source code of CodeHelper.generator
An Generator, generate code more easily and productive.
AutoCoding Features
- Auto gen all Setter method(method start with set) when you click AutoCoding btn(support shortcut).
- Auto gen all Setter method with default value when you click AutoCoding btn twice.
AutoCoding Usage
- Click main menu Tools-> Codehelper-> AutoCoding button to generate the code
GenDaoCode Features
- Generate dao, service, sql and mybatis xml file according to pojo by one click.
- Update sql, mybatis xml file elegantly when the pojo file updated by one click.
- Provide insert, insertList, select, update and delete method.
- You can generate for multi pojo by once click.
- Recognize comment of pojo fields automatically and add as sql comment.
- Support rich config by config file, and use default config for no config file.
- Shortcut for generate.
- Support java + MySQL and later will support more DB.
- to learn more.
GenDaoCode Usages
- Click main menu Tools-> Codehelper-> GenDaoCode button to generate the code.
- Method One: Click GenDaoCode, and then enter the Pojo name in prompt box, multiple Pojo separated by | , CodeHelper will generate code use default config.
- Method two: Add a in you project directory. Click GenDaoCode and Codehelper Generator will generates code for you based on file.
GenDaoCode Usages Sample
Contact Author
- Gmail: [email protected]