- Feature #1553 Support rabbitmq connector
- Feature #1261 Support Pinpoint tracing plugin feature
- Feature #1248 Adds EventMesh Workflow Protocol
- Feature #1247 Adds EventMesh Catalog Protocol
- Feature #1244 Java SDK adds nacos naming selecotor
- Feature #1092 Java SDK adds EventMesh Catalog Client
- Feature #1091 Java SDK adds EventMesh Workflow Client
- Feature #1090 Support for managing EventMesh events using AsyncAPI
- Feature #1040 Support Pulsar connector plugin and Pulsar as event store
- Feature #973 zookeeper registry
- Feature #815 Support Rust
- Feature #790 Support Knative as Eventing Infra
- Feature #389 Support Redis
- Feature #270 Support another optional storage engine Pravega
- Enhancement #2167 Reliance on default encoding
- Enhancement #2169 Method checks the size of a collection against zero rather than using isEmpty() [WebhookTopicConfig]
- Enhancement #2147 add workflow run scripts
- Enhancement #2069 Support Go SDK Http EventMesh Message Protocol
- Enhancement #2062 Possible null pointer dereference due to return value of called method [SubScribeTask]
- Enhancement #2056 Use try-with-resources to manage resources [RejectClientByIpPortHandler]
- Enhancement #2017 Support Go SDK http protocol RR command
- Enhancement #2016 Possible null pointer dereference due to return value of called method [http SubController]
- Enhancement #2008 Support GO SDK Http protocol un-subscription
- Enhancement #2004 add workflow create command
- Enhancement #2002 Solve the project compile error
- Enhancement #1999 Refine rabbitmq connector unit test
- Enhancement #1993 Reliance on default encoding [WebhookFileListener]
- Enhancement #1983 Extract GO SDK protocol constant
- Enhancement #1934 upgrade workflow go.mod
- Enhancement #1933 optimize workflow-dal logic
- Enhancement #1932 optimize workflow-task logic
- Enhancement #1931 optimize workflow-jq logic
- Enhancement #1929 optimize workflow-catalog logic
- Enhancement #1928 upgrade workflow proto
- Enhancement #1927 add workflow examples demo
- Enhancement #1822 Support Go SDK producer message random sequence
- Enhancement #1743 Support Go SDK HTTP Client Load Balance
- Enhancement #1682 Java SDK add http connection pool
- Enhancement #1670 Add workflow mysql schema files
- Enhancement #1648 Modify worfklow scheduler config
- Enhancement #1636 Improve the performance of publish event in connector-pulsar
- Enhancement #1628 SSLContextFactory some config should configure in EventMeshHTTPConfiguration
- Bug #2163 This method needlessly uses a String literal as a Charset encoding [SendSyncMessageProcessor]
- Bug #2148 The webhook test occurs with an NPE
- Bug #1818 Fix IOException in SSLContextFactory
- Bug #1656 The extension field of CloudEvent does not exist.
- Bug #1654 Occur NullPointerException when broadcastEventListener consumes message
- Bug #1627 ConsumerGroup subscribes multiple topics, only first topic can invoke url
- Bug #1367 Cannot find the webhook protocol adaptor
- Bug #1350 Fix WebHookProcessorTest test error
- Bug #1347 Pravega connector writer doesn't close when unsubscribing
- Bug #1279 gradle.properties incorrect under the eventmesh-connector-pulsar
- Bug #1238 Can't start the pulsar connector
- Bug #1208 Use zipkin hippen NullPointerException
- Bug #1021 Span is null when eventMeshServerTraceEnable is false
- Bug #1022 Two NPE problems with Tcp Protocol Resolver
- Bug #1035 Tcp UpStreamMsgContext retry infinite loop
- Bug #1036 The bug caused by the logical sequence of tcp closeSession
- Bug #1038 The result of validate target url method is opposite in http protocol
- Bug #1052 Only the first instance of the same consumer group receives the message in http protocol
- Bug #1056 Fix StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
- Bug #1059 NullPointException of Http Request
- Bug #1064 NullPointException Of ClientManageControllerTest
- Bug #1074 Fix PrometheusConfigurationTest running test fail
- Document #2074 Update Pravega connector doc
- Document #2066 Optimize http-demo zh document
- Document #1520 Update the eventmesh keywords.
- Document #1500 Fix the readme file.
- Document #1496 error words in 03-demo.md
- Document #1368 Knative Connector: Move Documentation to Design Directory
- Document #1271 Translation of documents [webhook.md]
- Document #1246 Pravega connector doc
- Document #1213 Support Knative as Eventing Infra: Documentation (Publish/Subscribe)