Instructions on how to create the repo. In some cases, these notes lead down a dead-end. In other cases, they are the key to success. Either way, I forget what I did and need reminding.
- Python: Install a version of Python supported by AWS SAM
- GitHub: Create a GitHub Profile
- AWS Account: Create an AWS Account
- Check out these instructions on setting up SSO for AWS
- Install the AWS CLI
- Configure AWS SSO with
aws configure sso
- Install the AWS SAM CLI
Execute the following command:
sam deploy --guided
AWS SAM will deploy the resources defined in template.yaml to your AWS account
When this is done, execute the following:
sam pipeline init --bootstrap
Follow the instructions to use a quick-start template and create two environments. AWS SAM will create a template file that GitHub will use to build and deploy your changes to AWS every time you make a change.
Encoding: application/json
Status: HTTP 200 OK
Timeout: In the game object
- GET /
- POST /start
- POST /move
- POST /end
us-west-2 seems to be the best region to choose
use game id values to manage concurrent games
How do I make the most out of the allotted timeout?
aws sso login
start the local lambda endpoint sam local start-api