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Sprint 1 Audit Report by lwltea, whoismatthewmc1, Vishal Kulkarni, zkoranges and parsely #1

bbresearcher opened this issue Jun 14, 2023 · 1 comment


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yAcademy Rate-Limit Nullifier Review


  • lwltea
  • whoismatthewmc1
  • Vishal Kulkarni
  • zkoranges
  • parsely

Table of Contents

  1. Review Summary
  2. Scope
  3. Assumptions
  4. Issues not addressed
  5. Tools used
  6. Code Evaluation Matrix
  7. Findings Explanation
  8. Final remarks
  9. CircomSpect Output

Review Summary

Rate-Limit Nullifier

Rate-Limit Nullifier provides a mechanism by which a user can stake an amount of ERC20 tokens in exchange for the right to send anonymous messages off-chain, the staked amount denotes an agreement to limit the number of messages they can send off-chain to a certain number during each epoch.

TThe circuits of the Rate-Limit Nullifier Github as well as the accompanying RLN contracts repo were reviewed over 15 days. The code review was performed by 3 auditors between 31st May, 2023 and 14th June, 2023. The repository was static during the review.

The code was very well written and commented, and followed the specification documents correctly.


The scope of the review consisted of the following circuits and contracts within the repo:

  • Circuits
  • rln.circom
  • utils.circom
  • withdraw.circom
  • Contract
  • RLN.sol
  • IVerifier.sol

This review is a code review to identify potential vulnerabilities in the code. The reviewers did not investigate security practices or operational security and assumed that privileged accounts could be trusted. The review was done based on the official specification. The review may not have identified all potential attack vectors or areas of vulnerability.

yAcademy and the auditors make no warranties regarding the security of the code and do not warrant that the code is free from defects. yAcademy and the auditors do not represent nor imply to third parties that the code has been audited nor that the code is free from defects. By deploying or using the code, Rate-Limit Nullifier and users of the circuits agree to use the code at their own risk.


  • We have assumed that the trusted setup will be done correctly and all relevant artefacts kept safe.

Issues not addressed

  • We have not addressed the fact that a user can self-slash using a different receiver wallet address, as the user will then forfeit the fees portion of their stake.
  • We have not addressed that a user can register multiple time with the same or a different wallet, as this is allowable in the business model.

(Possibility of these also mentioned by zkoranges)

Tools used

  • Manual review
  • Circomspect, although limited, did produce the findings at the bottom of the report

Code Evaluation Matrix

Category Mark Description
Mathematics Good Correctly implemented
Complexity Good Not coded to make it complex, kept as simple as possible
Code stability Good No issues found
Documentation Very Good Clear, concise and well-written
Testing and verification Good All needed tests implemented

Findings Explanation

Only 7 low impact bugs are being reported, Gas optimizations and 3 Informational findings are being reported.

Findings are broken down into sections by their respective impact:

Low Findings

1. Low - Difference between documents and implementation

the documantation mentions that the rate limit is between 1 and userMessageLimit:

Signaling will use other circuit, where your limit is private input, and the counter k is checked that it's in the range from 1 to userMessageLimit.

Although the implementation is sound, the counter k should be documented as being between 0 to userMessageLimit-1
Testing the circuit allows for a messageid of 0 and does not allow for a messageId of userMessageLimit as tested in

pragma circom 2.1.4;

include "circomlib/bitify.circom";
// include "";

template RangeCheck(LIMIT_BIT_SIZE) {
    assert(LIMIT_BIT_SIZE < 253);

    signal input messageId;
    signal input limit;

    signal bitCheck[LIMIT_BIT_SIZE] <== Num2Bits(LIMIT_BIT_SIZE)(messageId);
    signal rangeCheck <== LessThan(LIMIT_BIT_SIZE)([messageId, limit]);
    rangeCheck === 1;

component main = RangeCheck(252);

/* INPUT = {
    "messageId": "0",
    "limit": "5"
} */

If the code above is run with an input messageId of "0" it passes the assertion.

Technical Details

The code:

signal rangeCheck <== LessThan(LIMIT_BIT_SIZE)([messageId, limit]);

will always return true for a messageId of "0".


Low. there is no impact except for clarity to potential developers/users.


The project may consider chaging the wording to be something like :

Signaling will use other circuit, where your limit is private input, and the counter k is checked that it's in the range from 0 to userMessageLimit -1.

Developer Response

2. Low - It is possible that unused public input may be optimized out by the compiler

According to the common vulnerabilites list on the 0xParc github #5 it is possbile that unused public inputs may be optimised out.

Technical Details

The withdraw circuit includes a public input for address to prevent front-running by a withdrawer/slasher.

template Withdraw() {
    signal input identitySecret;
    signal input address;

    signal output identityCommitment <== Poseidon(1)([identitySecret]);

address is unused in the circuit.


Low. It seems to be hypothetical and I was unable to recreate it.


As per the Tornado cash Resolution the project may consider adding a constraint just to have the value used within the circuit.

template Withdraw() {
    signal input identitySecret;
    signal input address;

    signal output identityCommitment <== Poseidon(1)([identitySecret]);
    signal addressSquared <== address * address;

Developer Response

3. Low - Contract RLN inherits from Ownable but ownable functionality isn't actually used by the contract.


Contract RLN inherits from Ownable but ownable functionality isn't actually used by the contract.

Technical Details

There are imports and inheritance for Ownable in the RLN.sol contract.

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import {IVerifier} from "./IVerifier.sol";

/// @title Rate-Limiting Nullifier registry contract
/// @dev This contract allows you to register RLN commitment and withdraw/slash.
contract RLN is Ownable {
    using SafeERC20 for IERC20;

Ownable is never used within the RLN contract.




Remove Ownable import and inheritance from RLN.sol

Developer Response

4. Low - There is no contraint between the number of bits sent by the rln contract and the circuit.

REPORTED BY Vishal Kulkarni:

There is no contraint between the number of bits sent by the rln contract and the circuit.

Technical Details

The messageLimit is a uint256 in RLN.sol.


uint256 messageLimit = amount / MINIMAL_DEPOSIT;


    // messageId range check
    RangeCheck(LIMIT_BIT_SIZE)(messageId, userMessageLimit);
component main { public [x, externalNullifier] } = RLN(20, 16);

In RLN.sol, the messageLimit can take upto 2**256 - 1 values whereas messageId & userMessageLimit values in circuits is restricted to 2**16 - 1 .

  • RLN.sol
function register(uint256 identityCommitment, uint256 amount) external {
        uint256 messageLimit = amount / 
        token.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);




Add a check in the RLN.sol contract that the number is not greater than allowed by the circuit.

Developer Response

5. Low - In the user registration the calculation y = mx+c can have unexpected side effects.

REPORTED BY Vishal Kulkarni:

In the user registration spec, for y=mx+c where m and x can be multiplicative inverse of each other(less probability),then the eq becomes y=1+c the attacker can easily subtract from the public y to get hash of the secret key.

Technical Details




In the rln.circom add a check to make sure m and x are not multiplicative inverse values of each other.

6. Low - In the withdraw circuit address is used but never contstrained.

REPORTED BY Vishal Kulkarni:

In the withdraw circuit address is used but never contstrained

Technical Details

template Withdraw() {
    signal input identitySecret;
    signal input address;

    signal output identityCommitment <== Poseidon(1)([identitySecret]);




Add a constraint for the address signal to the circuit.

Developer Response

7. Low - Parameter validation missing in rln.circom.

REPORTED BY zkoranges:

The code doesn't check if DEPTH and LIMIT_BIT_SIZE are within expected ranges or conform to specific requirements. If these are passed in as invalid values, it could lead to unexpected behavior or vulnerabilities.

Technical Details

    // Private signals
    signal input identitySecret;
    signal input userMessageLimit;
    signal input messageId;
    signal input pathElements[DEPTH];
    signal input identityPathIndex[DEPTH];

    // Public signals
    signal input x;
    signal input externalNullifier;




Add checks to ensure that the values of DEPTH and LIMIT_BIT_SIZE are within expected ranges.

Developer Response

1. Gas - Custom errors are more gas efficient than require statements.


Custom errors are more gas efficient than require statements.

Technical Details

According to custom errors are more gas efficient than require statements




Consider refactoring code in Solidity contracts to rather use Custom Errors

Developer Response

2. Gas - Incrementing within an unchecked block saves gas.


Put identityCommitmentIndex += 1; in a unchecked block as its a uint256 being incremented by 1. Range checks are unnecessary here.

Technical Details

In RLN.sol

 identityCommitmentIndex += 1;

Put identityCommitmentIndex += 1; in an unchecked block as its a uint256 being incremented by 1. Range checks are unnecessary here




Consider using the an unchecked block for incrementing identityCommitmentIndex

Developer Response

3. Gas - Unnecessary initialization of default uint256

REPORTED BY whoismatthewmc1:

Remove the unnecessary initialization of identityCommitmentIndex = 0 since its default value will be 0.

Technical Details

In RLN.sol

    uint256 public identityCommitmentIndex = 0;

costs gas to re-assign identityCommitmentIndex = 0; when the default uint256 value is already set to 0.




Change the code at line 52 as follows:

-   uint256 public identityCommitmentIndex = 0;
+   uint256 public identityCommitmentIndex;

Developer Response

Informational Findings

1. Informational - Consider adding appropriate require statements for RLN.sol constructor params

REPORTED BY whoismatthewmc1:

Params such as minimalDeposit, feePercentage, freezePeriod, and feeReceiver should have appropriate restrictions or bounds.

Technical Details

A few cases to cover:

        uint256 messageLimit = amount / MINIMAL_DEPOSIT;
        uint256 withdrawAmount = member.messageLimit * MINIMAL_DEPOSIT;
        uint256 feeAmount = (FEE_PERCENTAGE * withdrawAmount) / 100;

        token.safeTransfer(receiver, withdrawAmount - feeAmount);

with FEE_PERCENTAGE > 100, feeAmount becomes greater than withdrawAmount, causing a revert on withdrawAmount - feeAmount.

        token.safeTransfer(FEE_RECEIVER, feeAmount);
  • A very high FREEZE_PERIOD may not release withdrawals within a "reasonable" time frame.


While these would all require the contract deployer to input strange params upon deployment, it is nevertheless possible and could result in contract DoS.


Consider adding appropriate bounds via require or revert statements where applicable. ie:

  • minimalDeposit != 0
  • feeReceiver != address(0)
  • feePercentage < 100
  • freezePeriod < 3e7 (ie: ~1 year assuming 1s block times on an L2)
    Additionally, if desired, freezePeriod and FREEZE_PERIOD can likely be reduced in size and produce gas savings if the change reduces the contract's required storage slots.

2. Informational - Weird ERC20 tokens may cause unexpected behaviour in RLN.sol

REPORTED BY whoismatthewmc1:

Blacklisted FEE_RECEIVER can DoS slash functionality:

  • Certain ERC20 tokens may include a blacklist feature for compliance or other reasons.
  • If the FEE_RECEIVER happens to be part of that blacklist, the slash function will always revert.
    Fee-on-transfer tokens will result in the contract holding less tokens than it expects:
  • Certain ERC20 tokens may charge a tax on transfers.
  • register and withdraw do not verify that the contract is holding enough tokens.

Technical Details

The following will revert on a blacklisted FEE_RECEIVER address:

        token.safeTransfer(FEE_RECEIVER, feeAmount);

Imagine the following scenario:


With blacklisted FEE_RECEIVER, in the worst case, a new instance of the contract will need to be deployed with a non-blacklisted FEE_RECEIVER if slash functionality is to be restored. Users will still be able to withdraw their stakes from the original contract.
For fee-on-transfer tokens, possible loss of funds for users choosing to interact with the protocol. However, interacting with fee-on-transfer tokens generally presents a similar risk as this.


Consider documenting or restricting the tokens that the RLN.sol contract may use to exclude tokens that have blacklists or that charge a fee on transfer.
Specifically to exclude fee-on-transfer tokens, a check can be added to verify the different in contract balance before and after the transfer is made in register at L120.

3. Informational - In RLN.sol, users can create a withdrawal immediately after registering

REPORTED BY whoismatthewmc1 similar finding by: zkoranges:

Technical Details

Nothing prevents users from immediately creating a withdrawal after they register, allowing them to avoid the FREEZE_PERIOD usually associated with a release call.




Consider documenting that external applications should disallow identityCommitments from sending messages if a withdrawal has already been created for them.

4. Informational - Money Laundering Concerns

REPORTED BY zkoranges:

Technical Details

The anonymity provided by zero-knowledge proofs, while beneficial for user privacy, could potentially be exploited for money laundering. Transferring funds in a zero-knowledge way could make tracing illicit transactions difficult.




This risk should be recognized and addressed in accordance with applicable regulations and best practices for anti-money laundering (AML) procedures.

Final remarks

The code is very well written and did not present any vulnerabilites that would cause significant impact. The logic is easy to follow and concise. It was a pleasure to learn by auditing this codebase.

I have looked into the vulnerability discussed about the LessThan circomlib template, however since the values are first checked with Num2Bits, this negates any possible attacks.

CircomSpect Output

RLN circuit

circomspect: analyzing template 'RLN'
note: Field element arithmetic could overflow, which may produce unexpected results.
   ┌─ /home/testadmin/Desktop/zk/rln/circom-rln/circuits/rln.circom:34:11
34 │     y <== identitySecret + a1 * x;
   │           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Field element arithmetic here.
   = For more details, see

circomspect: 1 issue found.

Utils circuit

circomspect: analyzing template 'RangeCheck'
note: Comparisons with field elements greater than `p/2` may produce unexpected results.
   ┌─ /home/testadmin/Desktop/zk/rln/circom-rln/circuits/utils.circom:37:12
37 │     assert(LIMIT_BIT_SIZE < 253);
   │            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Field element comparison here.
   = Field elements are always normalized to the interval `(-p/2, p/2]` before they are compared.
   = For more details, see

warning: Intermediate signals should typically occur in at least two separate constraints.
   ┌─ /home/testadmin/Desktop/zk/rln/circom-rln/circuits/utils.circom:42:5
42 │     signal bitCheck[LIMIT_BIT_SIZE] <== Num2Bits(LIMIT_BIT_SIZE)(messageId);
   │     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   │     │
   │     The intermediate signal array `bitCheck` is declared here.
   │     The intermediate signals in `bitCheck` are constrained here.
   = For more details, see

warning: Using `Num2Bits` to convert field elements to bits may lead to aliasing issues.
   ┌─ /home/testadmin/Desktop/zk/rln/circom-rln/circuits/utils.circom:42:41
42 │     signal bitCheck[LIMIT_BIT_SIZE] <== Num2Bits(LIMIT_BIT_SIZE)(messageId);
   │                                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Circomlib template `Num2Bits` instantiated here.
   = Consider using `Num2Bits_strict` if the input size may be >= than the prime size.
   = For more details, see

circomspect: analyzing template 'MerkleTreeInclusionProof'
circomspect: 3 issues found.

Withdraw circuit

circomspect: analyzing template 'Withdraw'
warning: The signal `address` is not used by the template.
  ┌─ /home/testadmin/Desktop/zk/rln/circom-rln/circuits/withdraw.circom:7:5
7 │     signal input address;
  │     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This signal is unused and could be removed.
  = For more details, see

circomspect: 1 issue found.
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Hi, thanks for your report!

Difference between documents and implementation

Docs are out of date, we'll update them soon.

It is possible that unused public input may be optimized out by the compiler

Yes, that's a good find. We should add "dummy constraint" to the circuit.

Contract RLN inherits from Ownable but ownable functionality isn't actually used by the contract.

Thanks, we should remove Ownable from the contract.

There is no contraint between the number of bits sent by the rln contract and the circuit.

That's right. We should add this check to the contract also!

In the user registration the calculation y = mx+c can have unexpected side effects.

The probability of that is negligible, and prover can make this check before proving.

In the withdraw circuit address is used but never contstrained.

Good find! We should add this check to the contract (already commented earlier here)

Parameter validation missing in rln.circom.

DEPTH and LIMIT_BIT_SIZE are not the inputs of the circuit, but compile-time metaparameters. We don't need to range check them. It's just constant values that describe behavior of the circuit as well as code itself.

Won't comment contract findings as it's not in the scope, though findings are good, and we'll update the contract with them. Thanks for contract review.
Also won't comment circomspect review, as I don't think these findings are valid + the contracts were verified by the Veridise team's formal verification tool.

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