The Dataset in DJL represents both the raw data and loading process. RandomAccessDataset implements the Dataset interface and provides comprehensive data loading functionality. RandomAccessDataset is also a basic dataset that supports random or sequential access of data using indices. You can easily customize your own dataset by extending RandomAccessDataset.
We provide several well-known datasets that you can use in our Basic Datasets module.
We also provide several built-in datasets that you can easily wrap around existing NDArrays and images.
- ArrayDataset - a dataset that wraps your existing NDArrays as inputs and labels.
- ImageFolder - a dataset that wraps your images under folders for image classification.
If none of the provided datasets meet your requirements, you can also easily customize you own dataset by extending the RandomAccessDataset.
The following code illustrates an implementation of ArrayDataset. The ArrayDataset is recommended only if your dataset is small enough to fit in memory.
// given you have data1, data2 and label1, label2, label3
ArrayDataset dataset = new ArrayDataset.Builder()
.setData(data1, data2)
.optLabels(label1, label2, label3)
.setSampling(20, false)
When you get the Batch
from trainer.iterateDataset(dataset)
or dataset.getData(manager)
you can use batch.getData()
to get a NDList. The size of this NDList is the amount of data NDArrays
entered in setData()
, in this case the size is 2. You can then use NDList.get(0)
to get your first
data and NDList.get(1)
to get your second data.
Similarly, you can use batch.getLabels()
to get a NDList with size 3.
This section outlines the procedure to use the ImageFolder dataset.
The ImageFolder dataset is recommended only if you want to iterate through your images with their single label. For example, when training classic image classification.
Arrange your image folder structure as follows:
dataset_root/shoes/Aerobic Shoes1.png
dataset_root/shoes/Aerobic Shose2.png
dataset_root/boots/Black Boots.png
dataset_root/boots/White Boots.png
dataset_root/pumps/Red Pumps
dataset_root/pumps/Pink Pumps
The dataset will take the folder name e.g. boots
, pumps
, shoes
in sorted order as your labels
Note: Nested folder structures are not currently supported
Add the following code snippet to your project to use the ImageFolder dataset.
ImageFolder dataset =
new ImageFolder.Builder()
// input the root string
.setRepository(new SimpleRepository(Paths.get("root")))
// create preprocess pipeline you want
new Pipeline()
.add(new Resize(width, height))
.add(new ToTensor()))
.setSampling(batchSize, true)
// call prepare before using
// to get the synset
List<String> synset = dataset.getSynset();
Typically, you would add pre-processing pipelines like Resize(), in order to batchify the dataset, and ToTensor(), which converts the image NDArray to Tensor NDArray.
If the provided Datasets don't meet your requirements, you can also easily extend our dataset to create your own customized dataset.
Let's take CSVDataset, which can load a csv file, for example.
For this example, we'll use malicious_url_data.csv.
The CSV file has the following format.
URL | isMalicious |
---|---| | 0 | | 1 |
We'll also use the 3rd party Apache Commons library to read the CSV file. To use the library, include the following dependency:
api group: 'org.apache.commons', name: 'commons-csv', version: '1.7'
In order to extend the dataset, the following dependencies are required:
api "ai.djl:api:0.11.0"
api "ai.djl:basicdataset:0.11.0"
There are four parts we need to implement for CSVDataset.
- Constructor and Builder
First, we need a private field that holds the CSVRecord list from the csv file.
We create a constructor and pass the CSVRecord list from builder to the class field.
For builder, we have all we need in BaseBuilder
so we only need to include the two minimal methods as shown.
In the build() method, we take advantage of CSVParser to get the record of each CSV file and put them in CSVRecord list.
public class CSVDataset extends RandomAccessDataset {
private final List<CSVRecord> csvRecords;
private CSVDataset(Builder builder) {
csvRecords = builder.csvRecords;
public static final class Builder extends BaseBuilder<Builder> {
List<CSVRecord> csvRecords;
protected Builder self() {
return this;
CSVDataset build() throws IOException {
String csvFilePath = "path/malicious_url_data.csv";
try (Reader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(Paths.get(csvFilePath));
CSVParser csvParser =
new CSVParser(
.withHeader("url", "isMalicious")
.withTrim())) {
csvRecords = csvParser.getRecords();
return new CSVDataset(this);
- Prepare
As mentioned, in this example we are taking advantage of CSVParser to prepare the data for us. To prepare
the data on our own, we use the prepare()
method. Normally here we would load or create any data
for our dataset and then save it in one of the private fields previously created. This prepare()
is called everytime we call getData()
so in every case we want to only load the data once, we use a
boolean variable called prepared
to check if it has previously been loaded or prepared.
Since we don't have to prepare any data on our own for this example, we only have to override it.
public void prepare(Progress progress) {}
There are great examples
in our basicdataset
folder that show use cases for prepare()
- Getter
The getter returns a Record object which contains encoded inputs and labels. Here, we use simple encoding to transform the url String to an int array and create a NDArray on top of it. The reason why we use NDList here is that you might have multiple inputs and labels in different tasks.
public Record get(NDManager manager, long index) {
// get a CSVRecord given an index
CSVRecord record = csvRecords.get(Math.toIntExact(index));
NDArray datum = manager.create(encode(record.get("url")));
NDArray label = manager.create(Float.parseFloat(record.get("isMalicious")));
return new Record(new NDList(datum), new NDList(label));
- Size
The number of records available to be read in this Dataset. Here, we can directly use the size of the List.
public long availableSize() {
return csvRecords.size();
Done! Now, you can use the CSVDataset with the following code snippet:
CSVDataset dataset = new CSVDataset.Builder().setSampling(batchSize, false).build();
for (Batch batch : dataset.getData(model.getNDManager())) {
// use head to get first NDArray
// don't forget to close the batch in the end
Full example code could be found in