This project implements a binocular stereo vision system on an FPGA platform. It uses a binocular module to capture images from different positions, caculates the positional deviation between the corresponding points in these two images, and outputs the diparity diagram and the depth information on a HDMI monitor.
This project is originally designed for a student contest in the 2019 SEU-Xilinx International Summer School.
Sincere appreciation to Xilinx for sponsoring this project.
Here are instructions about how to setup this stereo vision system on your FPGA board.
- Xilinx Vivado (including SDK & HLS) 2018.2
- PYNQ-Z2 Development Board
- A binocular vision module with two OV5640 cameras
- A HDMI monitor
This project is developed and tested with Xilinx Vivado Suite 2018.2, but it should work with newer versions.
The PYNQ operating system is not used in this project, so you can port this project to other ZYNQ platforms at will.
This PYNQ-Z2 board has only two PMOD interfaces, so we connect the FPGA with the binocular module by the Raspberry PI GPIOs.
The stereo vision component is written in Vivado HLS, so please follow these steps to generate and export the IP core.
All the relevant HLS C++ files can be found in \$REPO_PATH/hls/src
A Tcl script named make.tcl
is included in \$REPO_PATH/hls
. You can use vivado_hls
to execute it in the Vivado HLS Prompt.
vivado_hls $REPO_PATH/hls/make.tcl
This project will create a HLS project in \$REPO_PATH/work/sv_hls
, and you need to extract the exported IP to the IP repository folder (\$REPO_PATH/ip_repo
). The following Vivado building scripts will search for third-part and user-defined IP cores in this folder.
You can "source" scripts in your Vivado Tcl Console to build the Vivado project. These scripts will import RTL files, third-part IPs, SDK C++ files and other necessary files.
set argv [list project=sv_fpga sdk=yes version_override=yes]
set argc [llength $argv]
source "$REPO_PATH/hw/make.tcl" -notrace
Due to the maximum path length limitation on Windows (<260), do NOT specify a very long project name.
The default building path is \$REPO_PATH/work/\$PROJ_NAME
This is an open-source project, so if you want to contribute, just open issues and create pull-requests.