Screen QR code scanning utility for Windows.
Driven by two engines, QRUtil now has the following two modes:
Under this mode, QRUtil supports detecting multiple QR codes on the screen simultaneously.
Using a strong and fast engine recently open-sourced by Tencent's team WeChatCV, QRUtil supports detecting a manual selected range, as a supplement to auto-detection.
Please refer to the release page.
Color scheme and key bindings can be configured via a json formatted config file:
./QRUtil [config_filename] (default: ./config.json).
// -- default configuration file with default settings --
// QRUtil will fall back to the internal hard-coded config upon parsing failure on this file
"COLOR":{ // The color format is AARRGGBB in hexadecimal form
"DARK_COVER":"46000000", // A dark color that covers the entire screen
"AUTO_QR_BOARDER":"FF007ACC", // Border color of the QR boxes (AUTO MODE)
"AUTO_QR_NO_HOVER":"1E007ACC", // Color of the QR boxes when not under hover (AUTO MODE)
"AUTO_QR_SELECT": "7DF5B84C", // Color of the QR boxes when selected (AUTO MODE)
"QR_TEXT_BACKGROUND":"50000000", // Color of the background for the decoded hint text
"QR_TEXT_COLOR":"FFFFFFFF", // Color of the decoded hint text
"MANUAL_OK_COLOR": "80699C52", // Color of the selected range when successfully detected (MANUAL MODE)
"MANUAL_QR_BORDER": "FF007ACC", // Color of the selected range's border (MANUAL MODE)
"MANUAL_SELECT_FILL":"1E007ACC", // Color of the selected range when still selecting (MANUAL MODE)
"MODE_TEXT_COLOR":"80FFFFFF" // Color of the text color for the mode text (i.e. `MANUAL MODE` or `AUTO MODE`)
"HOTKEY":{ // hot key for capturing QR codes
"VKEY":"I" //
"KEY":{ // define the function of keys pressed on the capture screen
"SELECT_ALL":"A", // KEYs are not case-sensitive
"EXIT_PROGRAM": "71" // hexadecimal form of the virtual key code, in this case 0x71(F2)
Install Dependencies
- opencv-4.2.0-vc15
- zbar-0.10-windows-installer
- jsoncpp
- Build wechat_qrcode extra module for opencv
Reference build command for wechat_qrcode:
proxychains cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_LIST="wechat_qrcode" -DOPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=PATH_TO\opencv_contrib\modules PATH_TO_OPENCV/sources
cmake --build . --config Release
Set Environment Variables
- OPENCV_DIR to ...\build\x64\vc15
- ZBAR_DIR to the installation directory
Copy x64 libs from ZBarWin64 to <ZBAR_DIR>/lib
Copy wechat_qrcode.hpp
(from source) to $(OPENCV_DIR)/../../include
Copy opencv_wechat_qrcode420d.lib
(built) to $(OPENCV_DIR)/lib
Open Proj.sln
with Visual Studio 2019 and go building.
- (Auto-detect mode) Multi-thread support. The scanner will keep scanning in the background using different parameters, new results will be pushed to the UI.
- (Manual-detect mode) Support decoding on a manually selected range using wechat_qrcode.
Special thanks to the following open-source projects:
- OpenCV and wechat_qrcode (Apache License 2.0)
- ZBar (GPL v2)
- odashi/encoding (MIT)