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File metadata and controls

230 lines (210 loc) · 9.38 KB


Zelos Zhu 11/3/2018

Load packages


Problem 1

patient_df <- tibble(filenames = list.files()) %>%
  mutate(weekly_data = map(filenames, read_csv)) %>%
  unnest() %>%
  mutate(arm = substring(filenames, 1, 3),
         subject_id  = substring(filenames, 5, 6)) %>%
  gather(week, measure, 2:9) %>%
  mutate(week = as.numeric(str_replace(week, "week_","")))
## # A tibble: 160 x 5
##    filenames  arm   subject_id  week measure
##    <chr>      <chr> <chr>      <dbl>   <dbl>
##  1 con_01.csv con   01             1    0.2 
##  2 con_02.csv con   02             1    1.13
##  3 con_03.csv con   03             1    1.77
##  4 con_04.csv con   04             1    1.04
##  5 con_05.csv con   05             1    0.47
##  6 con_06.csv con   06             1    2.37
##  7 con_07.csv con   07             1    0.03
##  8 con_08.csv con   08             1   -0.08
##  9 con_09.csv con   09             1    0.08
## 10 con_10.csv con   10             1    2.14
## # ... with 150 more rows
setwd("..") #move back to original repo, don't want to continue working in the /data folder

ggplot(patient_df, aes(x = week, y = measure, group = filenames, color = arm)) +
  geom_line(alpha = 0.5) +
  scale_x_discrete(name ="Week", limits=1:8) +
  ylab("Measure") +
  ggtitle("Patient Measurements by Week") +
  geom_smooth(aes(group = arm))

The trend for control group patients' measurements seems stagnant and doesn't seem to change over time. I would suspect this is a placebo of some sort. On the other hand, patients in the experimental arm, their measurements generally increase over time. There is not enough information provided to interpret whether this increase is a good or bad thing. I would also suspect this difference in trends would be statistically significant just from a visual standpoint.

Problem 2

homicide_df <- read_csv("")
homicide_df <- homicide_df %>%
  mutate(state = ifelse(city == "Tulsa" & state == "AL", "OK", state), #There is a typo in the data set based on lat/long
         city_state = str_c(city, ", ", state),
         homicide_status = ifelse(disposition == "Closed by arrest", "Solved", "Unsolved"))

#Homicide Case Counts
homicide_df  %>%
  group_by(city_state) %>%
  count(homicide_status) %>%
  spread(homicide_status, n) %>%
city_state Solved Unsolved
Albuquerque, NM 232 146
Atlanta, GA 600 373
Baltimore, MD 1002 1825
Baton Rouge, LA 228 196
Birmingham, AL 453 347
Boston, MA 304 310
Buffalo, NY 202 319
Charlotte, NC 481 206
Chicago, IL 1462 4073
Cincinnati, OH 385 309
Columbus, OH 509 575
Dallas, TX 813 754
Denver, CO 143 169
Detroit, MI 1037 1482
Durham, NC 175 101
Fort Worth, TX 294 255
Fresno, CA 318 169
Houston, TX 1449 1493
Indianapolis, IN 728 594
Jacksonville, FL 571 597
Kansas City, MO 704 486
Las Vegas, NV 809 572
Long Beach, CA 222 156
Los Angeles, CA 1151 1106
Louisville, KY 315 261
Memphis, TN 1031 483
Miami, FL 294 450
Milwaukee, wI 712 403
Minneapolis, MN 179 187
Nashville, TN 489 278
New Orleans, LA 504 930
New York, NY 384 243
Oakland, CA 439 508
Oklahoma City, OK 346 326
Omaha, NE 240 169
Philadelphia, PA 1677 1360
Phoenix, AZ 410 504
Pittsburgh, PA 294 337
Richmond, VA 316 113
Sacramento, CA 237 139
San Antonio, TX 476 357
San Bernardino, CA 105 170
San Diego, CA 286 175
San Francisco, CA 327 336
Savannah, GA 131 115
St. Louis, MO 772 905
Stockton, CA 178 266
Tampa, FL 113 95
Tulsa, OK 391 193
Washington, DC 756 589
#Just Baltimore
baltimore_prop_df <- filter(homicide_df, city_state == "Baltimore, MD") %>%
  mutate(homicide_status = factor(homicide_status, levels = c("Unsolved", "Solved")))
baltimore_proptest <- prop.test(table(baltimore_prop_df$homicide_status))
tidy(baltimore_proptest) %>%
  select(estimate, conf.low, conf.high) %>%
  mutate(city_state = "Baltimore, MD") %>%
estimate conf.low conf.high city_state
0.6455607 0.6275625 0.6631599 Baltimore, MD
#doing it for all cities
city_props <- homicide_df  %>%
  group_by(city_state) %>%
  count(homicide_status) %>%
  spread(homicide_status, n) %>% #stopping here would get us the case counts from earlier
  mutate(total = Unsolved + Solved,
         test =  map(map2(.x = Unsolved, .y = total, ~prop.test(x = .x, n = .y)), tidy)) %>% #make a total variable to make map easier
  unnest() %>%
  select(city_state, estimate, conf.low, conf.high)

city_state estimate conf.low conf.high
Albuquerque, NM 0.3862434 0.3372604 0.4375766
Atlanta, GA 0.3833505 0.3528119 0.4148219
Baltimore, MD 0.6455607 0.6275625 0.6631599
Baton Rouge, LA 0.4622642 0.4141987 0.5110240
Birmingham, AL 0.4337500 0.3991889 0.4689557
Boston, MA 0.5048860 0.4646219 0.5450881
Buffalo, NY 0.6122841 0.5687990 0.6540879
Charlotte, NC 0.2998544 0.2660820 0.3358999
Chicago, IL 0.7358627 0.7239959 0.7473998
Cincinnati, OH 0.4452450 0.4079606 0.4831439
Columbus, OH 0.5304428 0.5002167 0.5604506
Dallas, TX 0.4811742 0.4561942 0.5062475
Denver, CO 0.5416667 0.4846098 0.5976807
Detroit, MI 0.5883287 0.5687903 0.6075953
Durham, NC 0.3659420 0.3095874 0.4260936
Fort Worth, TX 0.4644809 0.4222542 0.5072119
Fresno, CA 0.3470226 0.3051013 0.3913963
Houston, TX 0.5074779 0.4892447 0.5256914
Indianapolis, IN 0.4493192 0.4223156 0.4766207
Jacksonville, FL 0.5111301 0.4820460 0.5401402
Kansas City, MO 0.4084034 0.3803996 0.4370054
Las Vegas, NV 0.4141926 0.3881284 0.4407395
Long Beach, CA 0.4126984 0.3629026 0.4642973
Los Angeles, CA 0.4900310 0.4692208 0.5108754
Louisville, KY 0.4531250 0.4120609 0.4948235
Memphis, TN 0.3190225 0.2957047 0.3432691
Miami, FL 0.6048387 0.5685783 0.6400015
Milwaukee, wI 0.3614350 0.3333172 0.3905194
Minneapolis, MN 0.5109290 0.4585150 0.5631099
Nashville, TN 0.3624511 0.3285592 0.3977401
New Orleans, LA 0.6485356 0.6231048 0.6731615
New York, NY 0.3875598 0.3494421 0.4270755
Oakland, CA 0.5364308 0.5040588 0.5685037
Oklahoma City, OK 0.4851190 0.4467861 0.5236245
Omaha, NE 0.4132029 0.3653146 0.4627477
Philadelphia, PA 0.4478103 0.4300380 0.4657157
Phoenix, AZ 0.5514223 0.5184825 0.5839244
Pittsburgh, PA 0.5340729 0.4942706 0.5734545
Richmond, VA 0.2634033 0.2228571 0.3082658
Sacramento, CA 0.3696809 0.3211559 0.4209131
San Antonio, TX 0.4285714 0.3947772 0.4630331
San Bernardino, CA 0.6181818 0.5576628 0.6753422
San Diego, CA 0.3796095 0.3354259 0.4258315
San Francisco, CA 0.5067873 0.4680516 0.5454433
Savannah, GA 0.4674797 0.4041252 0.5318665
St. Louis, MO 0.5396541 0.5154369 0.5636879
Stockton, CA 0.5990991 0.5517145 0.6447418
Tampa, FL 0.4567308 0.3881009 0.5269851
Tulsa, OK 0.3304795 0.2927201 0.3705039
Washington, DC 0.4379182 0.4112495 0.4649455
city_props %>%
  arrange(estimate) %>%
  mutate(city_state = factor(city_state, levels = city_state)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = city_state, y = estimate)) + 
  geom_point() + 
  geom_errorbar(aes(x = city_state, ymin = conf.low, ymax = conf.high), width=0.2, size=1, color="blue") + 
  coord_flip() + 
  ylab("Estimated Proportion of Unsolved Homicides") + 
  xlab("City, State") + 
  ggtitle("Estimated Proportion of Unsolved Homicides by City/State") +