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Michael Luggen edited this page Dec 7, 2021 · 25 revisions

The goal of Cube Designer is to

  1. add the necessary metadata around the initial cube, which is either resulting from the latest cube transformation or an imported cube from another system. The metadata is used by tool and further for the automated publication to

  2. to verify all data was correctly imported and if there is any missing information.

For projects created from CSV files, the cube, displayed as a table, is the result of the "transform" operation based on the defined Cube table (observation table) in the CSV Mapping step. Each observation being a table row.

Adding or Adapting the Metadata

Per cube we have metadata on the level of the cube itself, which also signifies its own dataset in the database and on once published. Further is it crucial to complete the metadata per dimension, to make it possible that external users and can interpret the content of each dimension.

  • Dataset / Cube Metadata

    With the 🖊️ icon to the right of the cube title, you can access the Metadata of the cube / dataset. The fields have descriptions to give you hints on the content. Mind that you can also open other projects to compare if you are unsure about the usage of the fields.

  • Dimensions

    Specify the details for every dimension inside your cube with the 🖊️ icon for each dimension (presented as a column).

    • Name
    • Description
    • Dimension Type
    • Scale of Measure
    • Unit
    • Data Kind (only for Time and Spatial values)


  • il semble nécessaire de détailler le lien entre les settings fait ici et leur utilisation notamment dans l'outil de visualisation. Ceci semble au moins pertinent pour 'Scale of Measure', 'Unit' et 'Data Kind'.
  • les informations « contact point » et « Category » semblent obligatoires, même si on ne sélectionne pas la publication vers, ce qui peut donc sembler très étrange. Selon Pierre c'est toujours nécessaire maintenant, car ces infos sont aussi affichées dans Visualize -> TODO: clarifier cela et le mentioner ici
  • I discovered recently that changing the rdf properties on CSV Mapping do directly influence the Cube Designer that no more displays the data correctly. This seems a bit odd to me, and should be properly explained

Linking to Shared Dimensions

Check correctness of the Cube

  • Check if the cube is complete (all data was converted)
    Fabian: but how to know that all data was converted ? Is it possible to display a number of observations, that the user could compare with the number of lines in the original csv ?

  • Check that the links to other tables are correctly transformed
    Each one of those values can be clicked to display the details
    Fabian: when showing a link to another table, the formular titles is "Resource preview", do we keep that wording ? Michael now uses the term "Concept table" in the CSV Mapping -> should "resource" be replaced by "concept" ?

  • Check if all languages are valid by changing the language on the top right

  • Check if all metadata is added and translated for all languages for the Dataset/Cube and for each Dimension


You should add labels for at least three legal languages and english in the textual fields. Metadata fields should in most cases be provided in multiple languages. Every language is added as a new string with a separate language tag.

It is technically possible to provide two different texts with the same language, but it is not recommended, as the end-user application might randomly decide which one to use.

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