If you want to deploy Kubernetes using our kind configuration, you need to clone the project to your local machine first.
git clone https://github.com/alipay/container-observability-service lunettes && cd lunettes
kind create cluster \
--name k8s \
--config ./hack/kind.yaml
helm install lunettes oci://ghcr.io/alipay/lunettes-chart \
--set enableAuditApiserver=true \
--set lunettesType=NodePort \
--set grafanadiType=NodePort \
--set grafanaType=NodePort \
--set jaegerType=NodePort
kubectl run nginx --image=nginx
Open broswer to visit
- lunettes
- debugpod api: http://localhost:9096/api/v1/debugpod?name=nginx
- debugslo api: http://localhost:9096/api/v1/debugslo?result=success
- grafana: http://localhost:9097 The default username and password are admin/admin.
- jaejer: http://localhost:9095/search
- kibana: http://localhost:9092
- prometheus: http://localhost:9091/graph?