Display | Like a monitor for a PC, but typically much smaller. The screen on your phone is a Display. |
Microcontroller | A small computer generally used for a single task or application. |
PCB | Printed Circuit Board. A board that has electronic components soldered to it and traces (wires) embedded in it. |
PR | A Pull Request |
Pull Request | A set of code (or documentation) changes that are submitted to a repository to be reviewed and included in the release |
Relay | A mechanical switch that allows a smaller voltage/current to turn on and off a (tyipcally) larger voltage and current. |
Repository | A place where code and documents are stored. For this project, the Repository is stored in GitHub (where you're reading this documetn, or where you got it from) |
Set Point | A variable used for some sort of control. For example 'the temperature below which I want the heater to turn on" is a set point. |
Telemetry | The value of a sensor. For example a temperature, or a door state (open or closed). Typically these are accessed in groups, for example "give me all of the coop telemetry" means "get all of the sensor values for the coop". |