When you enable @searchable
, there are SearchableYourModelFilterInput
, SearchableYourModelSortInput
and other Inputs are automatically generated inside your GraphQL schema. These are invisible in your Amplify code base, but you can see these in the AWS AppSync console -> Your API -> Schema. Below are two examples.
input SearchableItemFilterInput {
id: SearchableIDFilterInput
identifier: SearchableStringFilterInput
item_category: SearchableStringFilterInput
date: SearchableStringFilterInput
description: SearchableStringFilterInput
parent_collection: SearchableStringFilterInput
title: SearchableStringFilterInput
visibility: SearchableBooleanFilterInput
and: [SearchableItemFilterInput]
or: [SearchableItemFilterInput]
not: SearchableItemFilterInput
input SearchableCollectionSortInput {
field: SearchableCollectionSortableFields
direction: SearchableSortDirection
You can modify a copy of these Inputs
and make a new one for your custom model by following the same workflow.
input SearchableObjectFilterInput {
id: SearchableIDFilterInput
title: SearchableStringFilterInput
identifier: SearchableStringFilterInput
description: SearchableStringFilterInput
date: SearchableStringFilterInput
visibility: SearchableBooleanFilterInput
parent_collection: SearchableStringFilterInput
and: [SearchableObjectFilterInput]
or: [SearchableObjectFilterInput]
not: SearchableObjectFilterInput
input SearchableObjectSortInput {
field: SearchableObjectSortableFields
direction: SearchableSortDirection
enum SearchableObjectSortableFields {
input SearchableIDFilterInput {
ne: ID
gt: ID
lt: ID
gte: ID
lte: ID
eq: ID
match: ID
matchPhrase: ID
matchPhrasePrefix: ID
multiMatch: ID
exists: Boolean
wildcard: ID
regexp: ID
range: [ID]
input SearchableStringFilterInput {
ne: String
gt: String
lt: String
gte: String
lte: String
eq: String
match: String
matchPhrase: String
matchPhrasePrefix: String
multiMatch: String
exists: Boolean
wildcard: String
regexp: String
range: [String]
input SearchableBooleanFilterInput {
eq: Boolean
ne: Boolean
enum SearchableSortDirection {
Once you have these new Inputs
, you can add them into your Query
type. SearchableObjectSortInput
for sort and SearchableObjectFilterInput
for filter.
sort: SearchableObjectSortInput
filter: SearchableObjectFilterInput
keyword: String!
limit: Int
nextToken: String
): SearchableObjectConnection
You can check the automatically generated mapping template in the AppSync to get below code and make changes.
- Query.searchObjects.req.vtl
#set( $nonKeywordFields = ["visibility"] )
#if( $util.isNullOrEmpty($context.args.sort) )
#set( $sortDirection = "desc" )
#set( $sortField = "id" )
#set( $sortDirection = $util.defaultIfNull($context.args.sort.direction, "desc") )
#set( $sortField = $util.defaultIfNull($context.args.sort.field, "id") )
#if( $nonKeywordFields.contains($sortField) )
#set( $sortField0 = $util.toJson($sortField) )
#set( $sortField0 = $util.toJson("${sortField}.keyword") )
- Query.searchObjects.res.vtl