Put your PR description here instead of this sentence.
- You have reviewed the guidelines document.
- PR name contains fix version. For example, "[3.3.4] Hotfix of some UI component" or "[3.4] New Super Feature".
- Description references specific issue.
- Description contains human-readable scope of changes.
- Description contains brief notes about what needs to be added to the documentation.
- No merge conflicts, commented blocks of code, code formatting issues.
- Changes are backward compatible or upgrade script is provided.
- Similar PR is opened for PE version to simplify merge. Required for internal contributors only.
- Screenshots with affected component(s) are added. The best option is to provide 2 screens: before and after changes;
- If you change the widget or other API, ensure it is backward-compatible or upgrade script is present.
- Ensure new API is documented here
- Added corresponding unit and/or integration test(s). Provide written explanation in the PR description if you have failed to add tests.
- If new dependency was added: the dependency tree is checked for conflicts.
- If new service was added: the service is marked with corresponding @TbCoreComponent, @TbRuleEngineComponent, @TbTransportComponent, etc.
- If new REST API was added: the RestClient.java was updated, issue for Python REST client is created.