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[General] Paymaster - How to send all the refunded ETH back to the user #278

Closed Answered by StanislavBreadless
lutr0 asked this question in General
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Hey! The _maxRefundedGas is the number of how much gas (not ETH) has been left after all the execution steps.

It does not include:

  • The fact that paymaster itself will consume a certain amount of gas in the postOp.
  • Potential refunds that might come from places like a storage slot that has not been edited.

If you try to refund the user with anything above, then _maxRefundedGas there might be situations when the paymaster will not get compensated.

A more correct way for implementing functionality like these is: to send something around block.gasprice * (_maxRefundedGas - PAYMASTER_GAS to the user), where PAYMASTER_GAS is some constant of how much gas a paymaster is expected to consume. How…

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general General question gas Gas related question aa Question related to Account Abstraction
6 participants