- reverse Config contains logic: twitter#205
- fix setConf: twitter#204
- fix default constructor for kryo serialization: twitter#203
- Switched Chill Avro to use ClassTags, added Java unit tests: twitter#200
- Enable cross compilation for chill-avro: twitter#202
- Move to211: twitter#197
- Make 2.10.4 the default, move to scalatest: twitter#196
- Support serializing asJavaIterable.: twitter#192
- Remove a deprecation, that really should never have been there: twitter#189
- Use scalariform: twitter#188
- README: Update Kryo project URL.: twitter#187
- support mutable BitSet: twitter#185
- Make chill-avro work with generic records: twitter#184
- updating akka dependency to 2.3.2: twitter#182
- add chill-algebird project by copying AlgebirdSerializers from of scaldi...: twitter#177
- Scrooge serializer: twitter#178
- Use shaded asm classes provided by Kryo.: twitter#175
- Add ScalaAnyRefMapConfig, deals with non-string keys in cascading: twitter#174
- added AvroSerializer: twitter#172
- Add sbt script for homogeneity with SB, Scalding, etc: twitter#170
- Support for akka 2.2.1: twitter#169
- Protobuf should be in the all target: twitter#168
- Enable getClass equality checking in tests: twitter#165
- Add chill-protobuf, with tests: twitter#163
- support serialization of scala sortedmap: twitter#162
- Add Serializers for scala SortedList and ListSet: twitter#152
- Fix Range serialization (and remove broken subclass-serialization of Iterable, Seq, etc): twitter#154
- Build and test chill-akka for 2.10: twitter#155
- Add chill-thrift: twitter#156
- Support JavaConverter-built classes: twitter#159
- Back to 2.21: twitter#157
- Adds a test from issue #8: twitter#158
- Bugfixes for Externalizer with looped object graphs twitter#143
- Serialize synthetic fields by default: twitter#135
- Prefer Java to Kryo, but check both in Externalizer: twitter#138
- Add a LocaleSerializer to chill-java: twitter#128
- chill-akka module: twitter#116
- Community section to README (with a mailing list!) twitter#127
- SingletonSerializer for (): twitter#130
- Add Externalizer (fault-tolerant meatlocker): twitter#126
- Use References in Externalizer: twitter#131
- Issue 115: fix for wrapped Arrays with non-primitives
- Lots of refactoring around configuration (see chill.config in chill-java)
- Issue #94 KryoPool for pooling Kryo instances and Output buffers
- Issue #85 upgrade to bijection 0.5.2 and scala 2.9.3
- Issue #78 Some, Left, Right serializers in chill(-scala)
- Issue #70 create chill-java for Java only code
- Issue #67 add chill-storm
- Issue #65, #71 import cascading.kryo as chill-hadoop
- Issue #64 fix KryoInjection to be from Any to Array[Byte]
- Issues #61, #63 handle the case of small Map/Set in scala
- Issue #57 use CanBuildFrom in Traversable serialization
94 commits
- P. Oscar Boykin: 46 commits
- Sam Ritchie: 38 commits
- ryanlecompte: 5 commits
- Ngoc Dao: 2 commits
- Dao Ngoc: 1 commits
- Michael Schmitz: 1 commits
- Julien Le Dem: 1 commits
- Update to Kryo 2.21
- Update to Bijection 0.4.0
- Improve Traversable Serializer
- Custom RegexSerializer
- ArrayBuffer serialization fix (#48)
- Improve MeatLocker (safe to call get before serialization)
- Fix a bug with serialization of mutable collections
- Reorganize source for multiple subprojects
- Upgrade chill to work with scala 2.10.
- Upgrade to Bijection 0.3.0. This release gained the Injection type, so the BijectiveSerializer is now an InjectiveSerializer.
- Remove KryoSerializer trait in favor of
- Serious bugfix with serialization of recursive types.
- Improved serialization of scala BitSet
- Fixed a long standing bug with serializing some anonymous functions as vals in traits
- adds RichKryo enrichment with many methods simplifying adding Serializers.
- adds ability to serialize any Traversable with a Builder.
- support for mutable scala collections.
- adds support for bijection.Bufferable as a serializer.
- adds
with accompanying registrations inKryoSerializer
- adds Enumeration support
- ClosureCleaner and Specs (Thanks to the Spark project!)
- Added "copy" method to the MeatLocker
- Added Manifest serializations
- Added Traversable serializer
- Added KryoSerializer object for easy registration
- Added TupleSerializers for all tuple types.
- Added serializers for collection types and MeatLocker.