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Run Specmatic Kafka Contract Test on AWS Lambda with Amazon MSK on LocalStack using AsyncAPI 3.0

This project demonstrates below aspects

  • Setting up AWS Lambda to consume messages from Amazon MSK (Kafka), all running locally using LocalStack.
  • Contract Test the Lambda based on AsyncAPI 3.0 spec using Specmatic Kafka Support (#NOCODE #LOWCODE approach)

🚀 Prerequisites

1. Install Docker Desktop and AWS CLI

Please make sure you have Docker Desktop installed on your machine.

If you don’t have the AWS CLI installed, install it from: AWS CLI installation

2. Install LocalStack

You can install LocalStack via pip:

brew install localstack

Signup with localstack to get an Auth Token (choose an appropriate license - Example: Trial or Hobby licence).

3. Create a Fake AWS Profile for LocalStack

Since LocalStack is a mock AWS environment, configure a fake profile:

aws configure --profile localstack
  • AWS Access Key: test
  • AWS Secret Access Key: test
  • Region: us-east-1
  • Output Format: json

🛠️ Set Up Kafka & Lambda in LocalStack

1️⃣ Start LocalStack with persistence enabled

localstack auth set-token <your-auth-token>

Troubleshooting vmnetd issues with Docker on MacOS

Please refer to GitHub comment.

🚀 Setting up Kafka cluster

2️⃣ Create an Amazon Kafka MSK Cluster

aws kafka create-cluster \
    --cluster-name my-kafka-cluster \
    --kafka-version 2.8.1 \
    --broker-node-group-info file://broker-config.json \
    --number-of-broker-nodes 1 \
    --region us-east-1 \
    --profile localstack \

3️⃣ Verify the Kafka Cluster

aws kafka list-clusters \
    --region us-east-1 \
    --profile localstack \

Please save the value of the ClusterArn field in the response. You will need to use this in some of the next steps where you see <YOUR_CLUSTER_ARN>.

4️⃣ Get Kafka Bootstrap Brokers

aws kafka get-bootstrap-brokers \
    --cluster-arn "<YOUR_CLUSTER_ARN>" \
    --profile localstack \

Example Response:

    "BootstrapBrokerString": ""

5️⃣ Create Kafka Topics

Pre-requisite: Install Kafka on your local machine to use the command.

kafka-topics --create \
    --bootstrap-server \
    --replication-factor 1 \
    --partitions 1 \
    --topic io.specmatic.json.request
kafka-topics --create \
    --bootstrap-server \
    --replication-factor 1 \
    --partitions 1 \
    --topic io.specmatic.json.reply

6️⃣ Deploy AWS Lambda

Pre-requisite: Use JDK 17, for example if you are using jenv, please run: jenv local 17

From the project root folder:

Build the project and create a fat jar

./gradlew clean shadowJar

Deploy the fat jar as a lambda function

aws lambda create-function \
    --function-name LambdaToKafka \
    --runtime java17 \
    --role arn:aws:iam::000000000000:role/lambda-role \
    --handler com.example.XsdMessageHandler \
    --zip-file fileb://build/libs/aws-lambda-kafka.jar \
    --timeout 30 \
    --memory-size 512 \
    --region us-east-1 \
    --profile localstack \

Use q to quit.

7️⃣ Verify Lambda Deployment

aws lambda list-functions --profile localstack --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566

Search for the function LambdaToKafka using / and q to quit.

8️⃣ Create Event Source Mapping for Kafka

aws lambda create-event-source-mapping \
    --function-name LambdaToKafka \
    --event-source-arn "<YOUR_CLUSTER_ARN>" \
    --topics "io.specmatic.json.request" \
    --starting-position LATEST \
    --region us-east-1 \
    --profile localstack \

Use q to quit.

Testing the Lambda function:

Publish a message on the io.specmatic.json.request topic:

kafka-console-producer --broker-list localhost:4511 --topic io.specmatic.json.request

Copy and paste the following json object and press enter:

{"id": 1, "xsd": "xsd 1"}

Press Ctrl+D.

Verify message on the io.specmatic.json.reply topic:

kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:4511 --topic io.specmatic.json.reply --from-beginning

You should see the following message :

{"id": 1, "json": "Converted from XSD"}

If you don't see this message, check the logs for your lambda function:

aws logs tail /aws/lambda/LambdaToKafka --follow \
    --profile localstack \

Run Specmatic Kafka Contract Tests using AsyncAPI spec

This step now uses Specmatic Kafka Support to leverage AsyncAPI 3.0 spec to contract test the above Lambda setup. The AsyncAPI 3.0 spec models the Event Driven Architecture, the topics and the schema of messages sent / received on those topics.

Please keep your Local Stack running for this next step.

  ./gradlew test

You should now see the interactive Specmatic Kafka HTML test report here - build/reports/index.html. The report has drill down details on the messages sent and received on the Kafka topics and if the messages are as per the schema in AsyncAPI spec.

Shutdown LocalStack

localstack stop


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