Summary Introduction Study Materials Study Guide by Topic Time and Space Complexity Primer Simple Loop Nested Loop Another Nested Loop Do the Math While Loop Nested Loop Another Nested Loop GCD Complexity Compare Complexities Which one is not Sort Fastest Loop Recursive Functions searchNumOccurence findMinPath findMinPath (MEMO) Amortized Complexity Hard One :) Arrays Primer Spiral (Example) 1D Array 2D Array Buggy Array Math Reach the End Maximum Sum Plus One Array with extras :) Flip Binary Generate Array Maximum Subset Pascal's Triangle 1 Pascal's Triangle 2 Spiral Anti-diagonals Rearrangement Largest Number Rotate Matrix Next Larger Permutation Sorting Hotel Bookings Wave Maximum Distance Maximum Gap Repeating Subarray Ranges Interval 1 Interval 2 Space recycle Find Missing Number Set Matrix to Zero Misc. Find Tripple Repeating Math Primer Find Bug 1 Find Bug 2 Decimal to Binary Factors Sieve of Eratosthenes Is Prime