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TinyPIC Gradle Plugin

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add two new properties:
//if skpi the task
skip = true/false 
//if print log 
isShowLog = true/false

rename packagename ,delete redundant code


add new logic: if the save size is 0B,won't print message into tiny_compressed_list.txt


add new statistics: all times total save size

Dear,Do you still tiny your pic manually? tinyPIC is a gradle plugin which can tiny batch pics auto in your res directory.

Usage of tinyPIC:

add below code in the outer build.gradle file(which is in the same directory of settings.gradle)

classpath 'com.mogujie.gradle:tinyPicPlugin:1.1.4'

add below code in the inner build.gradle file(which is in the same directory of src)

apply plugin: 'tinyPIC'

tinyinfo {
            apiKey = 'your tiny API key'
            //if skpi the task
            skip = true/false 
            //if print log 
            isShowLog = true/false

Get tiny API key

browse and provide an email Tiny will give you an email with a link ,open the link you will see your API KEY on the left ,and the amount of you this month tinyAPI will give every key 500 free limited to compressed pic success.

tinyPIC have a tinypic_compressed_list.txt file to record the pic we successed compressed, next time tinyPIC will pass the pic to save your amount. tinyPIC also have a tinypic_white_list.txt file,if the pic doesn't look good after tiny ,you can revert it and add it's name in the file , so next time tinyPIC will ignore it. OK,have a try and have fun!!!


TinyPIC is licensed under the MIT license