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Configuration files of my linux boxes: laptop and server nodes in my home-lab
[email protected]
configuration for bpytop,btopdocker/
Docker configurations.eclipse/
Eclipse configurations under Linux.git/
Git configurations and scripts.k8s/
configurations for k8s nodes in my home-lab and k9skeyring/
keyring confiurations for i3 and mutt.logitech
Logitech device configurations on Linux.mac/
configurations for MacOS.mail/
settings for all mail clients.mc.conf/
confiurations for MidnightCommander.misc/
miscellaneous stuffs.mpd/
mpd configurations.node.js/
Node.js settings.oracle/
Oracle Instant Client configurations.python/
Python settings.razer/
Razer DeathAdder mouse polling rate configurations.samba/
Samba configurations.shell/
shell environments scripts.system/
system & network configurations for VMs.vim/
VIM configurations.youtube-dl/
configurations for youtube-dl.X11/
X11 scripts.change_font.sh
script for changing font.change_theme.sh
script for changing themes of Xresources, vim, etc.install.sh
script for installation.
$ wget "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yusiwen/myConfigs/master/install.sh" -O install.sh
$ chmod +x install.sh
$ ./install.sh init
$ ./install.sh zsh
$ ./install.sh vim