BufferedLogger is a tiny but thread-safe logger with a buffering and retrying mechanism for iOS.
- Buffer log entries until it's time to output them.
- Batch multiple log entries to use them at the same time.
- Retry outputing log entries when some backoff time elapsed after some errors occurred.
You can use this framework...
- To send a group of log entries to your server.
- To resend them when some errors like a networking trouble were occured.
- iOS 9.0 or later
- Swift5
github "yoheimuta/BufferedLogger"
pod "BufferedLogger"
For details, refer to a Demo project.
Posted log entries are buffered and emitted as a chunk on a routine schedule.
write method is ensured to call serially, which means it is run by a serial queue.
class MyWriter: Writer {
func write(_ chunk: Chunk, completion: @escaping (Bool) -> Void) {
// You can implement something useful like uploading logs to your server.
print("chunk is \(chunk)")
chunk.entries.forEach {
print("entry is \($0)")
You have to register your writer to the logger and can post your log with it from any thread.
A call to post method is no blocking.
import BufferedLogger
logger = BFLogger(writer: MyWriter())
logger.post("1".data(using: .utf8)!)
logger.post("2".data(using: .utf8)!)
logger.post("3".data(using: .utf8)!)
You can also create your configuration for buffering and emitting mechanism.
If you omit to define your configuration, default below is used. Each meaning is in a comment.
/// Config represents a configuration for buffering and writing logs.
public struct Config {
/// flushEntryCount is the maximum number of entries per one chunk.
/// When the number of entries of buffer reaches this count, it starts to write a chunk.
public let flushEntryCount: Int
/// flushInterval is a interval to write a chunk.
public let flushInterval: TimeInterval
/// retryRule is a rule of retry.
public let retryRule: RetryRule
/// maxEntryCountInStorage is a max count of entry to be saved in the storage.
/// When the number of entries in the storage reaches this count, it starts to
/// delete the older entries.
public let maxEntryCountInStorage: Int
/// storagePath is a path to the entries.
/// When you uses multiple BFLogger, you must set an unique path.
public let storagePath: String
public init(flushEntryCount: Int = 5,
flushInterval: TimeInterval = 10,
retryRule: RetryRule = DefaultRetryRule(retryLimit: 3),
maxEntryCountInStorage: Int = 1000,
storagePath: String = defaultStoragePath) {
self.flushEntryCount = flushEntryCount
self.flushInterval = flushInterval
self.retryRule = retryRule
self.maxEntryCountInStorage = maxEntryCountInStorage
self.storagePath = storagePath
/// default is a default configuration.
public static let `default` = Config()
BufferedLogger stores the unsent entries in the local storage when the application couldn't send log entries.
By default, it stores them in local files in the Library/Caches directory.
You can also define your own custom log entry storage backed by any storage system.
See the EntryStroage protocol for more details.
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch: git checkout -b your-new-feature
- Commit changes: git commit -m 'Add your feature'
- Push to the branch: git push origin your-new-feature
- Submit a pull request
The MIT License (MIT)
Thank you to the Puree-Swift: https://github.com/cookpad/Puree-Swift
I inspired by this library for the elaborate design, interface and some implementation.