diff --git a/Catalog.xsl b/Catalog.xsl index cd3268c..091670d 100644 --- a/Catalog.xsl +++ b/Catalog.xsl @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ -

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식탁보 카탈로그 페이지


이 카탈로그 페이지는 식탁보 카탈로그 XML 페이지를 쉽게 검색해볼 수 있게 만든 웹 페이지입니다. 편의를 위하여 제공되는 웹 페이지로, 전체 기능을 사용하시려면 식탁보 프로그램을 다운로드하여 사용하시는 것을 권장합니다.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
카테고리서비스 이름패키지 정보
Banking우리은행 개인뱅킹
BankingKB국민은행 개인뱅킹
Banking하나은행 개인뱅킹
Banking신한은행 개인뱅킹
BankingNH농협은행 개인뱅킹
BankingSH수협은행 개인뱅킹
BankingIBK기업은행 개인뱅킹
BankingKDB산업은행 개인뱅킹
BankingSC제일은행 개인뱅킹
Banking한국씨티은행 개인뱅킹
Banking케이뱅크 개인뱅킹
Banking카카오뱅크 개인뱅킹
BankingDGB대구은행 개인뱅킹
BankingBNK부산은행 개인뱅킹
Banking광주은행 개인뱅킹
Banking전북은행 개인뱅킹
BankingBNK경남은행 개인뱅킹
BankingMG새마을금고 개인뱅킹
Banking신협 개인뱅킹
Banking우체국예금 개인뱅킹
Banking미쓰이스미토모은행 서울지점
Banking우리은행 기업뱅킹
BankingKB국민은행 기업뱅킹
Banking하나은행 기업뱅킹
Banking신한은행 기업뱅킹
BankingNH농협은행 기업뱅킹
BankingSH수협은행 기업뱅킹
BankingIBK기업은행 기업뱅킹
BankingKDB산업은행 기업뱅킹
BankingSC제일은행 기업뱅킹
Banking한국씨티은행 기업뱅킹
Banking케이뱅크 기업뱅킹
Banking카카오뱅크 기업뱅킹
BankingDGB대구은행 기업뱅킹
BankingBNK부산은행 기업뱅킹
Banking광주은행 기업뱅킹
Banking전북은행 기업뱅킹
BankingBNK경남은행 기업뱅킹
BankingMG새마을금고 기업뱅킹
Banking신협 기업뱅킹
Banking우체국예금 기업뱅킹
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    Government대한민국 법원 전자소송
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    Government금융결제원 빌링원플러스
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    Government금융결제원 트러스빌
    Government한국무역보험공사 사이버영업점
    GovernmentG-health 공공보건포털
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      + + diff --git a/log.txt b/log.txt index febbcac..e417c91 100644 --- a/log.txt +++ b/log.txt @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -Info: UTC Date, time and timezone - 12/09/2024 04:02:20 +00:00 +Info: UTC Date, time and timezone - 12/09/2024 04:12:21 +00:00 Info: Copying all sub-items in `./docs/` directory to `./outputs/` directory... Info: Copying `./docs/Compatibility.xml` file into `./outputs/Compatibility.xml` file... Info: Copying `./docs/Catalog.xsl` file into `./outputs/Catalog.xsl` file... @@ -1070,217 +1070,213 @@ Info: Using schema `./outputs/Catalog.xsd`. Info: Using User Agent String `curl/8.4.0`. Info: Validating `./outputs/Catalog.xml` file. Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://mop.pirodown.win/ebp331_x64.exe` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `10`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.citibank.co.kr/` (Remote response code: 403) - (Line: `123`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.citibank.co.kr/3rdParty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64-sha2.exe` (Remote response code: 403) - (Line: `127`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.citibank.co.kr/3rdParty/interezen/ipinside/agent/I3GSvcManager.exe` (Remote response code: 403) - (Line: `131`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.citibank.co.kr/3rdParty/raon/TouchEn/nxKey/nxKey/module/TouchEn_nxKey_Installer_32bit_MLWS.exe` (Remote response code: 403) - (Line: `129`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.citibank.co.kr/3rdParty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64-sha2.exe` (Remote response code: 403) - (Line: `127`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.citibank.co.kr/3rdParty/wizvera/delfino/down/delfino-g3.exe` (Remote response code: 403) - (Line: `128`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://imgs.kjbank.com/resource/product/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `187`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.citibank.co.kr/` (Remote response code: 403) - (Line: `123`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.citibank.co.kr/3rdParty/interezen/ipinside/agent/I3GSvcManager.exe` (Remote response code: 403) - (Line: `131`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://open.e-jejubank.com/ib20_com/besoft/uniPc/UniquePC_Setup.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `200`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.e-jejubank.com/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `195`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://imgs.kjbank.com/resource/product/initech/extension/down/INIS_EX.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `188`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://imgs.kjbank.com/resource/product/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `187`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://imgs.kjbank.com/resource/product/nxwqr/nxCR/module/KSCertRelay_nx_Installer_32bit.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `191`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.e-smbc.co.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure: RemoteCertificateNameMismatch) - (Line: `253`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://imgs.kjbank.com/resource/product/clipsoft/trustDoc/Install/TDClientforWindowsAgentNX_4.9.0.5.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `192`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://ibs.kfcc.co.kr/` (Remote response code: 400) - (Line: `217`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.e-smbc.co.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure: RemoteCertificateNameMismatch) - (Line: `253`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://imgs.kjbank.com/resource/product/interezen/windows/I3GSvcManager.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `190`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://ibs.kfcc.co.kr/` (Remote response code: 400) - (Line: `217`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://ibs.kfcc.co.kr/common/wizvera/delfino/down/delfino-g3.exe` (Remote response code: 400) - (Line: `222`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://imgs.kjbank.com/resource/product/initech/extension/down/INIS_EX_SHA2.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `437`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://biz.kfcc.co.kr/` (Remote response code: 400) - (Line: `461`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://biz.kfcc.co.kr/3rd/wizvera/delfino/down/delfino-g3.exe` (Remote response code: 400) - (Line: `466`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://biz.kfcc.co.kr/` (Remote response code: 400) - (Line: `461`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.sbisb.co.kr/` (Remote response code: 302) - (Line: `594`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://bank.daishin.com/I3GSvcManager.exe` (Remote response code: 500) - (Line: `649`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://sbbank.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `796`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://woori.ibs.fsb.or.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `890`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://yegaram.ibs.fsb.or.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `869`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://d-banks.co.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `661`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.samhosb.co.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `761`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.asanbank.co.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `828`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.skysb.co.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `806`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.centralbank.co.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `787`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.mkb.co.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `731`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.smartbank.co.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `799`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.estarbank.co.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `815`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.samilbank.co.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `717`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.samilbank.co.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `719`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.angukbank.co.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `837`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.anyangbank.co.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `846`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.estarbank.co.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `817`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.angukbank.co.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `835`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://daeabank.com/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `656`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.anyangbank.co.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `844`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://bank.smartbank.co.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `803`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.anyangbank.co.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `842`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.angukbank.co.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `839`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.acuonsb.co.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `849`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.mkb.co.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `733`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.centralbank.co.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `789`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.asanbank.co.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `832`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.asanbank.co.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `830`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://chbank.ibs.fsb.or.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `950`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://charm.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `966`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://yjbank.ibs.fsb.or.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `862`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://unionsb.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `912`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://unionsb.ibs.fsb.or.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `908`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://choeunbank.ibs.fsb.or.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `943`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://woori.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `894`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://unionsb.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `910`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://chbank.ibs.fsb.or.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `950`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://yegaram.ibs.fsb.or.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `869`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://woori.ibs.fsb.or.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `890`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.sbisb.co.kr/TouchEnFw/TEFW_Installer.exe` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `598`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.sbisb.co.kr/SBISBankKTBRealipInst/SBISBankKTBRealipInst.exe` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `599`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.sbisb.co.kr/XecureObject/xw_install.exe` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `596`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.sbisb.co.kr/TouchEnKey/TouchEnKey_Installer.exe` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `597`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.skysb.co.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `808`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://bank.smartbank.co.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure: RemoteCertificateNameMismatch) - (Line: `801`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://pepperbank.ibs.fsb.or.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `992`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://yjbank.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `864`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://chbank.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `952`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://chbank.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `954`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.centralbank.co.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `785`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://kiwoom.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `989`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.estarbank.co.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `817`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.estarbank.co.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `815`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://yjbank.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `866`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://kiwoom.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `987`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://unionsb.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `910`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://yegaram.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `871`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://choeunbank.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `945`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://woori.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `894`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://woori.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `892`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://kiwoom.ibs.fsb.or.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `985`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://kiwoom.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `987`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://charm.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `968`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://charm.ibs.fsb.or.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `964`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.daehanbank.co.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `670`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.estarbank.co.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `813`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://choeunbank.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `945`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://yegaram.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `871`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://yegaram.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `873`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://choeunbank.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `947`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://charm.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `966`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://hs.ibs.fsb.or.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `1030`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.acuonsb.co.kr/wizvera/web/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `853`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://yjbank.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `866`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.acuonsb.co.kr/wizvera/web/delfino/down/delfino-g3.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `854`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.kiwoomyesbank.com/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `980`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://unionsb.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `912`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://kiwoom.ibs.fsb.or.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `985`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.jinjubank.net/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `959`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://chbank.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `954`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://pepperbank.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `994`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://yegaram.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `873`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://kisb.ibs.fsb.or.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `1023`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://yjbank.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `864`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://hs.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `1034`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://pepperbank.ibs.fsb.or.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `992`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.yuantasavings.co.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `915`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.ycbank.co.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `922`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.anyangbank.co.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `842`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.hanwhasbank.com/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `1039`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://hs.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `1032`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://pepperbank.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `996`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.hanwhasbank.com/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `1037`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.kiwoomyesbank.com/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `978`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://kisb.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `1025`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.hanwhasbank.com/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `1041`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://pepperbank.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `994`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.centralbank.co.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `787`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://eugenebank.ibs.fsb.or.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `1044`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://kisb.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `1027`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://ehkbank.ibs.fsb.or.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `1051`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://pepperbank.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `996`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://eugenebank.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `1048`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://kiwoom.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `989`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.osungbank.co.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `878`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.wooleebank.co.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `885`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.ycbank.co.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `926`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.yuantasavings.co.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `915`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.jinjubank.net/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `957`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.skysb.co.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `810`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.incheonbank.com/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `936`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://ehkbank.ibs.fsb.or.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `1051`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://eugenebank.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `1046`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://hs.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `1032`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://kisb.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `1027`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.cheongjubank.com/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `973`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://d-banks.co.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `663`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.kiwoomyesbank.com/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `982`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.kiwoomyesbank.com/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `978`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.hanwhasbank.com/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `1041`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://hs.ibs.fsb.or.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `1030`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://ehkbank.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `1055`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://ehkbank.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `1053`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.cheongjubank.com/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `971`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.kiwoomyesbank.com/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `980`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.wooleebank.co.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `883`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.sbisb.co.kr/XecureObject/xw_install.exe` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `596`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.kiwoomyesbank.com/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `982`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.wooleebank.co.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `887`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.ptbank.co.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `999`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.incheonbank.com/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `938`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.ycbank.co.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `924`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.angukbank.co.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `835`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.centralbank.co.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `789`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.yuantasavings.co.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `919`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.skysb.co.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `806`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.insungsavingsbank.co.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `929`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.osungbank.co.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `876`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.ptbank.co.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `1001`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.incheonbank.com/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `940`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.angukbank.co.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `837`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.skysb.co.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `808`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.wooleebank.co.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `885`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.ycbank.co.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `926`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.cheongjubank.com/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `973`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.acuonsb.co.kr/wizvera/web/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `853`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://eugenebank.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `1048`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.yuantasavings.co.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `917`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.ycbank.co.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `922`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://hs.ibs.fsb.or.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `1034`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.insungsavingsbank.co.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `929`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.ycbank.co.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `924`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://banking.nfcf.or.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Resource temporarily unavailable) - (Line: `244`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.wooleebank.co.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `887`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.acuonsb.co.kr/raon/TouchEn/nxKey/module/TouchEn_nxKey_Installer_32bit.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `855`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.yuantasavings.co.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `919`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.incheonbank.com/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `938`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.ptbank.co.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `999`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.cheongjubank.com/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `971`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.insungsavingsbank.co.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `931`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.ptbank.co.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `1003`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.barosavings.com/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `740`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.asanbank.co.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `828`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.jinjubank.net/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `957`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.barosavings.com/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `738`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.anyangbank.co.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `844`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.barosavings.com/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `736`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.angukbank.co.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `839`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.skysb.co.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `810`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.bulimbank.co.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `747`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.osungbank.co.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `880`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.jinjubank.net/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `961`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.incheonbank.com/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `940`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.cheongjubank.com/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `975`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.sbisb.co.kr/TouchEnKey/TouchEnKey_Installer.exe` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `597`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.ptbank.co.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `1001`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.insungsavingsbank.co.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `933`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.acuonsb.co.kr/sga/down/TDClientforWindowsAgentNX_4.9.0.6.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `858`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.ibks.com/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `1060`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.ptbank.co.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `1003`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.acuonsb.co.kr/signkorea/web/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.0.11_r2325.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `859`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.acuonsb.co.kr/ipinside/agent/I3GSvcManager.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `857`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.acuonsb.co.kr/raon/TouchEn/nxKey/module/TouchEn_nxKey_Installer_32bit.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `855`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.acuonsb.co.kr/wizvera/web/delfino/down/delfino-g3.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `854`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.osungbank.co.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `878`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.insungsavingsbank.co.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `933`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.acuonsb.co.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `849`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.sbisb.co.kr/TouchEnFw/TEFW_Installer.exe` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `598`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.sbisb.co.kr/SBISBankKTBRealipInst/SBISBankKTBRealipInst.exe` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `599`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.ibks.com/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `1060`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.smartbank.co.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `799`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.wooriib.com/` (Remote response code: 302) - (Line: `1264`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.wooriib.com/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `1266`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.wooriib.com/pluginfree/install/nos_setup.exe` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `1268`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.wooriib.com/SW/initech/extension/down/INIS_EX_SHA2_3.3.2.23.exe` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `1267`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.asanbank.co.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `830`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.kyobo.co.kr/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64-sha2.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. The remote certificate is invalid because of errors in the certificate chain: NotTimeValid) - (Line: `1367`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.wooriib.com/ClipReport4/markany/bin/Setup_ePageSaferRT.exe` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `1270`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.hyundaicard.com/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `1325`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.kyobo.co.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. The remote certificate is invalid because of errors in the certificate chain: NotTimeValid) - (Line: `1363`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.wooriib.com/ipinside/install/I3GSvcManager.` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `1269`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.kyobo.co.kr/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64-sha2.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. The remote certificate is invalid because of errors in the certificate chain: NotTimeValid) - (Line: `1367`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.kyobo.co.kr/AST/Client/astx_setup.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. The remote certificate is invalid because of errors in the certificate chain: NotTimeValid) - (Line: `1368`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.kyobo.co.kr/TouchEn.v2/nxKey/module/TouchEn_nxKey_Installer_32bit.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. The remote certificate is invalid because of errors in the certificate chain: NotTimeValid) - (Line: `1370`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.hyundaicard.com/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `1325`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://bank.smartbank.co.kr/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `801`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.kyobo.co.kr/AnySign.v2/Client/AnySign_Installer.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. The remote certificate is invalid because of errors in the certificate chain: NotTimeValid) - (Line: `1369`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.kyobo.co.kr/AST/Client/astx_setup.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. The remote certificate is invalid because of errors in the certificate chain: NotTimeValid) - (Line: `1368`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://cyber.metlife.co.kr/kings/files/KOS_Setup.exe` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `1392`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://cyber.metlife.co.kr/initech/extension/down/INIS_EX.exe` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `1391`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.lina.co.kr/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64-sha2.exe` (Remote response code: 500) - (Line: `1383`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.lina.co.kr/wizvera/delfino/down/delfino-g3.exe` (Remote response code: 500) - (Line: `1384`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.lina.co.kr/raonnx/nxKey/module/TouchEn_nxKey_32bit.exe` (Remote response code: 500) - (Line: `1385`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.lina.co.kr/raonnx/nxFw/module/TEFW_Installer.exe` (Remote response code: 500) - (Line: `1386`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.wooriib.com/pluginfree/install/nos_setup.exe` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `1268`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.asanbank.co.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `832`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.prsb.co.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Resource temporarily unavailable) - (Line: `1006`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://cyber.metlife.co.kr/initech/extension/down/INIS_EX.exe` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `1391`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.jinjubank.net/3rdparty/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `959`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.wooriib.com/ipinside/install/I3GSvcManager.` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `1269`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.aia.co.kr` (Remote response code: 301) - (Line: `1478`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://bank.smartbank.co.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `803`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.hanwhalife.com/security/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64-sha2.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `1455`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.wooriib.com/ClipReport4/markany/bin/Setup_ePageSaferRT.exe` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `1270`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.osungbank.co.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `880`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.lina.co.kr/wizvera/delfino/down/delfino-g3.exe` (Remote response code: 500) - (Line: `1384`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.idblife.com/cyber/assets/vender/wizvera/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64-sha2.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `1496`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.idblife.com/cyber/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `1492`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://cyber.metlife.co.kr/kings/files/KOS_Setup.exe` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `1392`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.idblife.com/cyber/assets/vender/ip/agent/I3GSvcManager.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `1498`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.idblife.com/cyber/assets/vender/wizvera/delfino/down/delfino-g3.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `1497`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.nhlife.co.kr/` (Remote response code: 400) - (Line: `1526`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://customercenter.chubblife.co.kr/raon/TouchEn/nxFw/module/TEFW_Installer.exe` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `1429`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://customercenter.chubblife.co.kr/raon/TouchEn/nxKey/module/TouchEn_nxKey_Installer_32bit.exe` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `1428`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://customercenter.chubblife.co.kr/initech/moasign/down/MoaSignSetup_20161212_1.0.45_Card_T_.exe` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `1427`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.hanwhalife.com/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `1451`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.dgbfnlife.com/cyber/` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `1504`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.idblife.com/cyber/assets/vender/raon/nxCR/module/KSCertRelay_nx_Installer_32bit.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `1501`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.nhlife.co.kr/` (Remote response code: 400) - (Line: `1526`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.idblife.com/cyber/assets/vender/ip/agent/I3GSvcManager.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `1498`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.aia.co.kr` (Remote response code: 301) - (Line: `1478`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.idblife.com/cyber/assets/vender/innoex/common/package/innogmp_win.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `1500`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://cyber.abllife.co.kr/resources/lib/NXsecureKeyboard/TouchEn/nxKey/module/TouchEn_nxKey_Installer_32bit.exe` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `1472`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://cyber.abllife.co.kr/resources/lib/nxCR/module/KSCertRelay_nx_Installer_32bit.exe` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `1473`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.mggeneralins.com/` (Remote response code: 500) - (Line: `1644`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.idblife.com/cyber/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `1492`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.aig.co.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `1608`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.idblife.com/cyber/assets/vender/raon/nxCR/module/KSCertRelay_nx_Installer_32bit.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `1501`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://customercenter.chubblife.co.kr/initech/moasign/down/MoaSignSetup_20161212_1.0.45_Card_T_.exe` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `1427`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.mggeneralins.com/` (Remote response code: 500) - (Line: `1644`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.mggeneralins.com/webdocs/resources/anySign4Pc/install/v1.1.0.7/AnySign_Installer.exe` (Remote response code: 500) - (Line: `1647`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.shinhanez.co.kr/raonnx/nxFw/module/TEFW_Installer.exe` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `1627`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.shinhanez.co.kr/html/anySign4PC/AnySign_Installer.exe` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `1626`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://customercenter.chubblife.co.kr/raon/TouchEn/nxKey/module/TouchEn_nxKey_Installer_32bit.exe` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `1428`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://customercenter.chubblife.co.kr/raon/TouchEn/nxFw/module/TEFW_Installer.exe` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `1429`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.aig.co.kr/common/anysign/AnySign4PC/download/AnySign_Installer.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `1610`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://api-storage.cloud.toast.com/v1/AUTH_b3db616b9e614c23a9ffe3728564c8c2/mobile_task_storage_prod/secure/delfino-g3.exe` (Remote response code: 401) - (Line: `1640`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://nip.kdca.go.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `1812`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://cyber.abllife.co.kr/resources/lib/nxCR/module/KSCertRelay_nx_Installer_32bit.exe` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `1473`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://cyber.abllife.co.kr/resources/lib/NXsecureKeyboard/TouchEn/nxKey/module/TouchEn_nxKey_Installer_32bit.exe` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `1472`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.aig.co.kr/common/nos/download/nos_setup.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `1611`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://cyber.abllife.co.kr/resources/lib/markany/ePageSafer/madownloadrd.exe` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `1475`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.trusbill.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure: RemoteCertificateNameMismatch) - (Line: `1788`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.shinhanez.co.kr/raonnx/nxKey/module/TouchEn_nxKey_32bit.exe` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `1628`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.aig.co.kr/common/ubiReport/UbiViewerMarkAny.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `1612`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.g-health.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure: RemoteCertificateNameMismatch) - (Line: `1804`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.aig.co.kr/common/keyICRS/install_file/KSCertRelay.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `1613`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.trusbill.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure: RemoteCertificateNameMismatch) - (Line: `1788`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://nip.kdca.go.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `1812`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://api-storage.cloud.toast.com/v1/AUTH_b3db616b9e614c23a9ffe3728564c8c2/mobile_task_storage_prod/secure/delfino-g3.exe` (Remote response code: 401) - (Line: `1640`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `http://www.w4c.go.kr/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an invalid header name: ' X-Content-Type-Options'.) - (Line: `1842`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.g-health.kr/UserFiles/AnySign_Installer.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure: RemoteCertificateNameMismatch) - (Line: `1808`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.g-health.kr/UserFiles/nos_setup.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure: RemoteCertificateNameMismatch) - (Line: `1809`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.shinhanez.co.kr/html/anySign4PC/AnySign_Installer.exe` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `1626`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://down.wetax.go.kr/ext/raonnx/ksbiz/module/KSbiz_Installer_32bit.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Name or service not known) - (Line: `1910`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `http://www.w4c.go.kr/userimg/img/notice/XPLATFORM9.2_SetupEngine.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an invalid header name: ' X-Content-Type-Options'.) - (Line: `1846`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.jinjubank.net/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `961`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.anyangbank.co.kr/3rdparty/signkorea/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.) - (Line: `846`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.aig.co.kr/common/nos/download/nos_setup.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `1611`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.g-health.kr/UserFiles/nos_setup.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure: RemoteCertificateNameMismatch) - (Line: `1809`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `http://www.w4c.go.kr/mipf/img/mi_setup/NamoWecClient.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an invalid header name: ' X-Content-Type-Options'.) - (Line: `1847`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `http://www.w4c.go.kr/mipf/img/mi_setup/MagicLineMBXSetup.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an invalid header name: ' X-Content-Type-Options'.) - (Line: `1848`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.aig.co.kr/common/ubiReport/UbiViewerMarkAny.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `1612`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.shinhanez.co.kr/raonnx/nxFw/module/TEFW_Installer.exe` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `1627`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.tp.or.kr/` (Remote response code: 400) - (Line: `2001`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `http://www.w4c.go.kr/mipf/img/mi_setup/Setup_MWSWRex.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an invalid header name: ' X-Content-Type-Options'.) - (Line: `1851`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `http://www.w4c.go.kr/userimg/img/notice/rexpert30viewer.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an invalid header name: ' X-Content-Type-Options'.) - (Line: `1849`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.tp.or.kr/` (Remote response code: 400) - (Line: `2001`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `http://www.w4c.go.kr/userimg/img/notice/SetupClientDirect.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an invalid header name: ' X-Content-Type-Options'.) - (Line: `1852`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `http://www.w4c.go.kr/mipf/img/mi_setup/Setup_MWSWRex.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Received an invalid header name: ' X-Content-Type-Options'.) - (Line: `1851`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.tp.or.kr/gpki-setup/window/KSignCASE_For_HTML5_Windows_v1.3.28.exe` (Remote response code: 400) - (Line: `2003`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.aig.co.kr/common/keyICRS/install_file/KSCertRelay.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `1613`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.cultureland.co.kr/` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `1947`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://gctis.gtec.ac.kr/index2022.jsp` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `2132`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://cnu.icerti.com/icerti/index_internet.jsp https://vpn.cnu.ac.kr/` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `2126`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.shinhanez.co.kr/raonnx/nxKey/module/TouchEn_nxKey_32bit.exe` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `1628`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.tp.or.kr/gpki-setup/window/KSignCASE_For_HTML5_Windows_v1.3.28.exe` (Remote response code: 400) - (Line: `2003`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://gctis.gtec.ac.kr/xui/install/download/TPLSvc_Setup.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `2134`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://cnu.icerti.com/icerti/index_internet.jsp https://vpn.cnu.ac.kr/` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `2126`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://gctis.gtec.ac.kr/xui/install/download/XPLATFORM9.2_SetupEngine.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `2135`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://gctis.gtec.ac.kr/xui/install/download/CX60_OCX_setup.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `2136`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.prsb.co.kr/installer/veraport/veraport-g3-x64.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Resource temporarily unavailable) - (Line: `1008`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://update.ksign.com/eis/neis/KCaseAgent_Installer.exe` (Remote response code: 404) - (Line: `2055`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.prsb.co.kr/installer/delfino/delfino-g3.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Resource temporarily unavailable) - (Line: `1009`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.prsb.co.kr/installer/FDS/I3GSvcManager.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Resource temporarily unavailable) - (Line: `1011`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://banking.dgb.co.kr/Markany/bin/ebz_MAWS_DaeguBankRex_Setup.exe` (TaskCanceledException throwed. The operation was canceled.) - (Line: `416`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://banking.dgb.co.kr/com_ebz_cib_sub_main.act` (TaskCanceledException throwed. The operation was canceled.) - (Line: `407`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.dgb.co.kr/` (TaskCanceledException throwed. The operation was canceled.) - (Line: `159`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.hanwhalife.com/` (TaskCanceledException throwed. A task was canceled.) - (Line: `1451`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://gctis.gtec.ac.kr/xui/install/download/CX60_OCX_setup.exe` (HttpRequestException throwed. Authentication failed, see inner exception.) - (Line: `2136`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.kibo.or.kr/dbranch/` (HttpRequestException throwed. Resource temporarily unavailable) - (Line: `1750`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://c.shinhanlife.co.kr/library/raonnx/nxCR/module/KSCertRelay_nx_Installer_32bit.exe` (TaskCanceledException throwed. A task was canceled.) - (Line: `1422`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://c.shinhanlife.co.kr/library/markany/module/Setup_ePageSaferRT.exe` (TaskCanceledException throwed. A task was canceled.) - (Line: `1421`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.hanwhalife.com/security/veraport/down/veraport-g3-x64-sha2.exe` (TaskCanceledException throwed. A task was canceled.) - (Line: `1455`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://c.shinhanlife.co.kr/library/raonnx/ksbiz/module/KSbiz_Installer_32bit.exe` (TaskCanceledException throwed. A task was canceled.) - (Line: `1419`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://c.shinhanlife.co.kr/library/raonnx/nxCR/module/KSCertRelay_nx_Installer_32bit.exe` (TaskCanceledException throwed. A task was canceled.) - (Line: `1422`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.kibo.or.kr/app/install/SKCertServiceSetup_v2.5.18_152.exe` (TaskCanceledException throwed. A task was canceled.) - (Line: `1752`) -Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.kibo.or.kr/dbranch/` (TaskCanceledException throwed. A task was canceled.) - (Line: `1750`) Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://rdr.kbli.co.kr/NOAX_RT/bin/Setup_ePageSaferRT.exe` (TaskCanceledException throwed. A task was canceled.) - (Line: `1517`) -Info: Test runner completed. (Scheduled: 868 / Returned: 868 / Succed: 656 / Failed: 212) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://banking.dgb.co.kr/Markany/bin/ebz_MAWS_DaeguBankRex_Setup.exe` (TaskCanceledException throwed. The operation was canceled.) - (Line: `416`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://banking.dgb.co.kr/com_ebz_cib_sub_main.act` (TaskCanceledException throwed. The operation was canceled.) - (Line: `407`) +Warning: Cannot fetch the URI `https://www.dgb.co.kr/` (TaskCanceledException throwed. The operation was canceled.) - (Line: `159`) +Info: Test runner completed. (Scheduled: 868 / Returned: 868 / Succed: 660 / Failed: 208) Error: One or more XML errors or warnings found. Info: Catalog builder runs with succeed result.