npm install aurora-imui-react-native --save
react-native link
If link Android failed, you need modify settings.gradle
include ':app', ':aurora-imui-react-native'
project(':aurora-imui-react-native').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/aurora-imui-react-native/ReactNative/android')
And add dependency in your app's build.gradle
dependencies {
compile project(':aurora-imui-react-native')
- Add Package:
@Override protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() { return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList( new MainReactPackage(), new ReactIMUIPackage() ); }
- import IMUI from 'aurora-imui-react-native';
- PROJECT -> TARGETS -> Build Settings -> Enable Bitcode Set to No
- Find PROJECT -> TARGETS -> General -> Embedded Binaries and add RNTAuroraIMUI.framework
- Before build you project ,you should build RNTAuroraIMUI.framework
import IMUI from 'aurora-imui-react-native';
var MessageList = IMUI.MessageList;
var ChatInput = IMUI.ChatInput;
const AuroraIMUIModule = NativeModules.AuroraIMUIModule;
Refer to iOS,Android example
By using MessageList, you need define message
object and fromUser
- message object format:
** status must be one of the four values: "send_succeed", "send_failed", "send_going", "download_failed", if you haven't define this property, default value is "send_succeed".**
message = { // text message
msgId: "msgid",
status: "send_going",
msgType: "text",
isOutgoing: true,
text: "text",
fromUser: {}
message = { // image message
msgId: "msgid",
msgType: "image",
isOutGoing: true,
progress: "progress string",
mediaPath: "image path",
fromUser: {}
message = { // voice message
msgId: "msgid",
msgType: "voice",
isOutGoing: true,
duration: number,
mediaPath: "voice path",
fromUser: {}
message = { // video message
msgId: "msgid",
status: "send_failed",
msgType: "video",
isOutGoing: true,
druation: number,
mediaPath: "voice path",
fromUser: {}
message = { // event message
msgId: "msgid",
msgType: "event",
text: "the event text"
- fromUser object format:
fromUser = {
userId: "",
displayName: "",
avatarPath: "avatar image path"
onAvatarClick {message: {message json}} :Fires when click avatar
onMsgClick {message: {message json} : Fires when click message bubble
onStatusViewClick {message: {message json}} Fires when click status view
onPullToRefresh Fires when pull MessageList to top, example usage: please refer sample's onPullToRefresh method.
onBeginDragMessageList (iOS only)
For append/update/insert message to MessageList, you will use
(Native Module) to send event to native. -
var messages = [{
msgId: "1",
status: "send_going",
msgType: "text",
text: "Hello world",
isOutgoing: true,
fromUser: {
userId: "1",
displayName: "Ken",
avatarPath: "ironman"
timeString: "10:00",
- updateMessage(message)
var message = {
msgId: "1",
status: "send_going",
msgType: "text",
text: text,
isOutgoing: true,
fromUser: {
userId: "1",
displayName: "Ken",
avatarPath: "ironman"
timeString: "10:00",
Notice that the order of message array must be sorted in chronological order
var messages = [{
msgId: "1",
status: "send_succeed",
msgType: "text",
text: "This",
isOutgoing: true,
fromUser: {
userId: "1",
displayName: "Ken",
avatarPath: "ironman"
timeString: "10:00",
msgId: "2",
status: "send_succeed",
msgType: "text",
text: "is",
isOutgoing: true,
fromUser: {
userId: "1",
displayName: "Ken",
avatarPath: "ironman"
timeString: "10:10",
msgId: "3",
status: "send_succeed",
msgType: "text",
text: "example",
isOutgoing: true,
fromUser: {
userId: "1",
displayName: "Ken",
avatarPath: "ironman"
timeString: "10:20",
onSendText: input the text and click send button
onSendGalleryFiles: select gallery photo and click send button will send this event
onTakePicture: take picture from carmera will send this event
onStartRecordVideo: start to record video button will send this event
onFinishRecordVideo: finish recorded video will send this event
onCancelRecordVideo: cancel recorded video will send this event
onStartRecordVoice: start to record voice will send this event
onFinishRecordVoice: finish record voice will send this event
onCancelRecordVoice: cancel recorded voice will send this event
onSwitchToMicrophoneMode: click the microphone button in feature view will send this event
onSwitchToGalleryMode: click the gallery button in feature view will send this event
onSwitchToCameraMode: click the camera button in feature view will send this event
onTouchEditText:(Android only)click text input view will send this event
In android, if your want to define your chatting bubble, you need to put a drawable file in drawable folder, and that image file must be nine patch drawable file, see our example for detail.
In iOS, if your want to define your chatting bubble,you need to put a image file to you xcode,and specifies sendBubble.imageName
or receiveBubble.imageName
to image name. if you need to set the default avatar, you need put you default avatar image to you xcode,and adjust the image name to defoult_header
,see our example for detail.
- sendBubble: PropTypes.object :
// eg:
receiveBubble: PropTypes.object,
sendBubbleTextColor: PropTypes.string,
receiveBubbleTextColor: PropTypes.string,
sendBubbleTextSize: PropTypes.number,
receiveBubbleTextSize: PropTypes.number,
This Padding object includes four properties: left, top, right, bottom.
// eg:
left: 5,
top: 5,
right: 15,
bottom: 5
sendBubblePadding: PropTypes.object
receiveBubblePadding: PropTypes.object
dateTextSize: PropTypes.number,
dateTextColor: PropTypes.string,
datePadding: PropTypes.number -- This is a number property, means padding left/top/right/bottom value is same.
Size object include width and height properties.
avatarSize: PropTypes.object -- Example: avatarSize = {width: 50, height: 50}
showDisplayName: PropTypes.bool,