- In the IDE settings, go to plugins, then choose the setting icon and "Install plugin from Disk"
- In the IDE settings, go to keymap. Press the find actions by shortcut (on the right) and search for "Ctrl+Shift+A". Remove the non-Graffiti shortcut. You might need to do this for other shortcuts
- Go to Menu->Tools->"Graffiti: Connect to server".
- Ctrl+Shift+A - Add node to the graph
- Ctrl+Shift+X - Add node to the graph with text on the edge
- Ctrl+Shift+Alt+A - Add line node to the graph
- Ctrl+Shift+Q - Add all of the xrefs of a node to the graph.
- Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Q - Add all of the line xrefs of a node to the graph.