RadonDB PostgreSQL 是基于 PostgreSQL 的开源、高可用、云原生集群解决方案。
- 通过Pgpool-II代理PostgreSQL后端服务,用于减少Postgresql后端的连接开销,充当Postgresql的负载均衡器,增强了系统的整体吞吐量。
- 通过repmgr实现PostgreSQL节点的故障转移。
本教程演示如何使用命令行在 Kubernetes 上部署 RadonDB PostgreSQL。
- 已成功部署 Kubernetes 集群。
执行如下命令,将 RadonDB PostgreSQL Chart 克隆到 Kubernetes 中。
git clone https://github.com/zhl003/radondb-postgresql-kubernetes.git
Chart 代表 Helm 包,包含在 Kubernetes 集群内部运行应用程序、工具或服务所需的所有资源定义。
在 radondb-postgresql-kubernetes 目录路径下,选择如下方式,部署 release 实例。
release 是运行在 Kubernetes 集群中的 Chart 的实例。通过命令方式部署,需指定 release 名称。
以下命令指定 release 名为 demo
,将创建一个名为 demo-postgresql-ha-postgresql
<For Helm v2> helm install . --name demo <For Helm v3> helm install demo charts/postgresql-ha
helm install
时使用--set key=value[,key=value]
cd charts helm install demo \ --set postgresql.password = [POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD] \ --set postgresql.repmgrPassword = [REPMGR_PASSWORD] --set postgresql.replicaCount = 3 \ charts/postgresql-ha
配置 yaml 参数方式
执行如下命令,可通过 value.yaml 配置文件,在安装时配置指定参数。更多安装过程中可配置的参数,请参考 配置 。
cd charts helm install demo -f values.yaml .
添加并更新 helm 仓库。
$ helm repo add pgha https://zhl003.github.io/radondb-postgresql-kubernetes
$ helm repo update
以下命令指定 release 名为 demo
下创建一个名为 pgha-postgresql-ha-pgpool
$ helm install demo pgha/postgresql-ha -n demo
NAME: demo
LAST DEPLOYED: Wed May 19 06:13:27 2021
STATUS: deployed
** Please be patient while the chart is being deployed **
PostgreSQL can be accessed through Pgpool via port 5432 on the following DNS name from within your cluster:
Pgpool acts as a load balancer for PostgreSQL and forward read/write connections to the primary node while read-only connections are forwarded to standby nodes.
To get the password for "postgres" run:
export POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace demo demo-postgresql-ha-postgresql -o jsonpath="{.data.postgresql-password}" | base64 --decode)
To get the password for "repmgr" run:
export REPMGR_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace demo demo-postgresql-ha-postgresql -o jsonpath="{.data.repmgr-password}" | base64 --decode)
To connect to your database run the following command:
kubectl run demo-postgresql-ha-client --rm --tty -i --restart='Never' --namespace demo --image docker.io/zhonghl003/postgresql-repmgr:11.11.0-debian-r1 --env="PGPASSWORD=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD" \
--command -- psql -h demo-postgresql-ha-pgpool -p 5432 -U postgres -d postgres
To connect to your database from outside the cluster execute the following commands:
kubectl port-forward --namespace demo svc/demo-postgresql-ha-pgpool 5432:5432 &
psql -h -p 5432 -U postgres -d postgres
分别执行如下指令,查看到 release
名为 demo
的有状态副本集 demo-postgresql-ha
,则 RadonDB PostgreSQL 部署成功。
$ helm list -n demo
demo demo 1 2021-05-19 06:13:27.219204491 +0000 UTC deployed postgresql-ha-1.0.0 11.11.0
$ kubectl get statefulsets.apps -n demo
demo-postgresql-ha-postgresql 4/4 2m9s
部署指令执行完成后,查看 RadonDB PostgreSQL 有状态副本集,pod 状态及服务。可查看到相关信息,则 RadonDB PostgreSQL 部署成功。
kubectl get statefulset,pod,svc -n demo
您需要准备一个用于连接 RadonDB PostgreSQL 的客户端。
当客户端与 RadonDB PostgreSQL 集群在同一个 NameSpace 中时,可使用 leader/follower service 名称代替具体的 ip 和端口。
- 连接pgpool节点(读写节点)。
psql -h <service demo-postgresql-ha-pgpool 名称> -p 5432 -U postgres -d postgres
当客户端与 RadonDB PostgreSQL 集群不在同一个 NameSpace 中时,需先分别获取连接所需的节点地址、节点端口、服务名称。
查询 pod 列表和服务列表,分别获取 pod 名称和服务名称。
kubectl get pod,svc
执行如下命令,打开服务配置文件,将 spec 下 type 参数设置为
。kubectl edit svc <服务名称>
分别获取 pod 所在的节点地址和节点端口。
kubectl describe pod <pod名称>
kubectl describe svc <服务名称>
psql -h <pgpool节点地址> -p <节点端口> -U postgres -d postgres
下表列出了 RadonDB PostgreSQL Chart 的配置参数及对应的默认值。
参数 | 描述 | 默认值 |
Global | ||
global.imageRegistry |
Global Docker image registry | nil |
global.imagePullSecrets |
Global Docker registry secret names as an array | [] (does not add image pull secrets to deployed pods) |
global.storageClass |
Global storage class for dynamic provisioning | nil |
global.postgresql.existingSecret |
Name of existing secret to use for PostgreSQL passwords (overrides postgresql.existingSecret ) |
nil |
global.postgresql.username |
PostgreSQL username (overrides postgresql.username ) |
nil |
global.postgresql.password |
PostgreSQL password (overrides postgresql.password ) |
nil |
global.postgresql.database |
PostgreSQL database (overrides postgresql.database ) |
nil |
global.postgresql.repmgrUsername |
PostgreSQL repmgr username (overrides postgresql.repmgrUsername ) |
nil |
global.postgresql.repmgrPassword |
PostgreSQL repmgr password (overrides postgresql.repmgrpassword ) |
nil |
global.postgresql.repmgrDatabase |
PostgreSQL repmgr database (overrides postgresql.repmgrDatabase ) |
nil |
global.ldap.existingSecret |
Name of existing secret to use for LDAP passwords (overrides ldap.existingSecret ) |
nil |
global.ldap.bindpw |
LDAP bind password (overrides ldap.bindpw ) |
nil |
global.pgpool.adminUsername |
Pgpool Admin username (overrides pgpool.adminUsername ) |
nil |
global.pgpool.adminPassword |
Pgpool Admin password (overrides pgpool.adminPassword ) |
nil |
General | ||
commonLabels |
Labels to add to all deployed objects | nil |
commonAnnotations |
Annotations to add to all deployed objects | [] |
nameOverride |
String to partially override postgres-ha.fullname template with a string | nil |
fullnameOverride |
String to fully override postgres-ha.fullname template with a string | nil |
clusterDomain |
Default Kubernetes cluster domain | cluster.local |
extraDeploy |
Array of extra objects to deploy with the release (evaluated as a template). | nil |
serviceAccount.enabled |
Enable service account (Note: Service Account will only be automatically created if serviceAccount.name is not set) |
false |
serviceAccount.name |
Name of existing service account | nil |
PostgreSQL with Repmgr | ||
postgresqlImage.registry |
Registry for PostgreSQL with Repmgr image | docker.io |
postgresqlImage.tag |
Tag for PostgreSQL with Repmgr image | {TAG_NAME} |
postgresqlImage.pullPolicy |
PostgreSQL with Repmgr image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
postgresqlImage.pullSecrets |
Specify docker-registry secret names as an array | [] (does not add image pull secrets to deployed pods) |
postgresqlImage.debug |
Specify if debug logs should be enabled | false |
postgresql.hostAliases |
Add deployment host aliases | [] |
postgresql.labels |
Map of labels to add to the statefulset. Evaluated as a template | {} |
postgresql.podLabels |
Map of labels to add to the pods. Evaluated as a template | {} |
postgresql.replicaCount |
The number of replicas to deploy | 2 |
postgresql.updateStrategyType |
Statefulset update strategy policy | RollingUpdate |
postgresql.podAnnotations |
Additional pod annotations | {} |
postgresql.priorityClassName |
Pod priority class | `` |
postgresql.podAffinityPreset |
PostgreSQL pod affinity preset. Ignored if postgresql.affinity is set. Allowed values: soft or hard |
"" |
postgresql.podAntiAffinityPreset |
PostgreSQL pod anti-affinity preset. Ignored if postgresql.affinity is set. Allowed values: soft or hard |
soft |
postgresql.nodeAffinityPreset.type |
PostgreSQL node affinity preset type. Ignored if postgresql.affinity is set. Allowed values: soft or hard |
"" |
postgresql.nodeAffinityPreset.key |
PostgreSQL node label key to match Ignored if postgresql.affinity is set. |
"" |
postgresql.nodeAffinityPreset.values |
PostgreSQL node label values to match. Ignored if postgresql.affinity is set. |
[] |
postgresql.affinity |
Affinity for PostgreSQL pods assignment | {} (evaluated as a template) |
postgresql.nodeSelector |
Node labels for PostgreSQL pods assignment | {} (evaluated as a template) |
postgresql.tolerations |
Tolerations for PostgreSQL pods assignment | [] (evaluated as a template) |
postgresql.securityContext.* |
Other pod security context to be included as-is in the pod spec | {} |
postgresql.securityContext.enabled |
Enable security context for PostgreSQL with Repmgr | true |
postgresql.securityContext.fsGroup |
Group ID for the PostgreSQL with Repmgr filesystem | 1001 |
postgresql.containerSecurityContext.* |
Other container security context to be included as-is in the container spec | {} |
postgresql.containerSecurityContext.enabled |
Enable container security context | true |
postgresql.containerSecurityContext.runAsUser |
User ID for the PostgreSQL with Repmgr container | 1001 |
postgresql.resources |
The [resources] to allocate for container | {} |
postgresql.livenessProbe |
Liveness probe configuration for PostgreSQL with Repmgr | Check values.yaml file |
postgresql.readinessProbe |
Readiness probe configuration for PostgreSQL with Repmgr | Check values.yaml file |
postgresql.startupProbe |
Startup probe configuration for PostgreSQL with Repmgr | Check values.yaml file |
postgresql.customLivenessProbe |
Override default liveness probe | nil |
postgresql.customReadinessProbe |
Override default readiness probe | nil |
postgresql.customStartupProbe |
Override default startup probe | nil |
postgresql.extraVolumeMounts |
Array of extra volume mounts to be added to the container (evaluated as template). Normally used with extraVolumes . |
nil |
postgresql.sidecars |
Attach additional containers to the pod (evaluated as a template) | nil |
postgresql.initContainers |
Add additional init containers to the pod (evaluated as a template) | nil |
postgresql.extraEnvVars |
Array containing extra env vars | nil |
postgresql.extraEnvVarsCM |
ConfigMap containing extra env vars | nil |
postgresql.extraEnvVarsSecret |
Secret containing extra env vars (in case of sensitive data) | nil |
postgresql.command |
Override default container command (useful when using custom images) | nil |
postgresql.args |
Override default container args (useful when using custom images) | nil |
postgresql.lifecycleHooks |
LifecycleHook to set additional configuration at startup, e.g. LDAP settings via REST API. Evaluated as a template | `` |
postgresql.pdb.create |
If true, create a pod disruption budget for PostgreSQL with Repmgr pods | false |
postgresql.pdb.minAvailable |
Minimum number / percentage of pods that should remain scheduled | 1 |
postgresql.pdb.maxUnavailable |
Maximum number / percentage of pods that may be made unavailable | nil |
postgresql.username |
PostgreSQL username | postgres |
postgresql.password |
PostgreSQL password | nil |
postgresql.existingSecret |
Name of existing secret to use for PostgreSQL passwords | nil |
postgresql.postgresPassword |
PostgreSQL password for the postgres user when username is not postgres |
nil |
postgresql.database |
PostgreSQL database | postgres |
postgresql.usePasswordFile |
Have the secrets mounted as a file instead of env vars | false |
postgresql.repmgrUsePassfile |
Configure repmgrl to use passfile instead of password vars |
false |
postgresql.repmgrPassfilePath |
Custom path where passfile will be stored |
nil |
postgresql.upgradeRepmgrExtension |
Upgrade repmgr extension in the database | false |
postgresql.pgHbaTrustAll |
Configures PostgreSQL HBA to trust every user | false |
postgresql.syncReplication |
Make the replication synchronous. This will wait until the data is synchronized in all the replicas before other query can be run. This ensures the data availability at the expenses of speed. | false |
postgresql.sharedPreloadLibraries |
Shared preload libraries (comma-separated list) | pgaudit, repmgr |
postgresql.maxConnections |
Maximum total connections | nil |
postgresql.postgresConnectionLimit |
Maximum total connections for the postgres user | nil |
postgresql.dbUserConnectionLimit |
Maximum total connections for the non-admin user | nil |
postgresql.tcpKeepalivesInterval |
TCP keepalives interval | nil |
postgresql.tcpKeepalivesIdle |
TCP keepalives idle | nil |
postgresql.tcpKeepalivesCount |
TCP keepalives count | nil |
postgresql.statementTimeout |
Statement timeout | nil |
postgresql.pghbaRemoveFilters |
Comma-separated list of patterns to remove from the pg_hba.conf file | nil |
postgresql.audit.logHostname |
Add client hostnames to the log file | true |
postgresql.audit.logConnections |
Add client log-in operations to the log file | false |
postgresql.audit.logDisconnections |
Add client log-outs operations to the log file | false |
postgresql.audit.pgAuditLog |
Add operations to log using the pgAudit extension | nil |
postgresql.audit.clientMinMessages |
Message log level to share with the user | nil |
postgresql.audit.logLinePrefix |
Template string for the log line prefix | nil |
postgresql.audit.logTimezone |
Timezone for the log timestamps | nil |
postgresql.repmgrUsername |
PostgreSQL repmgr username | repmgr |
postgresql.repmgrPassword |
PostgreSQL repmgr password | nil |
postgresql.repmgrDatabase |
PostgreSQL repmgr database | repmgr |
postgresql.repmgrLogLevel |
postgresql.repmgrConnectTimeout |
Repmgr backend connection timeout (in seconds) | 5 |
postgresql.repmgrReconnectAttempts |
Repmgr backend reconnection attempts | 3 |
postgresql.repmgrReconnectInterval |
Repmgr backend reconnection interval (in seconds) | 5 |
postgresql.repmgrConfiguration |
Repmgr Configuration | nil |
postgresql.configuration |
PostgreSQL Configuration | nil |
postgresql.pgHbaConfiguration |
Content of pg_hba.conf | nil (do not create pg_hba.conf) |
postgresql.configurationCM |
ConfigMap with the PostgreSQL configuration files (Note: Overrides postgresql.repmgrConfiguration , postgresql.configuration and postgresql.pgHbaConfiguration ) |
nil (The value is evaluated as a template) |
postgresql.extendedConf |
Extended PostgreSQL Configuration (appended to main or default configuration). Implies volumePermissions.enabled . |
nil |
postgresql.extendedConfCM |
ConfigMap with the extended PostgreSQL configuration files (Note: Overrides postgresql.extendedConf ) Implies volumePermissions.enabled . |
nil (The value is evaluated as a template) |
postgresql.initdbScripts |
Dictionary of initdb scripts | nil |
postgresql.initdbScriptsCM |
ConfigMap with the initdb scripts (Note: Overrides initdbScripts ). The value is evaluated as a template. |
nil |
postgresql.initdbScriptsSecret |
Secret with initdb scripts that contain sensitive information (Note: can be used with initdbScriptsCM or initdbScripts). The value is evaluated as a template. | nil |
Pgpool | ||
pgpoolImage.registry |
Registry for Pgpool | docker.io |
pgpoolImage.tag |
Tag for Pgpool | {TAG_NAME} |
pgpoolImage.pullPolicy |
Pgpool image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
pgpoolImage.pullSecrets |
Specify docker-registry secret names as an array | [] (does not add image pull secrets to deployed pods) |
pgpoolImage.debug |
Specify if debug logs should be enabled | false |
pgpool.customUsers.usernames |
Comma or semicolon separated list of postgres usernames to be added to pgpool_passwd | nil |
pgpool.customUsers.passwords |
Comma or semicolon separated list of the associated passwords for the users to be added to pgpool_passwd | nil |
pgpool.customUsersSecret |
Name of a secret containing the usernames and passwords of accounts that will be added to pgpool_passwd | nil |
pgpool.srCheckDatabase |
Name of the database to perform streaming replication checks | postgres |
pgpool.hostAliases |
Add deployment host aliases | [] |
pgpool.labels |
Map of labels to add to the deployment. Evaluated as a template | {} |
pgpool.podLabels |
Map of labels to add to the pods. Evaluated as a template | {} |
pgpool.replicaCount |
The number of replicas to deploy | 1 |
pgpool.customLivenessProbe |
Override default liveness probe | nil |
pgpool.customReadinessProbe |
Override default readiness probe | nil |
pgpool.customStartupProbe |
Override default startup probe | nil |
pgpool.extraVolumeMounts |
Array of extra volume mounts to be added to the container (evaluated as template). Normally used with extraVolumes . |
nil |
pgpool.sidecars |
Attach additional containers to the pod (evaluated as a template) | nil |
pgpool.initContainers |
Add additional init containers to the pod (evaluated as a template) | nil |
pgpool.extraEnvVars |
Array containing extra env vars | nil |
pgpool.extraEnvVarsCM |
ConfigMap containing extra env vars | nil |
pgpool.extraEnvVarsSecret |
Secret containing extra env vars (in case of sensitive data) | nil |
pgpool.command |
Override default container command (useful when using custom images) | nil |
pgpool.args |
Override default container args (useful when using custom images) | nil |
pgpool.lifecycleHooks |
LifecycleHook to set additional configuration at startup, e.g. LDAP settings via REST API. Evaluated as a template | `` |
pgpool.podAnnotations |
Additional pod annotations | {} |
pgpool.initdbScripts |
Dictionary of initdb scripts | nil |
pgpool.initdbScriptsCM |
ConfigMap with the initdb scripts (Note: Overrides initdbScripts ). The value is evaluated as a template. |
nil |
pgpool.initdbScriptsSecret |
Secret with initdb scripts that contain sensitive information (Note: can be used with initdbScriptsCM or initdbScripts). The value is evaluated as a template. | nil |
pgpool.priorityClassName |
Pod priority class | `` |
pgpool.podAffinityPreset |
Pgpool pod affinity preset. Ignored if pgpool.affinity is set. Allowed values: soft or hard |
"" |
pgpool.podAntiAffinityPreset |
Pgpool pod anti-affinity preset. Ignored if pgpool.affinity is set. Allowed values: soft or hard |
soft |
pgpool.nodeAffinityPreset.type |
Pgpool node affinity preset type. Ignored if pgpool.affinity is set. Allowed values: soft or hard |
"" |
pgpool.nodeAffinityPreset.key |
Pgpool node label key to match Ignored if pgpool.affinity is set. |
"" |
pgpool.nodeAffinityPreset.values |
Pgpool node label values to match. Ignored if pgpool.affinity is set. |
[] |
pgpool.affinity |
Affinity for Pgpool pods assignment | {} (evaluated as a template) |
pgpool.nodeSelector |
Node labels for Pgpool pods assignment | {} (evaluated as a template) |
pgpool.tolerations |
Tolerations for Pgpool pods assignment | [] (evaluated as a template) |
pgpool.securityContext.* |
Other pod security context to be included as-is in the pod spec | {} |
pgpool.securityContext.enabled |
Enable security context for Pgpool | true |
pgpool.securityContext.fsGroup |
Group ID for the Pgpool filesystem | 1001 |
pgpool.containerSecurityContext.* |
Other container security context to be included as-is in the container spec | {} |
pgpool.containerSecurityContext.enabled |
Enable container security context | true |
pgpool.containerSecurityContext.runAsUser |
User ID for the Pgpool container | 1001 |
pgpool.resources |
The [resources] to allocate for container | {} |
pgpool.livenessProbe |
Liveness probe configuration for Pgpool | Check values.yaml file |
pgpool.readinessProbe |
Readiness probe configuration for Pgpool | Check values.yaml file |
pgpool.startupProbe |
Startup probe configuration for Pgpool | Check values.yaml file |
pgpool.pdb.create |
If true, create a pod disruption budget for Pgpool pods. | false |
pgpool.pdb.minAvailable |
Minimum number / percentage of pods that should remain scheduled | 1 |
pgpool.pdb.maxUnavailable |
Maximum number / percentage of pods that may be made unavailable | nil |
pgpool.updateStrategy |
Strategy used to replace old Pods by new ones | {} |
pgpool.minReadySeconds |
How many seconds a pod needs to be ready before killing the next, during update | nil |
pgpool.adminUsername |
Pgpool Admin username | admin |
pgpool.adminPassword |
Pgpool Admin password | nil |
pgpool.logConnections |
Log all client connections | false |
pgpool.logHostname |
Log the client hostname instead of IP address | true |
pgpool.logPerNodeStatement |
Log every SQL statement for each DB node separately | false |
pgpool.logLinePrefix |
Format of the log entry lines | nil |
pgpool.clientMinMessages |
Log level for clients | error |
pgpool.numInitChildren |
The number of preforked Pgpool-II server processes. | 32 |
pgpool.maxPool |
The maximum number of cached connections in each child process | 15 |
pgpool.childMaxConnections |
The maximum number of client connections in each child process | nil |
pgpool.childLifeTime |
The time in seconds to terminate a Pgpool-II child process if it remains idle | nil |
pgpool.clientIdleLimit |
The time in seconds to disconnect a client if it remains idle since the last query | nil |
pgpool.connectionLifeTime |
The time in seconds to terminate the cached connections to the PostgreSQL backend | nil |
pgpool.useLoadBalancing |
If true, use Pgpool Load-Balancing | true |
pgpool.configuration |
Content of pgpool.conf | nil |
pgpool.configurationCM |
ConfigMap with the Pgpool configuration file (Note: Overrides pgpol.configuration ). The file used must be named pgpool.conf . |
nil (The value is evaluated as a template) |
pgpool.tls.enabled |
Enable TLS traffic support for end-client connections | false |
pgpool.tls.preferServerCiphers |
Whether to use the server's TLS cipher preferences rather than the client's | true |
pgpool.tls.certificatesSecret |
Name of an existing secret that contains the certificates | nil |
pgpool.tls.certFilename |
Certificate filename | "" |
pgpool.tls.certKeyFilename |
Certificate key filename | "" |
pgpool.tls.certCAFilename |
CA Certificate filename. If provided, PgPool will authenticate TLS/SSL clients by requesting them a certificate. | nil |
LDAP | ||
ldap.enabled |
Enable LDAP support | false |
ldap.existingSecret |
Name of existing secret to use for LDAP passwords | nil |
ldap.uri |
LDAP URL beginning in the form ldap[s]://<hostname>:<port> |
nil |
ldap.base |
LDAP base DN | nil |
ldap.binddn |
LDAP bind DN | nil |
ldap.bindpw |
LDAP bind password | nil |
ldap.bslookup |
LDAP base lookup | nil |
ldap.scope |
LDAP search scope | nil |
ldap.tlsReqcert |
LDAP TLS check on server certificates | nil |
ldap.nssInitgroupsIgnoreusers |
LDAP ignored users | root,nslcd |
Prometheus metrics | ||
metricsImage.registry |
Registry for PostgreSQL Prometheus exporter | docker.io |
metricsImage.tag |
Tag for PostgreSQL Prometheus exporter | {TAG_NAME} |
metricsImage.pullPolicy |
PostgreSQL Prometheus exporter image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
metricsImage.pullSecrets |
Specify docker-registry secret names as an array | [] (does not add image pull secrets to deployed pods) |
metricsImage.debug |
Specify if debug logs should be enabled | false |
metrics.securityContext.* |
Other container security context to be included as-is in the container spec | {} |
metrics.securityContext.enabled |
Enable security context for PostgreSQL Prometheus exporter | true |
metrics.securityContext.runAsUser |
User ID for the PostgreSQL Prometheus exporter container | 1001 |
metrics.resources |
The [resources] to allocate for container | {} |
metrics.livenessProbe |
Liveness probe configuration for PostgreSQL Prometheus exporter | Check values.yaml file |
metrics.readinessProbe |
Readiness probe configuration for PostgreSQL Prometheus exporter | Check values.yaml file |
metrics.startupProbe |
Startup probe configuration for PostgreSQL Prometheus exporter | Check values.yaml file |
metrics.annotations |
Annotations for PostgreSQL Prometheus exporter service | {prometheus.io/scrape: "true", prometheus.io/port: "9187"} |
metrics.customMetrics |
Additional custom metrics | nil |
metrics.extraEnvVars |
Extra environment variables to add to exporter | {} (evaluated as a template) |
metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled |
if true , creates a Prometheus Operator ServiceMonitor (also requires metrics.enabled to be true ) |
false |
metrics.serviceMonitor.namespace |
Optional namespace which Prometheus is running in | nil |
metrics.serviceMonitor.interval |
How frequently to scrape metrics (use by default, falling back to Prometheus' default) | nil |
metrics.serviceMonitor.selector |
Default to kube-prometheus install (CoreOS recommended), but should be set according to Prometheus install | {prometheus: "kube-prometheus"} |
metrics.serviceMonitor.relabelings |
ServiceMonitor relabelings. Value is evaluated as a template | [] |
metrics.serviceMonitor.metricRelabelings |
ServiceMonitor metricRelabelings. Value is evaluated as a template | [] |
Init Container to adapt volume permissions | ||
volumePermissionsImage.registry |
Init container volume-permissions image registry | docker.io |
volumePermissionsImage.pullPolicy |
Init container volume-permissions image pull policy | Always |
volumePermissionsImage.pullSecrets |
Specify docker-registry secret names as an array | [] (does not add image pull secrets to deployed pods) |
volumePermissions.enabled |
Enable init container to adapt volume permissions | false |
volumePermissions.securityContext.* |
Other container security context to be included as-is in the container spec | {} |
volumePermissions.securityContext.enabled |
Init container volume-permissions security context | false |
volumePermissions.securityContext.runAsUser |
Init container volume-permissions User ID | 0 |
Persistence | ||
persistence.enabled |
Enable data persistence | true |
persistence.existingClaim |
Use a existing PVC which must be created manually before bound. PVC will be shared between all replicas, which is useful for special cases only. | nil |
persistence.storageClass |
Specify the storageClass used to provision the volume |
nil |
persistence.mountPath |
Path to mount data volume at | nil |
persistence.accessModes |
List of access modes of data volume | ReadWriteOnce |
persistence.size |
Size of data volume | 8Gi |
persistence.annotations |
Persistent Volume Claim annotations | {} |
persistence.selector |
Selector to match an existing Persistent Volume (this value is evaluated as a template) | {} |
Expose | ||
service.type |
Kubernetes service type (ClusterIP , NodePort or LoadBalancer ) |
ClusterIP |
service.port |
PostgreSQL port | 5432 |
service.nodePort |
Kubernetes service nodePort | nil |
service.annotations |
Annotations for PostgreSQL service | {} |
service.serviceLabels |
Labels for PostgreSQL service | {} |
service.loadBalancerIP |
loadBalancerIP if service type is LoadBalancer |
nil |
service.loadBalancerSourceRanges |
Address that are allowed when service is LoadBalancer | [] |
service.clusterIP |
Static clusterIP or None for headless services | nil |
service.externalTrafficPolicy |
Enable client source IP preservation | Cluster |
service.sessionAffinity |
Session Affinity for Kubernetes service, can be "None" or "ClientIP" | None |
networkPolicy.enabled |
Enable NetworkPolicy | false |
networkPolicy.allowExternal |
Don't require client label for connections | true |
默认情况下,会创建一个 PersistentVolumeClaim 并将其挂载到指定目录中。 若想禁用此功能,您可以更改 values.yaml
禁用持久化,改用 emptyDir。
"当 Pod 分配给节点时,将首先创建一个 emptyDir 卷,只要该 Pod 在该节点上运行,该卷便存在。 当 Pod 从节点中删除时,emptyDir 中的数据将被永久删除."
注意:PersistentVolumeClaim 中可以使用不同特性的 PersistentVolume,其 IO 性能会影响数据库的初始化性能。所以当使用 PersistentVolumeClaim 启用持久化存储时,可能需要调整 livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds 的值。数据库初始化的默认限制是60秒 (livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds + livenessProbe.periodSeconds * livenessProbe.failureThreshold)。如果初始化时间超过限制,kubelet将重启数据库容器,数据库初始化被中断,会导致持久数据不可用。
在 values.yaml
中添加/更改 PostgreSQL 配置。
extendedConf: |-
deadlock_timeout = 1s
max_locks_per_transaction = 64