Releases: zopencommunity/vimport
vim (Build 1617) - (STABLE)
vim editor
Test Status: Blue (5344 tests pass out of 5383 tests - 99.28% success rate)
Runtime Dependencies: ncurses
Build Dependencies: comp_xlclang coreutils curl diffutils findutils gawk git jq make ncurses sed zoslib
Command to download and install on z/OS (if you have curl)
curl -o vim-master.20231108_235032.zos.pax.Z -L && pax -rf vim-master.20231108_235032.zos.pax.Z && cd vim-master && . ./.env
Or use:
zopen install vim
vim (Build 1493) - (STABLE)
vim editor
Test Status: Blue (5323 tests pass out of 5360 tests - 99.31% success rate)
Runtime Dependencies: ncurses
Build Dependencies: comp_xlclang coreutils diffutils findutils gawk git make ncurses sed zoslib
Command to download and install on z/OS (if you have curl)
curl -o vim-master.20231020_134515.zos.pax.Z -L && pax -rf vim-master.20231020_134515.zos.pax.Z && cd vim-master && . ./.env
Or use:
zopen install vim
vim (Build 1473) - (STABLE)
vim editor
Test Status: Blue (5323 tests pass out of 5361 tests - 99.29% success rate)
Runtime Dependencies: ncurses
Build Dependencies: comp_xlclang coreutils diffutils findutils gawk git make ncurses sed zoslib
Command to download and install on z/OS (if you have curl)
curl -o vim-master.20231018_155457.zos.pax.Z -L && pax -rf vim-master.20231018_155457.zos.pax.Z && cd vim-master && . ./.env
Or use:
zopen install vim
vim (Build 1456) - (STABLE)
vim editor
Test Status: Blue (5307 tests pass out of 5349 tests - 99.21% success rate)
Runtime Dependencies: ncurses
Build Dependencies: comp_xlclang coreutils diffutils findutils gawk git make ncurses sed zoslib
Command to download and install on z/OS (if you have curl)
curl -o vim-master.20231016_215435.zos.pax.Z -L && pax -rf vim-master.20231016_215435.zos.pax.Z && cd vim-master && . ./.env
Or use:
zopen install vim
vim (Build 1447) - (STABLE)
vim editor
Test Status: Blue (5295 tests pass out of 5336 tests - 99.23% success rate)
Runtime Dependencies: ncurses
Build Dependencies: comp_xlclang coreutils diffutils findutils gawk git make ncurses sed zoslib
Command to download and install on z/OS (if you have curl)
curl -o vim-master.20231010_185152.zos.pax.Z -L && pax -rf vim-master.20231010_185152.zos.pax.Z && cd vim-master && . ./.env
Or use:
zopen install vim
vim 0.3.0-dt-stable 9.0.1897 (Build 1244) - (STABLE)
vim editor
Test Status: Green (1 tests pass out of 1 tests - 100.00% success rate)
Runtime Dependencies: ncurses
Build Dependencies: comp_xlclang coreutils diffutils findutils gawk git make ncurses sed zoslib
Command to download and install on z/OS (if you have curl)
curl -o vim-master.20230912_211137.zos.pax.Z -L && pax -rf vim-master.20230912_211137.zos.pax.Z && cd vim-master && . ./.env
Or use:
zopen install vim
vim 0.3.0-dt-stable 9.0.1897 (Build 1238) - (STABLE)
vim editor
Test Status: Green (1 tests pass out of 1 tests - 100.00% success rate)
Runtime Dependencies: ncurses
Build Dependencies: comp_xlclang coreutils diffutils findutils gawk git make ncurses sed zoslib
Command to download and install on z/OS (if you have curl)
curl -o vim-master.20230912_090515.zos.pax.Z -L && pax -rf vim-master.20230912_090515.zos.pax.Z && cd vim-master && . ./.env
Or use:
zopen install vim
vim editor
Test Status: Green (1 tests pass out of 1 tests - 100.00% success rate)
Runtime Dependencies: No dependencies
Build Dependencies: comp_xlclang coreutils diffutils findutils gawk git make ncurses sed zoslib
Command to download and install on z/OS (if you have curl)
curl -o vim-master.20230707_142419.zos.pax.Z -L && pax -rf vim-master.20230707_142419.zos.pax.Z && cd vim-master && . ./.env
Or use:
zopen install vim
vim 9.0.1673 (Build 1133)
vim editor
Test Status: Green (1 tests pass out of 1 tests - 100.00% success rate)
Runtime Dependencies: No dependencies
Build Dependencies: comp_xlclang coreutils diffutils findutils gawk git make ncurses sed zoslib
Command to download and install on z/OS (if you have curl)
curl -o vim-master.20230707_142419.zos.pax.Z -L && pax -rf vim-master.20230707_142419.zos.pax.Z && cd vim-master && . ./.env
Or use:
zopen install vim
vim editor
Test Status: Green (1 tests pass out of 1 tests - 100.00% success rate)
Runtime Dependencies: No dependencies
Build Dependencies: coreutils diffutils findutils gawk git make ncurses sed zoslib
Command to download and install on z/OS (if you have curl)
curl -o vim-master.20230424_010051.zos.pax.Z -L && pax -rf vim-master.20230424_010051.zos.pax.Z && cd vim-master && . ./.env
Or use:
zopen install vim