someone who tries every interesting things a bit on the net.
中文為母語 / can speak English / 日本語は極下手.
哈囉, 初次見面的初次見面,
你可以叫我日文的ピクサ, 或是直接叫做披薩就好 :P
不怎麼熱中的ACGN迷, 具有新聞情報強迫症 (?)
Linux 使用者. Firefox 愛用者. 測試版白老鼠一隻.
不過書籍主要受日系推理的影響較深, 音樂則偏向遊戲音樂及同人音樂.
hi there, if it's first time you came, nice to meet you,
else, if you haven't see me for a while, long time no see!
for who doesn't know how to call me, just call pizza (yeah).
a normal internet guy who likes ACGNs, music game and a newsfeed-holic.
Linux user. Firefox lover. like to be a beta-tester.
Have mix flavor in books and music,
but mainly reads (Japanese) mystery and listen to game OST / doujin music recently.
blog: 好吃披薩的夕陽手札
twitter: @Pixza_Yaoita
Plurk: yummypixza
github: yummypixza
遊戲相關 / Games related:
Steam: /id/yummypixza
twitch: yummypixza
音樂遊戲 / Music Games: here (Chinese only)
Ingress: @PixzaYaoita (Lv.11/ENL)
這個頁面僅供測試使用 (現在不是啦), 假如想要聯絡我可以試試上面的連結.
this page is for testing purpose (not anymore!),
for more information, you can try reach me by the services above.