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118 lines (72 loc) · 6.19 KB

File metadata and controls

118 lines (72 loc) · 6.19 KB

针对AnalyticDB for mysql 分析数据库编译的metabase版本,AnalyticDB for mysql 不兼容 mariadb-connector-j 驱动程序,找阿里无解的情况下,修改了mariadb-connector-j驱动,主要是修改了AnalyticDB for mysql 不支持的类型,然后重新编译打包,使用上和官方用法一样。

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经过和阿里云的多次沟通,阿里云也在积极收集问题和改进,目前大部份数据库类型和语法都兼容了,后续不在更新AnalyticDB for mysql 的版本进行编译了,在配置连接AnalyticDB for mysql注意加额外连接参数tinyInt1isBit=false,如下图: 配置连接AnalyticDB for mysql


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Quick Setup: Dev environment

In order to spin up a development environment, you need to start the front end and the backend as follows:

Frontend quick setup

The following command will install the Javascript dependencies:

$ yarn install

To build and run without watching changes:

$ yarn build

To build and run with hot-reload:

$ yarn build-hot

Backend quick setup

In order to run the backend, you'll need to build the drivers first, and then start the backend:

$ ./bin/
$ clojure -M:run

For a more detailed setup of a dev environment for Metabase, check out our Developers Guide.


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Extending Metabase

Hit our Query API from Javascript to integrate analytics. Metabase enables your application to:

  • Build moderation interfaces.
  • Export subsets of your users to third party marketing automation software.
  • Provide a custom customer lookup application for the people in your company.

Check out our guide, Working with the Metabase API.

Security Disclosure

See for details.


This repository contains the source code for both the Open Source edition of Metabase, released under the AGPL, as well as the commercial editions of Metabase, which are released under the Metabase Commercial Software License.

See LICENSE.txt for details.

Unless otherwise noted, all files © 2025 Metabase, Inc.

If you’d like more technical resources to set up your data stack with Metabase, connect with a Metabase Expert.


  • 对MySQL/MariaDB 驱动时行了修改,主要兼容adb 不支持无符号类型
  • 对发送邮件进行宽屏显示
  • 修改了对adb 不支持的语句