diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index d43010e..33880d0 100755
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
# Changelog
+## [1.4.0](https://github.com/zhortech/ztcorekit-ios-sdk/-/tags/1.4.0) (2024-08-08)
+- Required version of iOS is now iOS 15
+- Refactored chunck dowload/upload mechanims, now using CoreData for effiency
+- Updated dependencies injection + updated to latest dependencies releases
+- Fixed Loggin mechanism, which was causing some crashes
## [1.3.2](https://github.com/zhortech/ztcorekit-ios-sdk/-/tags/1.3.2) (2024-05-14)
- fixed an issue where packet were not cached when network was not reachable to add them to database
@@ -126,7 +133,7 @@
## [1.1.90](https://github.com/zhortech/ztcorekit-ios-sdk/-/tags/1.1.90) (2023-07-19)
-- added new internal method `ZTSegmentData.updateSegments` to update segments by id with new status
+- added new internal method `ZTPacket.updateSegments` to update segments by id with new status
## [1.1.89](https://github.com/zhortech/ztcorekit-ios-sdk/-/tags/1.1.89) (2023-07-14)
diff --git a/Package.swift b/Package.swift
index 56b7cd0..6c7ecb6 100644
--- a/Package.swift
+++ b/Package.swift
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-// swift-tools-version:5.3
+// swift-tools-version:5.9
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "ZTCoreKit",
platforms: [
- .iOS(.v13)
+ .iOS(.v15)
products: [
diff --git a/Sources/ZTCoreKit.xcframework/ios-arm64/ZTCoreKit.framework/Database.momd/Database.mom b/Sources/ZTCoreKit.xcframework/ios-arm64/ZTCoreKit.framework/Database.momd/Database.mom
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce64693
Binary files /dev/null and b/Sources/ZTCoreKit.xcframework/ios-arm64/ZTCoreKit.framework/Database.momd/Database.mom differ
diff --git a/Sources/ZTCoreKit.xcframework/ios-arm64/ZTCoreKit.framework/Database.momd/VersionInfo.plist b/Sources/ZTCoreKit.xcframework/ios-arm64/ZTCoreKit.framework/Database.momd/VersionInfo.plist
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d54ed8
Binary files /dev/null and b/Sources/ZTCoreKit.xcframework/ios-arm64/ZTCoreKit.framework/Database.momd/VersionInfo.plist differ
diff --git a/Sources/ZTCoreKit.xcframework/ios-arm64/ZTCoreKit.framework/Headers/ZTCoreKit-Swift.h b/Sources/ZTCoreKit.xcframework/ios-arm64/ZTCoreKit.framework/Headers/ZTCoreKit-Swift.h
index 99a18be..5552d75 100644
--- a/Sources/ZTCoreKit.xcframework/ios-arm64/ZTCoreKit.framework/Headers/ZTCoreKit-Swift.h
+++ b/Sources/ZTCoreKit.xcframework/ios-arm64/ZTCoreKit.framework/Headers/ZTCoreKit-Swift.h
@@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ typedef unsigned int swift_uint4 __attribute__((__ext_vector_type__(4)));
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Watimport-in-framework-header"
@import CoreBluetooth;
+@import CoreData;
@import Dispatch;
@import Foundation;
@import ObjectiveC;
@@ -1246,10 +1247,6 @@ typedef SWIFT_ENUM(NSInteger, DFUUuidType, open) {
/// This converter converts Intel HEX file to BIN.
/// The Intel HEX specification can be found here:
/// link.
@@ -1271,7 +1268,6 @@ SWIFT_CLASS("_TtC9ZTCoreKit21IntelHex2BinConverter")
/// This initiator can be used to start a DFU process using Legacy DFU service.
/// The default DFUServiceInitiator
will select the proper executor based
/// on the discovered services. If you know your device supports the Legacy DFU you may
@@ -1318,9 +1314,6 @@ SWIFT_PROTOCOL("_TtP9ZTCoreKit14LoggerDelegate_")
/// This initiator can be used to start a DFU process using Secure DFU service.
/// The default DFUServiceInitiator
will select the proper executor based
/// on the discovered services. If you know your device supports the Secure DFU you may
@@ -1334,6 +1327,74 @@ SWIFT_CLASS("_TtC9ZTCoreKit25SecureDFUServiceInitiator")
+@class NSDate;
+@class NSMutableOrderedSet;
+@class NSEntityDescription;
+@class NSManagedObjectContext;
+/// Activity. It represents activity running on modules.
+@interface ZTActivity : NSManagedObject
+/// Activity Id
+@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString * _Nonnull id;
+/// Activity identifier
+@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString * _Nonnull activityIdentifier;
+/// Application Id
+@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString * _Nullable appId;
+/// Activity type
+@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString * _Nonnull activityType;
+/// Start date
+@property (nonatomic, copy) NSDate * _Nullable startDate;
+/// End date
+@property (nonatomic, copy) NSDate * _Nullable endDate;
+/// Start timestamp in ms from firmware
+@property (nonatomic) int64_t startTimestamp;
+/// End timestamp in ms from firmware
+@property (nonatomic) int64_t endTimestamp;
+/// Timezone abbreviation
+@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString * _Nullable tz;
+/// Activity status
+@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString * _Nullable status;
+/// Temporary cached packets
+@property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableOrderedSet * _Nullable packets;
+/// Information about the current activity
+@property (nonatomic, copy) NSData * _Nullable metaDataRawValue;
+/// Stop reason obtained from firmware
+@property (nonatomic, copy) NSData * _Nullable stopReasonRawValue;
+/// Is raw data enabled
+/// Used for Universal firmware
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL isRawDataMode;
+/// Is automatic activity
+/// Used for Safety
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL isAutomatic;
+/// Force stop for automatic activity
+/// Used for Safety
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL forceStop;
+/// Activity was interrupted e.g. in case of mobility scan
+@property (nonatomic) BOOL isInterrupted;
+/// Id of first chunk
+/// Used for Safety
+@property (nonatomic) int16_t firstChunkId;
+/// Id of last chunk
+/// Used for Safety
+@property (nonatomic) int16_t lastChunkId;
+/// Number of chunks for activity stored in firmware
+@property (nonatomic) int16_t chunkCount;
+/// Anchor timestamp defined with firmware MSG_TIME
+@property (nonatomic) int64_t anchorTimestamp;
+/// Start timestamp for custom activity
+@property (nonatomic) int64_t customActivityStartTimestamp;
+/// Start chunk id for custom activity
+@property (nonatomic) int16_t customActivityFirstChunkId;
+/// Firmware version for activity
+@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString * _Nullable fwVersion;
+/// Shoes serial number
+@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString * _Nullable shoesSerial;
+/// Initializer
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithEntity:(NSEntityDescription * _Nonnull)entity insertIntoManagedObjectContext:(NSManagedObjectContext * _Nullable)context OBJC_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
@@ -1424,52 +1485,40 @@ SWIFT_CLASS("_TtC9ZTCoreKit8ZTDevice")
-/// Class which implements the various URLSessionDelegate
methods to connect various Alamofire features.
-@interface ZTSessionDelegate : NSObject
-- (nonnull instancetype)init SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE;
-+ (nonnull instancetype)new SWIFT_UNAVAILABLE_MSG("-init is unavailable");
+/// Activity segment data
+@interface ZTPacket : NSManagedObject
+/// Packet identifier.
+@property (nonatomic) int16_t id;
+@property (nonatomic, copy) NSDate * _Nonnull createdAt;
+@property (nonatomic, copy) NSDate * _Nonnull fulfilledAt;
+@property (nonatomic, copy) NSDate * _Nullable scheduledDeleted;
+@property (nonatomic, copy) NSDate * _Nonnull sentAt;
+/// Raw data representing packet.
+@property (nonatomic, copy) NSData * _Nullable rawData;
+/// Activity to which packet belongs to.
+@property (nonatomic, strong) ZTActivity * _Nullable activity;
+/// Timestamp for packet.
+@property (nonatomic) int64_t timestamp;
+/// Packet’s duration/
+@property (nonatomic) int16_t duration;
+/// As CoreData can’t handle UInt8, we use Int16 to store all positive possible values of an UInt8.
+@property (nonatomic) int16_t statusRawValue;
+/// Original timestamp from packet data in millisecondss.
+@property (nonatomic) int64_t originalTimestamp;
+/// Number of packets.
+@property (nonatomic) int16_t packetsNumber;
+/// Firmware version.
+@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString * _Nullable fwVersion;
+/// Number of tries to download packet
+@property (nonatomic) int16_t retryCount;
+- (nonnull instancetype)initWithEntity:(NSEntityDescription * _Nonnull)entity insertIntoManagedObjectContext:(NSManagedObjectContext * _Nullable)context OBJC_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
-@class NSURLSession;
-@interface ZTSessionDelegate (SWIFT_EXTENSION(ZTCoreKit))
-- (void)URLSession:(NSURLSession * _Nonnull)session didBecomeInvalidWithError:(NSError * _Nullable)error;
-@class NSURLSessionDataTask;
-@class NSCachedURLResponse;
-@interface ZTSessionDelegate (SWIFT_EXTENSION(ZTCoreKit))
-- (void)URLSession:(NSURLSession * _Nonnull)session dataTask:(NSURLSessionDataTask * _Nonnull)dataTask didReceiveData:(NSData * _Nonnull)data;
-- (void)URLSession:(NSURLSession * _Nonnull)session dataTask:(NSURLSessionDataTask * _Nonnull)dataTask willCacheResponse:(NSCachedURLResponse * _Nonnull)proposedResponse completionHandler:(void (^ _Nonnull)(NSCachedURLResponse * _Nullable))completionHandler;
-@class NSURLSessionDownloadTask;
-@interface ZTSessionDelegate (SWIFT_EXTENSION(ZTCoreKit))
-- (void)URLSession:(NSURLSession * _Nonnull)session downloadTask:(NSURLSessionDownloadTask * _Nonnull)downloadTask didResumeAtOffset:(int64_t)fileOffset expectedTotalBytes:(int64_t)expectedTotalBytes;
-- (void)URLSession:(NSURLSession * _Nonnull)session downloadTask:(NSURLSessionDownloadTask * _Nonnull)downloadTask didWriteData:(int64_t)bytesWritten totalBytesWritten:(int64_t)totalBytesWritten totalBytesExpectedToWrite:(int64_t)totalBytesExpectedToWrite;
-- (void)URLSession:(NSURLSession * _Nonnull)session downloadTask:(NSURLSessionDownloadTask * _Nonnull)downloadTask didFinishDownloadingToURL:(NSURL * _Nonnull)location;
-@class NSURLSessionTask;
-@class NSURLAuthenticationChallenge;
-@class NSURLCredential;
-@class NSInputStream;
-@class NSHTTPURLResponse;
-@class NSURLRequest;
-@class NSURLSessionTaskMetrics;
-@interface ZTSessionDelegate (SWIFT_EXTENSION(ZTCoreKit))
-- (void)URLSession:(NSURLSession * _Nonnull)session task:(NSURLSessionTask * _Nonnull)task didReceiveChallenge:(NSURLAuthenticationChallenge * _Nonnull)challenge completionHandler:(void (^ _Nonnull)(NSURLSessionAuthChallengeDisposition, NSURLCredential * _Nullable))completionHandler;
-- (void)URLSession:(NSURLSession * _Nonnull)session task:(NSURLSessionTask * _Nonnull)task didSendBodyData:(int64_t)bytesSent totalBytesSent:(int64_t)totalBytesSent totalBytesExpectedToSend:(int64_t)totalBytesExpectedToSend;
-- (void)URLSession:(NSURLSession * _Nonnull)session task:(NSURLSessionTask * _Nonnull)task needNewBodyStream:(void (^ _Nonnull)(NSInputStream * _Nullable))completionHandler;
-- (void)URLSession:(NSURLSession * _Nonnull)session task:(NSURLSessionTask * _Nonnull)task willPerformHTTPRedirection:(NSHTTPURLResponse * _Nonnull)response newRequest:(NSURLRequest * _Nonnull)request completionHandler:(void (^ _Nonnull)(NSURLRequest * _Nullable))completionHandler;
-- (void)URLSession:(NSURLSession * _Nonnull)session task:(NSURLSessionTask * _Nonnull)task didFinishCollectingMetrics:(NSURLSessionTaskMetrics * _Nonnull)metrics;
-- (void)URLSession:(NSURLSession * _Nonnull)session task:(NSURLSessionTask * _Nonnull)task didCompleteWithError:(NSError * _Nullable)error;
-- (void)URLSession:(NSURLSession * _Nonnull)session taskIsWaitingForConnectivity:(NSURLSessionTask * _Nonnull)task SWIFT_AVAILABILITY(watchos,introduced=4.0) SWIFT_AVAILABILITY(tvos,introduced=11.0) SWIFT_AVAILABILITY(ios,introduced=11.0) SWIFT_AVAILABILITY(macos,introduced=10.13);
#if __has_attribute(external_source_symbol)
diff --git a/Sources/ZTCoreKit.xcframework/ios-arm64/ZTCoreKit.framework/Info.plist b/Sources/ZTCoreKit.xcframework/ios-arm64/ZTCoreKit.framework/Info.plist
index 5ab28d0..2f2efe8 100644
Binary files a/Sources/ZTCoreKit.xcframework/ios-arm64/ZTCoreKit.framework/Info.plist and b/Sources/ZTCoreKit.xcframework/ios-arm64/ZTCoreKit.framework/Info.plist differ
diff --git a/Sources/ZTCoreKit.xcframework/ios-arm64/ZTCoreKit.framework/Modules/ZTCoreKit.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.abi.json b/Sources/ZTCoreKit.xcframework/ios-arm64/ZTCoreKit.framework/Modules/ZTCoreKit.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.abi.json
index 9920d22..9777865 100644
--- a/Sources/ZTCoreKit.xcframework/ios-arm64/ZTCoreKit.framework/Modules/ZTCoreKit.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.abi.json
+++ b/Sources/ZTCoreKit.xcframework/ios-arm64/ZTCoreKit.framework/Modules/ZTCoreKit.swiftmodule/arm64-apple-ios.abi.json
@@ -4,6 +4,26 @@
"name": "TopLevel",
"printedName": "TopLevel",
"children": [
+ {
+ "kind": "Import",
+ "name": "Foundation",
+ "printedName": "Foundation",
+ "declKind": "Import",
+ "moduleName": "ZTCoreKit",
+ "declAttributes": [
+ "RawDocComment"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "kind": "Import",
+ "name": "CoreBluetooth",
+ "printedName": "CoreBluetooth",
+ "declKind": "Import",
+ "moduleName": "ZTCoreKit",
+ "declAttributes": [
+ "RawDocComment"
+ ]
+ },
"kind": "Import",
"name": "Foundation",
@@ -16,207 +36,68 @@
"kind": "TypeDecl",
- "name": "ZTAlgoStatus",
- "printedName": "ZTAlgoStatus",
+ "name": "ZTEnum",
+ "printedName": "ZTEnum",
"children": [
"kind": "Var",
- "name": "timestamp",
- "printedName": "timestamp",
- "children": [
- {
- "kind": "TypeFunc",
- "name": "Function",
- "printedName": "(ZTCoreKit.ZTAlgoStatus.Type) -> ZTCoreKit.ZTAlgoStatus",
- "children": [
- {
- "kind": "TypeNominal",
- "name": "ZTAlgoStatus",
- "printedName": "ZTCoreKit.ZTAlgoStatus",
- "usr": "s:9ZTCoreKit12ZTAlgoStatusO"
- },
- {
- "kind": "TypeNominal",
- "name": "Metatype",
- "printedName": "ZTCoreKit.ZTAlgoStatus.Type",
- "children": [
- {
- "kind": "TypeNominal",
- "name": "ZTAlgoStatus",
- "printedName": "ZTCoreKit.ZTAlgoStatus",
- "usr": "s:9ZTCoreKit12ZTAlgoStatusO"
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "declKind": "EnumElement",
- "usr": "s:9ZTCoreKit12ZTAlgoStatusO9timestampyA2CmF",
- "mangledName": "$s9ZTCoreKit12ZTAlgoStatusO9timestampyA2CmF",
- "moduleName": "ZTCoreKit"
- },
- {
- "kind": "Var",
- "name": "modeId",
- "printedName": "modeId",
- "children": [
- {
- "kind": "TypeFunc",
- "name": "Function",
- "printedName": "(ZTCoreKit.ZTAlgoStatus.Type) -> ZTCoreKit.ZTAlgoStatus",
- "children": [
- {
- "kind": "TypeNominal",
- "name": "ZTAlgoStatus",
- "printedName": "ZTCoreKit.ZTAlgoStatus",
- "usr": "s:9ZTCoreKit12ZTAlgoStatusO"
- },
- {
- "kind": "TypeNominal",
- "name": "Metatype",
- "printedName": "ZTCoreKit.ZTAlgoStatus.Type",
- "children": [
- {
- "kind": "TypeNominal",
- "name": "ZTAlgoStatus",
- "printedName": "ZTCoreKit.ZTAlgoStatus",
- "usr": "s:9ZTCoreKit12ZTAlgoStatusO"
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "declKind": "EnumElement",
- "usr": "s:9ZTCoreKit12ZTAlgoStatusO6modeIdyA2CmF",
- "mangledName": "$s9ZTCoreKit12ZTAlgoStatusO6modeIdyA2CmF",
- "moduleName": "ZTCoreKit"
- },
- {
- "kind": "Var",
- "name": "precisionMode",
- "printedName": "precisionMode",
- "children": [
- {
- "kind": "TypeFunc",
- "name": "Function",
- "printedName": "(ZTCoreKit.ZTAlgoStatus.Type) -> ZTCoreKit.ZTAlgoStatus",
- "children": [
- {
- "kind": "TypeNominal",
- "name": "ZTAlgoStatus",
- "printedName": "ZTCoreKit.ZTAlgoStatus",
- "usr": "s:9ZTCoreKit12ZTAlgoStatusO"
- },
- {
- "kind": "TypeNominal",
- "name": "Metatype",
- "printedName": "ZTCoreKit.ZTAlgoStatus.Type",
- "children": [
- {
- "kind": "TypeNominal",
- "name": "ZTAlgoStatus",
- "printedName": "ZTCoreKit.ZTAlgoStatus",
- "usr": "s:9ZTCoreKit12ZTAlgoStatusO"
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "declKind": "EnumElement",
- "usr": "s:9ZTCoreKit12ZTAlgoStatusO13precisionModeyA2CmF",
- "mangledName": "$s9ZTCoreKit12ZTAlgoStatusO13precisionModeyA2CmF",
- "moduleName": "ZTCoreKit"
- },
- {
- "kind": "Var",
- "name": "numberOfSteps",
- "printedName": "numberOfSteps",
+ "name": "description",
+ "printedName": "description",
"children": [
- "kind": "TypeFunc",
- "name": "Function",
- "printedName": "(ZTCoreKit.ZTAlgoStatus.Type) -> ZTCoreKit.ZTAlgoStatus",
- "children": [
- {
- "kind": "TypeNominal",
- "name": "ZTAlgoStatus",
- "printedName": "ZTCoreKit.ZTAlgoStatus",
- "usr": "s:9ZTCoreKit12ZTAlgoStatusO"
- },
- {
- "kind": "TypeNominal",
- "name": "Metatype",
- "printedName": "ZTCoreKit.ZTAlgoStatus.Type",
- "children": [
- {
- "kind": "TypeNominal",
- "name": "ZTAlgoStatus",
- "printedName": "ZTCoreKit.ZTAlgoStatus",
- "usr": "s:9ZTCoreKit12ZTAlgoStatusO"
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
+ "kind": "TypeNominal",
+ "name": "String",
+ "printedName": "Swift.String",
+ "usr": "s:SS"
- "declKind": "EnumElement",
- "usr": "s:9ZTCoreKit12ZTAlgoStatusO13numberOfStepsyA2CmF",
- "mangledName": "$s9ZTCoreKit12ZTAlgoStatusO13numberOfStepsyA2CmF",
- "moduleName": "ZTCoreKit"
- },
- {
- "kind": "Constructor",
- "name": "init",
- "printedName": "init(rawValue:)",
- "children": [
+ "declKind": "Var",
+ "usr": "s:9ZTCoreKit6ZTEnumP11descriptionSSvp",
+ "mangledName": "$s9ZTCoreKit6ZTEnumP11descriptionSSvp",
+ "moduleName": "ZTCoreKit",
+ "protocolReq": true,
+ "accessors": [
- "kind": "TypeNominal",
- "name": "Optional",
- "printedName": "ZTCoreKit.ZTAlgoStatus?",
+ "kind": "Accessor",
+ "name": "Get",
+ "printedName": "Get()",
"children": [
"kind": "TypeNominal",
- "name": "ZTAlgoStatus",
- "printedName": "ZTCoreKit.ZTAlgoStatus",
- "usr": "s:9ZTCoreKit12ZTAlgoStatusO"
+ "name": "String",
+ "printedName": "Swift.String",
+ "usr": "s:SS"
- "usr": "s:Sq"
- },
- {
- "kind": "TypeNominal",
- "name": "UInt8",
- "printedName": "Swift.UInt8",
- "usr": "s:s5UInt8V"
+ "declKind": "Accessor",
+ "usr": "s:9ZTCoreKit6ZTEnumP11descriptionSSvg",
+ "mangledName": "$s9ZTCoreKit6ZTEnumP11descriptionSSvg",
+ "moduleName": "ZTCoreKit",
+ "genericSig": "<τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : ZTCoreKit.ZTEnum>",
+ "sugared_genericSig": "",
+ "protocolReq": true,
+ "reqNewWitnessTableEntry": true,
+ "accessorKind": "get"
- ],
- "declKind": "Constructor",
- "usr": "s:9ZTCoreKit12ZTAlgoStatusO8rawValueACSgs5UInt8V_tcfc",
- "mangledName": "$s9ZTCoreKit12ZTAlgoStatusO8rawValueACSgs5UInt8V_tcfc",
- "moduleName": "ZTCoreKit",
- "implicit": true,
- "init_kind": "Designated"
+ ]
"kind": "Var",
- "name": "rawValue",
- "printedName": "rawValue",
+ "name": "description",
+ "printedName": "description",
"children": [
"kind": "TypeNominal",
- "name": "UInt8",
- "printedName": "Swift.UInt8",
- "usr": "s:s5UInt8V"
+ "name": "String",
+ "printedName": "Swift.String",
+ "usr": "s:SS"
"declKind": "Var",
- "usr": "s:9ZTCoreKit12ZTAlgoStatusO8rawValues5UInt8Vvp",
- "mangledName": "$s9ZTCoreKit12ZTAlgoStatusO8rawValues5UInt8Vvp",
+ "usr": "s:9ZTCoreKit6ZTEnumPAAE11descriptionSSvp",
+ "mangledName": "$s9ZTCoreKit6ZTEnumPAAE11descriptionSSvp",
"moduleName": "ZTCoreKit",
- "implicit": true,
+ "isFromExtension": true,
"accessors": [
"kind": "Accessor",
@@ -225,73 +106,39 @@
"children": [
"kind": "TypeNominal",
- "name": "UInt8",
- "printedName": "Swift.UInt8",
- "usr": "s:s5UInt8V"
+ "name": "String",
+ "printedName": "Swift.String",
+ "usr": "s:SS"
"declKind": "Accessor",
- "usr": "s:9ZTCoreKit12ZTAlgoStatusO8rawValues5UInt8Vvg",
- "mangledName": "$s9ZTCoreKit12ZTAlgoStatusO8rawValues5UInt8Vvg",
+ "usr": "s:9ZTCoreKit6ZTEnumPAAE11descriptionSSvg",
+ "mangledName": "$s9ZTCoreKit6ZTEnumPAAE11descriptionSSvg",
"moduleName": "ZTCoreKit",
- "implicit": true,
+ "genericSig": "<τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : ZTCoreKit.ZTEnum>",
+ "sugared_genericSig": "",
+ "isFromExtension": true,
"accessorKind": "get"
- "declKind": "Enum",
- "usr": "s:9ZTCoreKit12ZTAlgoStatusO",
- "mangledName": "$s9ZTCoreKit12ZTAlgoStatusO",
+ "declKind": "Protocol",
+ "usr": "s:9ZTCoreKit6ZTEnumP",
+ "mangledName": "$s9ZTCoreKit6ZTEnumP",
"moduleName": "ZTCoreKit",
+ "genericSig": "<τ_0_0 : Swift.Decodable, τ_0_0 : Swift.Encodable>",
+ "sugared_genericSig": "",
"declAttributes": [
- "AccessControl",
- "RawDocComment"
+ "AccessControl"
- "enumRawTypeName": "UInt8",
"conformances": [
"kind": "Conformance",
- "name": "Equatable",
- "printedName": "Equatable",
- "usr": "s:SQ",
- "mangledName": "$sSQ"
- },
- {
- "kind": "Conformance",
- "name": "Hashable",
- "printedName": "Hashable",
- "usr": "s:SH",
- "mangledName": "$sSH"
- },
- {
- "kind": "Conformance",
- "name": "RawRepresentable",
- "printedName": "RawRepresentable",
- "children": [
- {
- "kind": "TypeWitness",
- "name": "RawValue",
- "printedName": "RawValue",
- "children": [
- {
- "kind": "TypeNominal",
- "name": "UInt8",
- "printedName": "Swift.UInt8",
- "usr": "s:s5UInt8V"
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "usr": "s:SY",
- "mangledName": "$sSY"
- },
- {
- "kind": "Conformance",
- "name": "ZTEnum",
- "printedName": "ZTEnum",
- "usr": "s:9ZTCoreKit6ZTEnumP",
- "mangledName": "$s9ZTCoreKit6ZTEnumP"
+ "name": "Encodable",
+ "printedName": "Encodable",
+ "usr": "s:SE",
+ "mangledName": "$sSE"
"kind": "Conformance",
@@ -299,63 +146,9 @@
"printedName": "Decodable",
"usr": "s:Se",
"mangledName": "$sSe"
- },
- {
- "kind": "Conformance",
- "name": "Encodable",
- "printedName": "Encodable",
- "usr": "s:SE",
- "mangledName": "$sSE"
- {
- "kind": "Import",
- "name": "CoreBluetooth",
- "printedName": "CoreBluetooth",
- "declKind": "Import",
- "moduleName": "ZTCoreKit",
- "declAttributes": [
- "RawDocComment"
- ]
- },
- {
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