Implement a program that prompts the user for a fraction, formatted as X/Y
, wherein each of X
and Y
is an integer, and then outputs, as a percentage rounded to the nearest integer, how much fuel is in the tank.
- If X or Y is not an integer, X is greater than Y, or Y is 0, instead prompt the user again
- Catch
- If 1% or less remains, output E
- If 99% or more remains, output F
num, deno = fraction.split("/")
print(f"{percent(num, deno)}")
except (ValueError, ZeroDivisionError):
return str(prct) + "%"
Implement a program that enables a user to place an order, prompting them for items, one per line, until the user inputs cmd-d
(which is a common way of ending one’s input to a program).
- After each inputted item, display the total cost of all items inputted this far, prefixed with a dollar sign
and formatted to two decimal places. - Treat the user’s input case insensitively
- Ignore any input that isn't an item.
- Assume that every item on the menu will be titlecased
Dictionary values can be str
, int
, float
, etc.
total = 0
if order in tacos:
total += tacos[order]
print(f"Total: ${total:.2f}")
except EOFError
Implement a program that prompts the user for items, one per line, until the user inputs cmd-d
- Then output the user’s grocery list in all UPPERCASE
- Sorted alphabetically by item
- Prefixing each line with the number of times the user inputted that item. No need to pluralize the items.
- Treat the user's input case-insensitively.
items_list = [ ]
final_items = { }
except EOFError
for item in items_list:
if item in final_items:
final_items[item] += 1
final_items[item] = 1
for item in final_items.keys():
print(f"{final_items[item]} {item}")
Implement a program that prompts the user for a date in month-day-year order, formatted like 9/8/1636 or September 8, 1636
- Then output the same date in
format. - If the user’s input is not a valid date in either format, prompt the user again.
- Assume that every month has no more than 31 days; no need to validate whether a month has 28, 29, 30 or 31 days.
If days > 31 = reprompt
If months > 12 = reprompt
If date is in wrong format = reject
except ValueError
list.index(x) # Returns index of first occurrence of x
print(f"{year}-{month:02}-{day:02}") # n:02 notation adds 0 prefix if single integer
date = date.replace(",", "") # Replaces "," by nothing
date_parts = date.split(" ") # Splits string from whitespace and creates a list of elements
month, day, year = date_parts # Renames date_parts[0] month, date_parts[1] day and date_parts[2] year
months.index(month) # Returns index of element