A mediator service for Aries Agents.
Status: Dev
This project depends on aries-vcx
and is tightly integrated to work with it.
When ready, it's simple to build.
# Dev environment build
cargo build
You can run and test the produced binaries using cargo.
cargo run --bin mediator
# For manual testing / demo purposes
cargo run --package client-tui
# To also see panic and debug info produced by tui
cargo run --package client-tui 2> err || cat err
# To run automated tests, you should have a mediator already running
# # Terminal 1
cargo run --bin mediator
# # Terminal 2
cargo test
is provided, to build the mediator image.
The image produced includes the mediator binary and required ssl libraries.
# Note: Build context needs to include aries-vcx repository root.
docker build --tag mediator --file ./Dockerfile ../../../../
Alternatively you can pull the latest prebuilt mediator image directly.
docker pull ghcr.io/hyperledger/aries-vcx/mediator:main
2. Use docker-compose with provided compose.yaml
to quickly bring up mediator service along with mysql database
# Note: Configuration can be customized using .env file,
# or by manually passing expected environment variables.
docker compose up -d
When you run the above, mediator and database containers are started on the same private network.
The configuration in .env file is used for database<->mediator connection parameters.
The mediator (but not the database) is additionally exposed on localhost:8005 by default for interaction.
While the database container uses a standard image, you will need to either build or pull the mediator image, as described in previous section.
For regular development work on mediator, you may want to bring up only the database, to test against local dev builds of mediator.
docker compose -f db-only.compose.yaml up -d
To wind down services
docker compose down
Currently the mediator reads the following environment variables.
- **Description**: This is the address at which the mediator will listen for connections.
- **Default**: ""
- **Usage**: `ENDPOINT_ROOT=`
- **Description**: MySQL url for the MYSQL database used for mediator persistence.
- **Default**: - (This is required!)
- **Usage**: `MYSQL_URL=mysql://admin:password1235@localhost:3306/mediator-persistence.db`
Mediator's Agent contains some client code, which is used for testing, and dependent crates.
In production, you may want to remove this. To do so, pass --no-default-features
to cargo when building.
This will ensure you are not pulling in the client code.
cargo build --package mediator --no-default-features --release
Currently exposed endpoints.
- **Description** : |
Shows an Aries Out Of Band (OOB) invitation which can be used to connect to the mediator using a conformant Aries Agent.
Use `Accept` header with value "application/json" to receive same in json format.
- **Description** : Returns OOB invitation in json format.
- **Description** : |
Endpoint for Aries DIDCOMM communication.
Encrypted Aries messages (envelops) can be passed and received from this endpoint in json serialized format.