- Enabling support for Torch7 in DIGITS
- Selecting Torch7 when creating a model in DIGITS
- Defining a Torch7 model in DIGITS
- Examples
- Tutorials
DIGITS should automatically enable support for Torch7 if the th
executable is in your path. If not, you may explicitly point DIGITS to the appropriate location:
$ ./digits-devserver -c
==================================== Torch =====================================
Where is torch installed?
Suggested values:
(*) [Previous] <PATHS>
(N) [none] <NONE>
>> ~/torch/install/
Click on the "Torch" tab on the model creation page:
NOTE: by default, Torch7 initializes the weights of linear and convolutional layers according to the method introduced in
LeCun, Yann A., et al. "Efficient backprop." Neural networks: Tricks of the trade. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012. 9-48.
. Although this weight initialization scheme performs reasonably well under many diverse circumstances, this is rarely optimal and you might notice that Caffe is sometimes able to learn more quickly when using e.g. Xavier initialization. See these examples for more information.
To define a Torch7 model in DIGITS you need to write a Lua function that takes a table of external network parameters as argument and returns a table of internal network parameters. For example, the following code defines a flavour of LeNet:
return function(params)
-- adjust to number of channels in input images - default to 1 channel
-- during model visualization
local channels = (params.inputShape and params.inputShape[1]) or 1
local lenet = nn.Sequential()
lenet:add(nn.SpatialConvolution(channels,20,5,5,1,1,0)) -- channels*28*28 -> 20*24*24
lenet:add(nn.SpatialMaxPooling(2, 2, 2, 2)) -- 20*24*24 -> 20*12*12
lenet:add(nn.SpatialConvolution(20,50,5,5,1,1,0)) -- 20*12*12 -> 50*8*8
lenet:add(nn.SpatialMaxPooling(2,2,2,2)) -- 50*8*8 -> 50*4*4
lenet:add(nn.View(-1):setNumInputDims(3)) -- 50*4*4 -> 800
lenet:add(nn.Linear(800,500)) -- 800 -> 500
lenet:add(nn.Linear(500, 10)) -- 500 -> 10
return {
model = lenet,
loss = nn.ClassNLLCriterion(),
trainBatchSize = 64,
validationBatchSize = 100,
External parameters are provided by DIGITS:
Parameter name | Type | Description |
ngpus | number | Tells how many GPUs are available (0 means CPU) |
nclasses | number | Number of classes (for classification datasets). For other datasets this is undefined. |
inputShape | Tensor | Shape (1D Tensor) of first input Tensor. For image data this is set to {channels, height, width}. Note: this parameter is undefined during model visualization. |
Those parameters are returned by the user-defined function:
Parameter name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
model | nn.module | Yes | A nn.module container that defines the model to use. |
loss | nn.criterion | No | A nn.criterion to use during training. Defaults to nn.ClassNLLCriterion. |
croplen | number | No | If specified, inputs images will be cropped randomly to a square of the specified size. |
labelHook | function | No | A function(input,dblabel) that returns the intended label(target) for the current batch given the provided input and label in database. By default the database label is used. |
trainBatchSize | number | No | If specified, sets train batch size. May be overridden by user in DIGITS UI. |
validationBatchSize | number | No | If specified, sets validation batch size. May be overridden by user in DIGITS UI. |
fineTuneHook | function | No | A function(net) that returns the model to be used for fine-tuning. The untuned model is passed as a function parameter. |
disableAutoDataParallelism | boolean | No | By default models are encapsulated in a nn.DataParallelTable container to enable multi-GPU training when more than 1 GPUs are selected. Setting this flag to true disables this mechanism. |
Networks are fed with Torch Tensor objects in the NxCxHxW format (index in batch x channels x height x width). If a GPU is available, Tensors are provided as Cuda tensors and the model and criterion are moved to GPUs through a call to their cuda() method. In the absence of GPUs, Tensors are provided as Float tensors.
For network fine-tuning the model
returned as part of the table of internal parameters must be exactly the same as the original (pretrained) model to fine-tune.
The user-defined fineTuneHook(net)
function is where the original model (passed through the net
parameter) may be adjusted to solve a different problem.
The following network defines a linear network that takes any 3D-tensor as input and produces one categorical output per class:
return function(p)
-- model should adjust to any 3D-input
local nClasses = p.nclasses or 1
local nDim = 1
if p.inputShape then p.inputShape:apply(function(x) nDim=nDim*x end) end
local model = nn.Sequential()
model:add(nn.View(-1):setNumInputDims(3)) -- c*h*w -> chw (flattened)
model:add(nn.Linear(nDim, nclasses)) -- chw -> nClasses
return {
model = model
Convolution layers are supported by a variety of backends (e.g. nn
, cunn
, cudnn
, ...).
The following snippet shows how to select between nn
, cunn
, cudnn
based on their availability in the system:
if pcall(function() require('cudnn') end) then
backend = cudnn
convLayer = cudnn.SpatialConvolution
pcall(function() require('cunn') end)
backend = nn -- works with cunn or nn
convLayer = nn.SpatialConvolutionMM
local net = nn.Sequential()
lenet:add(backend.SpatialConvolution(1,20,5,5,1,1,0)) -- 1*28*28 -> 20*24*24
lenet:add(backend.SpatialMaxPooling(2, 2, 2, 2)) -- 20*24*24 -> 20*12*12
lenet:add(backend.SpatialConvolution(20,50,5,5,1,1,0)) -- 20*12*12 -> 50*8*8
lenet:add(backend.SpatialMaxPooling(2,2,2,2)) -- 50*8*8 -> 50*4*4
lenet:add(nn.View(-1):setNumInputDims(3)) -- 50*4*4 -> 800
lenet:add(nn.Linear(800,500)) -- 800 -> 500
lenet:add(nn.Linear(500, 10)) -- 500 -> 10
In supervised regression learning, labels may not be scalars like in classification learning.
To learn a regression model, a generic dataset may be created using one database for input samples and one database for labels (only 1D row label vectors are supported presently).
The appropriate loss function must be specified using the loss
internal parameters.
For example the following snippet defines a simple regression model on 1x10x10 images using MSE loss:
local net = nn.Sequential()
net:add(nn.View(-1):setNumInputDims(3)) -- 1*10*10 -> 100
return function(params)
return {
model = net,
loss = nn.MSECriterion(),
DIGITS Lua wrappers may also be used from command line.
For example, to classify an image test.png
using the snapshot at epoch 30
of a model job 20160707-093158-9ed6
using a dataset 20160117-131355-ba71
th /home/greg/ws/digits/tools/torch/wrapper.lua test.lua --image=test.png --network=model --networkDirectory=/home/greg/ws/digits/digits/jobs/20160707-093158-9ed6 --snapshot=/home/greg/ws/digits/digits/jobs/20160707-093158-9ed6/snapshot_30_Model.t7 --labels=/home/greg/ws/digits/digits/jobs/20160117-131355-ba71/labels.txt --mean=/home/greg/ws/digits/digits/jobs/20160707-093158-9ed6/mean.jpg --subtractMean=image
2016-07-07 09:43:20 [INFO ] Loading mean tensor from /home/greg/ws/digits/digits/jobs/20160707-093158-9ed6/mean.jpg file
2016-07-07 09:43:20 [INFO ] Loading network definition from /home/greg/ws/digits/digits/jobs/20160707-093158-9ed6/model
Using CuDNN backend
2016-07-07 09:43:20 [INFO ] For image 1, predicted class 1: 5 (4) 0.99877911806107
2016-07-07 09:43:20 [INFO ] For image 1, predicted class 2: 10 (9) 0.0011787103721872
2016-07-07 09:43:20 [INFO ] For image 1, predicted class 3: 8 (7) 3.8778140151408e-05
2016-07-07 09:43:20 [INFO ] For image 1, predicted class 4: 7 (6) 2.3879254058556e-06
2016-07-07 09:43:20 [INFO ] For image 1, predicted class 5: 1 (0) 4.1431232489231e-07
For classification networks, the Top-5 classes are shown. For each class, the label is shown within brackets.
For example predicted class 1: 5 (4) 0.99877911806107
means that the network predicted the most likely class to be the 5th class in labels.txt
with label "4"
and probability 99.88%
For other types of networks, set --allPredictions=yes
on the command line to display the raw network output.
For example:
th /home/greg/ws/digits/tools/torch/wrapper.lua test.lua --image=test.png --network=model --networkDirectory=/home/greg/ws/digits/digits/jobs/20160707-093158-9ed6 --snapshot=/home/greg/ws/digits/digits/jobs/20160707-093158-9ed6/snapshot_30_Model.t7 --mean=/home/greg/ws/digits/digits/jobs/20160707-093158-9ed6/mean.jpg --subtractMean=image --allPredictions=yes
2016-07-07 09:46:31 [INFO ] Loading mean tensor from /home/greg/ws/digits/digits/jobs/20160707-093158-9ed6/mean.jpg file
2016-07-07 09:46:31 [INFO ] Loading network definition from /home/greg/ws/digits/digits/jobs/20160707-093158-9ed6/model
Using CuDNN backend
2016-07-07 09:46:32 [INFO ] Predictions for image 1: [-14.696645736694,-16.256759643555,-16.247381210327,-20.25181388855,-0.0012216567993164,-18.055643081665,-12.945085525513,-10.157653808594,-15.657314300537,-6.7433342933655]
Data parallelism is supported in Torch7 by cunn through the DataParallelTable
DIGITS provides the number of available GPUs through the ngpus
external parameter.
Assuming net
is a container that encapsulates the definition of a network, the following snippet may be used to enable data parallelism into a container called model
local model
if ngpus>1 then
model = nn.DataParallelTable(1) -- Split along first (batch) dimension
for i = 1, ngpus do
model:add(net:clone(), i) -- Use the ith GPU
cutorch.setDevice(1) -- This is the 'primary' GPU
model = net
Follow these instructions to learn how to create an autoencoder using Torch7 in DIGITS.
Follow these instructions to learn how to create a regression model using Caffe or Torch7 in DIGITS.
Follow these instructions to learn how to create a Siamese network model using Caffe or Torch7 in DIGITS.
Follow these instructions to learn how to fine-tune a model using Caffe or Torch7 in DIGITS.