- CentOS 7 for the Ansible host and all managed hosts
All other environments are untested and unsupported.
Complete these steps on the Ansible Host that will run kazoo-ansible.
- SSH into the Ansible host
$ ssh kazoo-ansible.lan
- Bootstrap the Ansible host
$ bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kazoo-ansible/kazoo-ansible/master/ansible_host_bootstrap.sh)
- Edit /etc/ansible/hosts (Hint: Press i for insert mode and Escape for command mode)
$ sudo vi /etc/ansible/hosts
- Modify hosts based on your cluster configuration (these are merely suggested configurations)
# Single node cluster [kazoo] kazoo.lan [monsterui] kazoo.lan [couchdb] kazoo.lan [rabbitmq] kazoo.lan [kamailio] kazoo.lan [freeswitch] kazoo.lan # Multiple node cluster [kazoo] kazoo1.lan kazoo2.lan kazoo3.lan [monsterui] kazoo1.lan kazoo2.lan kazoo3.lan [couchdb] kazoo1.lan kazoo2.lan kazoo3.lan [rabbitmq] kazoo1.lan kazoo2.lan [kamailio] kazoo1.lan kazoo2.lan kazoo3.lan [freeswitch] kazoo1.lan kazoo2.lan kazoo3.lan
- Save hosts
- Edit site.yml (Hint: Press i for insert mode and Escape for command mode)
$ cd ~/kazoo-ansible $ vi site.yml
- Modify site.yml to add optional or custom roles
--- - hosts: all become: true roles: - kazoo-ansible.common - hosts: couchdb become: true roles: - kazoo-ansible.couchdb # Uncomment couchdb-google-storage-backup to add daily backup # scripts to backup CouchDB to Google Cloud Storage # - kazoo-ansible.couchdb-google-storage-backup - hosts: rabbitmq become: true roles: - kazoo-ansible.rabbitmq - hosts: freeswitch become: true roles: - kazoo-ansible.freeswitch - hosts: kamailio become: true roles: - kazoo-ansible.kamailio - hosts: kazoo become: true roles: - kazoo-ansible.kazoo - hosts: monsterui become: true roles: - kazoo-ansible.monsterui - hosts: all become: true roles: - kazoo-ansible.updates
- Save site.yml
- Edit group_vars/all (Hint: Press i for insert mode and Escape for command mode)
$ cd ~/kazoo-ansible $ vi group_vars/all
- Modify group_vars based on your cluster configuration
--- # The domain used to access Monster UI kazoo_domain: kazoo.lan # Enables Let's Encrypt. Set to no to manage TLS certificates manually kazoo_enable_lets_encrypt: yes # Usernames that can either be left alone or changed couch_user: couchdb rabbitmq_user: rabbitmq # Passwords and cookies that should definitely be changed erlang_cookie: changeme rabbitmq_password: changeme couch_password: changeme # Manually-managed TLS certificate to secure Crossbar and MonsterUI if # Let's Encrypt is disabled kazoo_tls_certificate: | -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- Your certificate here! -----END CERTIFICATE----- kazoo_tls_private_key: | -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- Your private key here -----END PRIVATE KEY----- # CouchDB Google Cloud Storage Backup Settings # These settings are only required if the couchdb-google-storage-backup # role is used couchdb_google_storage_backup_bucket_name: Your Google Cloud Storage bucket name here couchdb_google_storage_backup_service_account_key: | Your Google Cloud Service credentials.json contents here
- Save group_vars
- SSH into each Kazoo node to cache the host in known_hosts
$ ssh kazoo.lan The authenticity of host 'kazoo.lan (' can't be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:JtNSVrHMsgGAdFoek0R15Gm0Pjczi3kMOTgNSic0dq4. ECDSA key fingerprint is MD5:6d:07:fc:a4:36:ac:89:23:5e:e6:a6:8d:1e:e6:fe:8d. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Warning: Permanently added 'kazoo.lan' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts. Last login: Tue Oct 10 02:46:40 2017 from cnd4220hd2.lan $ logout
- Bootstrap the Kazoo nodes
# The bootstrap process assumes that all Kazoo nodes have the same # password if SSH login is not possible and that sudo root access # is available $ ansible-playbook bootstrap.yml --ask-pass --ask-become-pass SSH password: Your SSH password SUDO password[defaults to SSH password]: Your SSH password
- SSH into the Ansible host
$ ssh kazoo-ansible.lan
- Run the kazoo-ansible Ansible Playbook
$ cd ~/kazoo-ansible $ ansible-playbook site.yml
- SSH into one of the Kazoo nodes with the kazoo role
$ ssh kazoo.lan
- Import FreeSwitch Media
# EN-US prompts $ sup kazoo_media_maintenance import_prompts /opt/kazoo/sounds/en/us/ # Add additional prompts as needed # sup kazoo_media_maintenance import_prompts /opt/kazoo/sounds/fr/ca fr-ca
- Create the Kazoo Master Administrator Account
# Create an account with your own account name, realm, username, and password $ sup crossbar_maintenance create_account YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME YOUR_REALM YOUR_USERNAME YOUR_PASSWORD
- Initialize MonsterUI Applications
# Initialize MonsterUI using the Kazoo domain set in group_vars/all $ sup crossbar_maintenance init_apps /var/www/html/monster-ui/apps https://kazoo.lan/crossbar/v2