All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
6.10.1 (2018-08-27)
6.10.0 (2018-08-27)
- background: add pfd black and white list (750a745)
- dicts: add google tl option (489bdd9)
- options: dict options support select (dcf6357)
- panel: add wordEditor deleteCards (47f8f1b)
- panel: improve fav word process (b632a28)
- wordpage: add page export/delete (6ceb21a)
- wordpage: add word count (6667f53)
- panel: regression. remove search delay (c65e53c)
6.9.0 (2018-08-04)
- panel: patch internal panel css (befe9ce)
- dicts: bing sentence highlight (ed1b7c4)
6.8.3 (2018-07-27)
6.8.2 (2018-07-26)
6.8.1 (2018-07-26)
6.8.0 (2018-07-26)
- panel: open links in new tabs (d40cf2a)
6.7.0 (2018-07-26)
- dicts: encode url (0c0cd20), closes #170
- options: auto-search on options page (39ed461)
- panel: reset internal style (3119084)
- selection: better ctrl detection (9f0c6b6), closes #168
- selection: better language detection (c1f24e2)
- dicts: add google tts (5af7145)
- options: add minor language options (f269d0f)
- selection: minor lang selection (8948f3c)
6.6.0 (2018-07-19)
- content: fix new selection interface (2bb8ada)
- selection: ignore right click #166 (ee5b794)
- selection: ignore triple ctrl when panel is visible #162 (e0e3208)
- selection: add selection inside dict panel #165 (f8da4be)
- selection: support selection on internal pages (226be86)
- dicts: improve google translate stability (edd5fa9)
6.5.1 (2018-07-10)
- panel: support span links (32b4a3a)
6.5.0 (2018-07-08)
- options: missing files breaks CI build (ae35a49)
- update ci (ba3108e)
- update ci (97e5201)
- update ci (7dd28a8)
- popup: fix preloading selection on popup page (5912183)
- $browser: longman dictionary's exmaples add speaker (8601078)
- $browser: longman max level is 3 (c9a4a80)
- context: add context menus saladict search #152 (6125ca8)
- dicts: add google dict (355740c), closes #145
- options: add balck-white list #155 (a2c8d13)
- selection: support Monaco editor (edd0012)
6.4.1 (2018-06-28)
- content: fix dynamic document.body #150 (27f2787)
- manifest: fix browser global conflict #148 (ca0d8a1)
6.4.0 (2018-06-17)
- background: regression. mistakenly added new code (f974c61)
- content: prevent selection detection on word editor (8cc86a8)
- content: regression: use position (b5d75d8)
- panel: fix Firefox popup page delay bug (c5a4d6d)
- panel: iframe occasionally flickering (e89cd03)
- selection: range could be null (3cc2ec2)
- selection: update context matching #144 (fa20ab7)
- background: add page translations #146 (c5d6225)
- background: add shortcut for instant capture (bc46a2f)
- content: add query panel state (c92a7d0)
- content: broadcast store state (d0a356f)
- options: add instant capture (71955a4)
- popup: add instant capture toggle (32dcfdc)
- selection: add cursor instant capture #14 (ef37346)
6.3.2 (2018-06-13)
- popup: qrcode hiding (eec0d02)
6.3.1 (2018-06-13)
- config: increase default word count (a8d98c4)
- config: lang code auto update (cffa171)
- popup: fix id (830386a)
6.3.0 (2018-06-12)
- panel: reset dict height (f359205)
- background: add shortcuts #141 (76a35a2)
- content: add search history incognito mode (8168c12)
- popup: add active toggle (3f1d115), closes #140
- panel: better animation (8777470)
6.2.2 (2018-06-08)
6.2.1 (2018-06-08)
6.2.0 (2018-06-07)
- dicts: add google options (9b4790d)
- panel: add double click search #115 (313ff16)
- panel: selection word count #129 (a4eb1a1)
- content: increase responsiveness (b95f2ae)
6.1.3 (2018-06-06)
6.1.2 (2018-06-06)
6.1.1 (2018-06-05)
- panel: fix right click (d06be31)
6.1.0 (2018-06-05)
- panel: fix auto focus #124 (4d03bda)
- panel: fix entering in options page and popup page (298bbb1)
- panel: fix height calc (148cd56)
- panel: fix iframe flickering in Chrome #124 #113 #119 (922d8d4)
- panel: popup preload #124 (69aa7a8)
- panel: remove animation (55ef5fa), closes #123
- selection: always update last selection text (c6aca15)
- selection: ctrl key detection #124 #122 #114 (a5893d2)
- components: explain export (c6022c3)
- config: add toggle for word editor #118 (eb95680)
- content: explain translations (c6d9d50), closes #117
6.0.0 (2018-05-30)
- assets: assets to static (8dc5092)
- background: content script cannot catch rejections from bg (29667a5)
- background: context menus i18n init event (25dbeef)
- background: fix typo (6d7e25c)
- browser: fix diffrenent removeListener api (40c4721)
- browser: fix webext polyfills (ce11f10)
- build: fix fake env (a1bf3ae)
- components: better keys for star rates (6b50750)
- components: fix Speaker svg dimension (7d48654)
- components: fix StarRates style (1f65959)
- components: stop setState when unmounted (0d86b56)
- config: more test friendly (a8e194f)
- config: replace the empty sting (56937a9)
- config: update config (635608b)
- content: close on save & filter self (e92a2f6)
- content: delay injecting css (a12e070)
- content: fix close panel when pinned (4771637)
- content: fix dict item height restore on search (d5fbc78)
- content: fix firefox !important bug (73c162a)
- content: fix firefox svg animation (76f17cb)
- content: fix iframe flickering in Chrome (9bab2af)
- content: fix init position since now use translate (9ffb1ef)
- content: fix inject css (4a82878)
- content: fix long press ctrl (e2613fc)
- content: fix mask button disabled on fold (35769e9)
- content: fix new config refresh bug (3f44afc)
- content: get the first config before listening (2a6fdf6)
- database: ignore case (72f6abe)
- dicts: add space after basic (8bbfb08)
- dicts: bypass etymonline referer checking (a105eec)
- dicts: change url (4772fa9)
- dicts: fix bing audio (b0b641f)
- dicts: fix bing audio language detection (ad577c3)
- dicts: fix bing phsym key (d248a6d)
- dicts: fix cambridge link (68b0a4d)
- dicts: fix COBUILD page link (7a6f45e)
- dicts: fix img style (130158a)
- dicts: fix lang code (b6532cd)
- dicts: fix locales (c39151e)
- dicts: fix macmillan style (64aee9b)
- dicts: fix p margin (1561888)
- dicts: get correct href (cd887e1)
- dicts: remove logging (b19dab8)
- dicts: use innerHTML (dee2afd)
- dicts: use lower case (f66e99a)
- helper: rxjs6 fromEventPattern inconsistency (7c1594d)
- helpers: always merge config (49e01ff)
- helpers: fix wrong deletion (a55c46d)
- helpers: get first config (d8bb3fa)
- helpers: get initial config (a221bc7)
- helpers: handle annoying msg errors from webext polyfill (272f1eb)
- helpers: props added to window should be optional (1f12b26)
- locales: add from Saladict (b3b215e)
- locales: add missing locales (fc500ab)
- locales: fix browser ui locale naming (e57e61c)
- locales: fix wording (2d7486e)
- locales: use standard lang code (7a901ec)
- manifest: declare wordeditor as web accessible resources (f9984f5)
- manifest: fix manifest (685ded1)
- menus: fix rxjs path (07fc3a9)
- options: add key for v-for (becfe1d)
- options: add max width (45a1532)
- options: fix auto search (cd87b86)
- options: fix decimal bug (835e1ca)
- options: fix language code (d86b5c0)
- options: fix modal scroll bar flickering (9294de4)
- options: fix style (2417ec4)
- options: search text when options page is opened (c359b70)
- package: update normalize.css to version 8.0.0 (1dbc42f)
- panel: blur input on drag start (1759053)
- panel: calculate margin height (33d1a0a)
- panel: can't unfold a dict when the panel fisrt popup (41e9498)
- panel: close panel and word editer on esc (d133d6e)
- panel: debounce animation end (0cd7e32)
- panel: fix data inconsistency (1b956aa)
- panel: fix firame flickering (81aebc7)
- panel: fix icon bleeds (9ce942a)
- panel: fix panel init height (799cc4c)
- panel: fix panel init on options page (be4815d)
- panel: fix preload text (79732b8)
- panel: fix search box should follow history (5cca229)
- panel: fix styles (557fdff)
- panel: height recalculation on show full (6f0077e)
- panel: hide dicts when the selection lang does not match (b099b5f)
- panel: keep dict height unchanged when there is nothing (47ef11b)
- panel: only set immediate to x and y when dragging (ce0e252)
- panel: panel should listen to config on options page (c751d44)
- panel: recalc body height when expanding menus (b6a5714)
- panel: record search text on options page (86eec63)
- panel: remove animation on popup page (d298201)
- panel: replace same selection (5270b8e)
- panel: stop following cursor when pinned (c1d04c1)
- panel: stop searching when selection lang doesn't match (e506edd)
- panel: try whatever I can to stop iframe flickering (949d03e)
- panel: tweak styles (14437ef)
- popup: add to notebook on popup page (f27dc2f)
- popup: remove white spaces (c1f22e2)
- sass: add global (73aaffa)
- selection: compress whitespaces in selection (d43eaa1)
- selection: fix className breaking on svg elements (f932de3)
- selection: fix editor detection (5d5c11a)
- selection: fix ignoring same selection rule for double click (a587c22)
- selection: fix undefined detection (2ad9269)
- selection: get target on mousedown (248578d)
- selection: track same selection (bbdbcbf)
- static: fix #99 fanyi.youdao bypass http request (fe84550)
- static: use browser instead of chrome (3709e3f)
- types: fix typings (f242fd3)
- background: add auto pronounce (20a8a33)
- background: add search result typing (76dc07b)
- background: context menus with i18n (9e66f55)
- background: timeout searching (d2bd4d4)
- build: add devbuild flag (a5f2af0)
- component: add PortalFrame (cbe2ddd)
- components: add word-phrase filter for WordPage (29cf96a), closes #103
- components: add WordPage (0727db1)
- components: add wordpage search text (f4a61fd)
- components: change Speaker to render nothing when no src (5a50165)
- content: add animation switch (8c2939e)
- content: add component DictItem (c600671)
- content: add component SaladBowl (4200c19)
- content: add content script entry (a07519d)
- content: add dict panel (9a68f2c)
- content: add i18n for menu bar (b1a8c9e)
- content: add menu bar (bf6b74f)
- content: add menu bar search history (5f33191)
- content: add mouseevent on bowl (44a37bd)
- content: add notebook ui logic (dfd18ac)
- content: add onhold (6b0844e)
- content: add panel closing (8a20f74)
- content: add panel dragging (9682afc)
- content: add redux store (956d2af)
- content: add related words (25c6cf7)
- content: add relationships between bowl and panel (bd24060)
- content: add saladbow redux container (6699707)
- content: add search box text update (2dc6bbc)
- content: add store dictionaries (56ce6dc)
- content: add store search text (ff5c751)
- content: add triple ctrl (69ae1c4)
- content: add word editor (9415cf0)
- content: connect word editor to main component (38a566c)
- content: delay mouse on bowl (0aa1b90)
- content: finish word editor feature (c77978c)
- content: intergrate content script into options page (5c946f1)
- content: listen to edit word event (9188f21)
- content: move search logic together (f7a1294)
- content: notify parents of hight changing (1d90c45)
- content: setup files (90c41c3)
- content: support important styling (d150e45)
- content: supprot max height (deecdcc)
- content: sync panel height with dict item height (a0d215a)
- context-menus: add youglish (cd39f22)
- dicts: add %h hyphen joining (311ae79)
- dicts: add cambridge (be329bd)
- dicts: add helper (09f929f)
- dicts: add helpers (999362c)
- dicts: add helpers (428cd08)
- dicts: add Longman (90688b6)
- dicts: add oald (65b7327)
- dicts: add webster learners dict (6e0f1ee)
- dicts: add youdao (57ec2b3)
- dicts: fix longman style (95f172e)
- dicts: more robust google engine (701d1d4)
- helpers: let openURL support ext based url (e89eb54)
- history: add history entry (750a51a)
- i18n: loader accepts callback (c9077b8)
- locale: add back and next (97d7094)
- locales: add locales (10e9a2e)
- locales: update options locales (5fbc0d1)
- manifest: support dynamically generated iframes (94ff5d4), closes #106
- notebook: add notebook entry (b24c7db)
- options: add Acknowledgement (578891a)
- options: add animation option (4da7b31)
- options: add config import and export (21d32d1)
- options: add displaying supported languages (6bb345e)
- options: smart searching (451860f)
- options: update options (817a314)
- options: update options to the latest config (6901f84)
- panel: add error boundary for dict (56e957d)
- panel: add touch support (2e856b4)
- panel: disable buttons in popup page (2b80ea4)
- panel: get all dict styles (a80d0ac)
- panel: integrate panel with popup page (fddbc38)
- panel: open exteranl link (9aaf70d)
- panel: open url base on lang code (efb5187)
- panel: sticky header! pure css! (e9490ac)
- popup: add temporary disabling dict panel (7710e3c)
- scss: add scss globals (af6e6df)
- selection: add double click detection (1299bec)
- selection: add get empty selection info (9d01d9c)
- selection: add noTypeField (f395f8c)
- selection: detect esc key in all frames (1e6ecc5)
- test: add snapshot testing (0be395c)
- wordbook: add database for words (46c4327)
- config: refactor to get ride of cloneDeep (d986b53)
- helpers: use DOMParser which is 6 time faster (157a929)
- message: change message type to typescript enum (7682a1d)
5.31.7 - 2017-12-18
- 使用 webRequest 拦截 PDF 请求
- 钉住时快速查询不移动窗口
- 设置页面增加反馈链接
- 第二次打开浏览器右键菜单不显示
- 必应词典相关单词可点击
5.30.0 - 2017-12-08
- 可同时选择多个划词模式
- 工具栏“选项”按钮改为词典目录
- 修复词典标题点击跳转
5.29.3 - 2017-11-29
- 单词记录同时保存上下文和来源
- 可编辑单词记录,可添加翻译和注释笔记
- 可自定义导出模板
- 使用无限容量权限
- 编辑完后卡片响应
- 查词框输入后马上点添加生词出现不匹配
5.28.1 - 2017-11-26
- 增加生词本
- 可配置预加载内容(剪贴板或页面选中词)与自动开始查词,快捷查词可设置出现的位置
- 重构代码,减少耦合
5.27.3 - 2017-11-23
- 增加有道分级网页翻译2.0(支持 HTTPS)
- 增加自动发音
- 增加查词历史记录
- 面板钉住时支持多种查词模式
- 必应词典无结果时增加相关词语
- 词带内部双击查词,点击单词链接也能直接查词
- 对抓取页面筛选节点以增强安全性
- 自身页面通信增加 page id 以解决冲突问题
- 查看页面二维码移到地址栏旁的图标中
- Chrome 最低版本支持提升为 55 以提升性能与减少大小
- 重构代码以分散复杂度
- 二维码生成改用 vue-qriously 更轻盈
- 修复打开 PDF 时弹出框查词自动粘贴失效
- 修复 howjsay 相关词语获取
- 修复查词滚动错误
5.19.1 - 2017-11-15
- 可配置双击时长
- 默认不显示词典以避免闪现
5.18.5 - 2017-11-13
- 增加汉典
- 可配置词典只在某种语言下显示
- 修复繁体词典不能查简体字问题
- 修复默认收起的词典不能隐藏
- 更新 vuedraggable 修复拖动问题
- 延迟音频播放避免误触
- 每次查词滚动到顶端
5.16.1 - 2017-10-28
- 添加 PDF 支持
- 修复通知框点击
5.15.21 - 2017-10-26
- 全不选时右键菜单隐藏
- 更新时才弹出通知
- 重构 event page,顶层只保留监听,加快加载速度
- 去掉 require.context,webpack 会自动生成路径
5.15.19 - 2017-10-11
- 重构事件监听
- 重构 chrome api wrap
- 点击发音
- 自动恢复 dom 挂载
- 更新 etymonline 词典
5.15.14 - 2017-09-05
- 弹出查词框时自动选中所有剪贴板内容
- 查词结构导出图片样式调整
5.15.12 - 2017-09-02
- 修复 ctrl/⌘ 模式时切换窗口的问题
- 麦克米伦标题修复
- 关闭自动查词
5.15.9 - 2017-08-23
- 更新必应词典
- 修复拖动抖动问题
- 样式修补
- 第一次安装时打开设置页面
5.15.4 - 2017-08-10
- 词典样式
- 麦克米伦检测问题
5.15.2 - 2017-08-06
- Macmillan 词典
- 海词词频分级
- 彩蛋
- 拖动问题
- 其它小修正
5.12.8 - 2017-07-31
- 增加 Longman Business 词典
- 只对剪贴板单个单词自动查词,多个单词会自动粘贴,但不开始查找,需要再按一下回车
- 使用懒加载性能大幅度优化,提取公共模块体积减少
- 更紧凑的架构设计,添加词典更简单
- 修复 Bing 发音问题
5.11.23 - 2017-07-13
- 增加两岸词典与国语辞典
- 增加点击图标弹出查词面板
- 查词结果可以导出图片,在绿色工具栏上可以看到
- 二维码功能移到工具栏上
- i18n 带 fallback
- svg 属性迁就 html2canvas
- 设置页面开始连查两遍的问题
- 通过
进一步增加元素权值 - 改为插到 body 末尾
5.7.20 - 2017-05-21
- 添加词源词典
- 右键添加有道词典、海词词典和金山词霸
- 增强稳定性
5.5.14 - 2017-05-15
- 词典可默认不展开
5.5.12 - 2017-05-15
- 增加右键谷歌网页翻译
- 增加双语例句
5.3.9 - 2017-05-03
- 添加重置按钮
- 增加 Howjsay 发音
- 降低查词图标敏感度
5.1.6 - 2017-04-06
- 增加双击查词
- 减少动画加快显示
- 修复无法关闭
- 修复设置时高度不更新
5.0.0 - 2017-04-04
- 全新重写,全面优化,性能大幅度提高。
- 词典可以增删排序。
- 新增多个词典。
- 右键支持更多词典搜索。
- 保留了置顶与拖动功能。
- 更好用的配置界面。
- 更多变化使用中发现吧。
4.1.1 - 2015-12-27
- 在必应词典和 Urban Dictionary 基础上增加 海词统计和 Howjsay ,释义发音更详细。
- 右键查词,选词后右键可直达牛津词典、韦氏词典、词源、谷歌翻译等等。
- 新增三种划词模式,适合各种强迫症。
- 连续按三次ctrl还可以直接查词,随时查词,无需再另开词典占内存啦。
- 词典界面可以拖动,还可以固定在网页上,看论文利器啊。
- 延迟响应时间,不容易误按,手残党福利。
- 保留了显示当前页面二维码功能(设置界面,鼠标悬停在 “Saladict”标题上)。
- 更多功能慢慢发现吧;D
- 增加了划译开关
- 增加了 urban 词典的例子
- 增加了必应搜索图标
- 搜索图标右击可以变成翻译搜索
- 修复了几处错误并加速了结果显示