此 demo 主要演示了 Spring Boot 如何集成Neo4j操作图数据库,实现一个校园人物关系网。
作者编写本demo时,Neo4j 版本为 3.5.0
,使用 docker 运行,下面是所有步骤:
- 下载镜像:
docker pull neo4j:3.5.0
- 运行容器:
docker run -d -p 7474:7474 -p 7687:7687 --name neo4j-3.5.0 neo4j:3.5.0
- 停止容器:
docker stop neo4j-3.5.0
- 启动容器:
docker start neo4j-3.5.0
- 浏览器 http://localhost:7474/ 访问 neo4j 管理后台,初始账号/密码 neo4j/neo4j,会要求修改初始化密码,我们修改为 neo4j/admin
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
<description>Tutorial project for Spring Boot</description>
uri: bolt://localhost
username: neo4j
password: admin
open-in-view: false
* <p>
* 自定义主键策略
* </p>
* @author Johnny Lee
* @date Created in 2018-12-24 14:40
public class CustomIdStrategy implements IdStrategy {
public Object generateId(Object o) {
return IdUtil.fastUUID();
* <p>
* 学生节点
* </p>
* @author Johnny Lee
* @date Created in 2018-12-24 14:38
@RequiredArgsConstructor(staticName = "of")
public class Student {
* 主键,自定义主键策略,使用UUID生成
@GeneratedValue(strategy = CustomIdStrategy.class)
private String id;
* 学生姓名
private String name;
* 学生选的所有课程
private List<Lesson> lessons;
* 学生所在班级
private Class clazz;
* <p>
* 学生节点Repository
* </p>
* @author Johnny Lee
* @date Created in 2018-12-24 15:05
public interface StudentRepository extends Neo4jRepository<Student, String> {
* 根据名称查找学生
* @param name 姓名
* @param depth 深度
* @return 学生信息
Optional<Student> findByName(String name, @Depth int depth);
* 根据班级查询班级人数
* @param className 班级名称
* @return 班级人数
@Query("MATCH (s:Student)-[r:R_STUDENT_OF_CLASS]->(c:Class{name:{className}}) return count(s)")
Long countByClassName(@Param("className") String className);
* 查询满足 (学生)-[选课关系]-(课程)-[选课关系]-(学生) 关系的 同学
* @return 返回同学关系
@Query("match (s:Student)-[:R_LESSON_OF_STUDENT]->(l:Lesson)<-[:R_LESSON_OF_STUDENT]-(:Student) with l.name as lessonName,collect(distinct s) as students return lessonName,students")
List<ClassmateInfoGroupByLesson> findByClassmateGroupByLesson();
* 查询师生关系,(学生)-[班级学生关系]-(班级)-[班主任关系]-(教师)
* @return 返回师生关系
@Query("match (s:Student)-[:R_STUDENT_OF_CLASS]->(:Class)-[:R_BOSS_OF_CLASS]->(t:Teacher) with t.name as teacherName,collect(distinct s) as students return teacherName,students")
List<TeacherStudent> findTeacherStudentByClass();
* 查询师生关系,(学生)-[选课关系]-(课程)-[任教老师关系]-(教师)
* @return 返回师生关系
@Query("match ((s:Student)-[:R_LESSON_OF_STUDENT]->(:Lesson)-[:R_TEACHER_OF_LESSON]->(t:Teacher))with t.name as teacherName,collect(distinct s) as students return teacherName,students")
List<TeacherStudent> findTeacherStudentByLesson();
* <p>
* 测试Neo4j
* </p>
* @author Johnny Lee
* @date Created in 2018-12-24 15:17
public class Neo4jTest extends SpringBootDemoNeo4jApplicationTests {
private NeoService neoService;
* 测试保存
public void testSave() {
* 测试删除
public void testDelete() {
* 测试查询 鸣人 学了哪些课程
public void testFindLessonsByStudent() {
// 深度为1,则课程的任教老师的属性为null
// 深度为2,则会把课程的任教老师的属性赋值
List<Lesson> lessons = neoService.findLessonsFromStudent("漩涡鸣人", 2);
lessons.forEach(lesson -> log.info("【lesson】= {}", JSONUtil.toJsonStr(lesson)));
* 测试查询班级人数
public void testCountStudent() {
Long all = neoService.studentCount(null);
log.info("【全校人数】= {}", all);
Long seven = neoService.studentCount("第七班");
log.info("【第七班人数】= {}", seven);
* 测试根据课程查询同学关系
public void testFindClassmates() {
Map<String, List<Student>> classmates = neoService.findClassmatesGroupByLesson();
classmates.forEach((k, v) -> log.info("因为一起上了【{}】这门课,成为同学关系的有:{}", k, JSONUtil.toJsonStr(v.stream()
* 查询所有师生关系,包括班主任/学生,任课老师/学生
public void testFindTeacherStudent() {
Map<String, Set<Student>> teacherStudent = neoService.findTeacherStudent();
teacherStudent.forEach((k, v) -> log.info("【{}】教的学生有 {}", k, JSONUtil.toJsonStr(v.stream()
运行测试类之后,可以通过访问 http://localhost:7474 ,查看neo里所有节点和关系
- spring-data-neo4j 官方文档:https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/neo4j/docs/5.1.2.RELEASE/reference/html/
- neo4j 官方文档:https://neo4j.com/docs/getting-started/3.5/