get the matching data into the roberta format that the model reads (two files: 1 train file and 1 validation file, and both have to be in the same folder):
python matchings_to_roberta.py --type train --lam 0.1 --lam2 0.1 --lam3 0.1 --dataset_path /work/yinghork/socialiq_data/matchings/train --output_dir /work/yinghork/socialiq_data/matchings/lam0.1
python matchings_to_roberta.py --type valid --lam 0.1 --lam2 0.1 --lam3 0.1 --dataset_path /work/yinghork/socialiq_data/matchings/valid --output_dir /work/yinghork/socialiq_data/matchings/lam0.1
Run the following command with updated dataset paths and output directory:
python train_roberta_multiple_choice.py --dataset_path /work/yinghork/socialiq_data/matchings/lam0.0 --dataset_name socialiq_permute_a2 --output_dir /work/yinghork/socialiq_data/matchings/lam0.0/matching_lr_1e-6_bs_3_unfreeze --learning_rate 1e-6 --batch_size 3
4. Get new matchings back in siq form for Merlot:
python matchings_to_siq.py --lam 0.1,0.5,1.0,2.0 --lam2 0.1,0.5,1.0,2.0 --lam3 0.1,0.5,1.0,2.0 --dataset_path /work/yinghork/socialiq_data/matchings/train --output_dir /work/yinghork/socialiq_data